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Unread 08-29-2009   #1
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
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Claire's Project (Incomplete)

This is the first time I've posted this story at a site other than the Transformansion!!

It is based off that site's premise of having a magical house dedicated to guests that love transformation. I would love to thank everyone that has read this story so far, hopefully one day this writer's block will loosen it's grip and I'll be back to write more of it.

And on a side note I have commissioned Sutibaru and he's working on drawing one of my favorite scenes!! Look for it in the near future!!!

WARNING!!! Contains depictions of graphic sexual scenes. Reader discretion is advised!!!

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 08-29-2009 at 01:18 PM.
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Unread 08-29-2009   #2
Tieing a Knot Or two
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
Posts: 19,660
Re: **Claire's Project**


A beautiful strawberry blond backs away and sits down on a bed with a large smile on her face. The room is a little messy with Coke cans and paperwork all over. And you can barely hear the Weather Channel deliver a forecast on the T.V. in the corner.

"Mr. Peterson it's me Claire Pierce. I'd like to present you with my final project of the year. I am doing a documentary about a local legend that's been around for ages."

She changes position now sitting Indian style on the bed. Her smile fades showing only a face that's both sad and afraid.

"I am now in a hotel room just outside of a small town by the name of **d**i*y. They say that deep in the north woods past town there is an old trail that's easy to spot. If I walk far enough down the trail I should reach a natural spring that is said to be haunted by the spirits of several people that have drowned there. One man told me not to even swim because I could be pulled under by one of the vengeful dead."

She reaches behind her and pulls out a small colorful bikini. Her smile returns as she holds it out in front of her.

"You know that I always try to do a thorough job. "

She sets the bikini down on the bed and walks back to the camera turning it off.


"Alright I think I've got it!"

All you can see is darkness until Claire slowly pulls back. Her bountiful cleavage is your entire view before she sits down and starts the car. She drives out of the hotel parking lot and starts picking up speed before she turns for a second to smile.

"I was told that It's not too far from here. Just a few miles down the road."

After a moment of complete silence Claire turns to the camera again.

"It's funny how some of the crazier locals think that this natural spring is involved in quite a few out-of-state disappearances. They asked me if I could just forget about it and go somewhere else. This makes me wonder. Are they really afraid for my life? Or are they just hiding something?"

"I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I've got my camping equipment and enough food to last a week. I'm hoping to either disprove all this nonsense or catch the paranormal activity on tape. I guess there's a third outcome too, but I highly doubt that I'll end up being another missing person's case."

Claire continues down the road looking around the wood-line trying to find the right spot.

"I'm supposed to be able to see it from the road. It's not quite summer, but that doesn't mean the local teens haven't already came up here to swim yet this year."

All of a sudden the look of excitement comes over her face and she pulls to a stop at the side of the road. She looks right at the camera with a smile on her face.

"Just like I thought! A well worn trail."

She reaches behind the camera turning it off.


You can see Claire's boots before she raises the camera giving a panoramic view across the entrance of a trail.

"This path has to be traveled on at least daily. There's even a few fresh footprints!"

She lowers the camera bringing into view a large set of shoe prints sunk deep in the muddy soil. Claire turns the camera around showing her award-winning smile. The backpack she was wearing looked as if it was bursting with gear.

"Well here I go."

Claire enters the path at a brisk pace. With in a minute the woods around her grew dense. The farther she walks into the forest the more it seems like the sunlight just couldn't fight it's way down to her.

"Wow, I can barely even see ten feet in front of me! It's still early in the afternoon so I should have plenty of time to set up camp and start my investigation. That is if I don't get lost out here in the dark."

It gets even darker before you can see a pinpoint of light in the distance. Slowly the spot grows revealing itself as a clearing.

"I think I'm getting close."

About a minute later Claire emerges into a rocky clearing surrounded by the dense forest. In the center was a shimmering crystal clear body of water which looked beautiful as it reflected a small amount of daylight.

"I'm going to have so much fun filming this!!!"


You see the spring before you shining like a diamond in the rough. The clearing contained a few stray boulders, a large tree, and some bushes that seemed to grow in at just the right spots. Claire walks into vision wearing her small two-piece bikini.

"I've searched the wood-line around the spring, and it seems almost impossible to break through without a chainsaw."

She faces the camera and walks closer to it showing off her tanned skin and lean body.

"The maps of this area show that this forest goes on for miles. I'm starting to think that the spring has nothing to do with the disappearances at all. It makes more sense that these people wandered off into the woods and couldn't find their way back. But I can't conclude anything without searching the water."

Claire then begins doing a little bit of stretching before the camera. She starts by bending down to touch her toes doing so with ease. Next she does some jumping-jacks sending her confined C cup tits into a performance of their own. Finally she arches her back raising her arms back behind her head. She looks into the camera with an embarrassed smile on her face.

"Heh, I've got to make sure I don't get a muscle cramp."

Claire slowly walks up to the spring putting her toes in to test the water's temperature.

"This is fascinating! It's only sixty degrees out here, but this water feels like it is at least room temperature."

Claire stares out into the water for several seconds until diving in head first. She creates a small splash and barely even one ripple. Then she surfaces halfway across the spring and swims back to the edge looking at the camera.

"This thing is deeper than I thought. And the water just feels amazing against my skin. I'm not sure how it is possible for the water to be so warm. Maybe it's like those hot springs that have a volcanic source."

Claire casually swims around having more fun than is usually allowed when doing a collegiate project. Claire finally turns back to the camera with a wild look in her eye.

"I want to see how deep this goes. Who knows what could be down there. Maybe I'll even find one those missing people."

She swims out to the center of the spring and dives down kicking her way to the bottom. You can see bubbles rise and the water churn for a minute while she forces her way down. Then suddenly a rather large bubble pops at the surface and the churning stops making the water just as still before Claire started her swim.

Several minutes passed without any sign of Claire anywhere in the water. The surface was a calm sheet of glass not disturbed by even insects.

After thirty minutes under the water it starts to look rather gloomy for Claire who if she was down there had more than tripled the world record for holding one's breath.

Then without notice Claire burst out of the water and looks around the clearing frantically. She sees her camera still rolling and quickly swims up to the edge near it scrabbling up onto the rocky shore. She clears the gap between herself and the camera instantly shoving her face up to the lens for an ultimate close-up. The look of excitement is etched across her face as she begins to speak.

"There is no way that just happened. I had to be dreaming. I swam down as far as I could and even touched the bottom of the spring. It's water is so clean and clear that I could see the entire spring down there, and there was definitely no dead bodies."

"But, when I swam back to the surface the clearing was gone!!! Not just the clearing, but the forest vanished too. All of this was replaced by a large field of grains that surrounded me as I climbed out of the water."

She quickly takes a breath and looks around her.

"There is no way that could have happened, but I had somehow swam quite a few miles in a few minutes leaving this dense forest behind for an expansive plain. In the distance I could see a large house that sort of looked out of place without any kind of road leading to it."

"Maybe I hit my head on the bottom and imagined it all. Yeah that has to be it!!!"

She says reaching behind the camera halting it's recording.

Claire walks around in front of the camera calmly drinking a can of Coke. She is still wearing her bathing suit which is dripping wet like she had just got back from a swim.

"Okay, well first off I just need to say that I'm pretty sure I'm not going insane. I checked the footage from my camera and was astounded. I was under the water for over 35 minutes!!!"

She starts pacing in front of the camera leaving a small trail from her dripping wet bikini.

"There is no chance that I was passed out under the water for that long. So I took a chance and dove back in."

She stops dead center in front of the camera and takes a long gulp from her Coke.

"I guess that there's no other way to say this, and you may think that I'm crazy, but ...... the spring is a gateway!!! I don't know how it is possible, but it's true!"

"This must be the find of the century!! I'm not sure what forces are at work here, but I'm pretty sure that the answers are on the other side of the spring."

"That's why I've decided to pack up camp and attempt to take it all with me this time."

Claire's Project
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Unread 08-29-2009   #3
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Location: Breaking Down The Walls Of Your Imagination.
Posts: 19,660
Re: **Claire's Project**

Claire Enters The Mansion

You see Claire walking into frame. She is no longer in the clearing, nor is she in a vast plain. Instead she is sitting down on an old comfy bed surrounded by an antique vanity, and a fine looking maple desk. She is no longer wearing her bathing suit, and instead looks warm and dry dressed in a nice white button-up blouse.

"This is just getting curiouser and curiouser. I set up camp again and set to work searching the area for any sign of where I was at. Finally I realized that I was definitely miles from any civilization at all, except for a large mansion which I now find myself in."

She stops, taking a drink from a glass that she had sat on the desk. She carefully sets if back down on the desk making sure she doesn't spill a drop.

"I was greeted at the door by Lord Hugo Prosperio. He says that he owns this mansion and the 100's of acres that surround it. He's quite nice, but didn't seem like he was willing to answer my questions. He acted like he had no idea what I was talking about when I brought up the missing person's reports. When I asked for permission to camp out by his spring, Mr. Prosperio told me that he insisted that I use one of his guest bedrooms instead."

"On my way to this room he took me on a small tour of the mansion. This place is just huge! From the inside it looks quite a lot larger that I thought it was. Hugo took me down a few long hallways many of which had no doors it them at all. At least I was given a room with a view. With all of the twists and turns He took me around I really couldn't tell you where I'm at in the mansion. All that I can say is that I'm on the third floor, and not on the side of the house that's facing the spring."

"After I had enough time to change Hugo returned with a plate of food a ice cold glass of Coke. He invited me to make myself at home here and told me that I was welcome to join him in his study later."

She takes another gulp from her glass before returning her attention to the camera.

"I may just take him up on that. Who knows maybe I'll be able to get some answers out of him."

She rises off the bed and walks toward the camera turning it off.

You see the hallway moving past you at a steady pace. Strait down narrow corridors with little to no light in spots. When she turns the camera towards the windows you see the moonlight shimmering off the spring in the distance.

"I still can't get over what happened to me. How on Earth could I be here?"

Claire turns down another hallway and strait into a dead end. Before her was a large wooden door.

"You mean that I've been going in the wrong direction. This can't...."

She tries the door finding it unlocked. She swings it open and enters a spacious room with very high ceilings.

"Oh wow, I definitely didn't go here on the tour."

Before her is a table with snacks and a bowl of punch. On the other end of the room is a large television set up with an entertainment center. There are several chairs and a couch surrounding it. But the thing that stands out the most is the girl standing on the other side of the table.

"Oh my God!!"

Before her stands a 9' 5" brunette giantess with hair flowing down past her shoulders. Her clothes look beyond skin tight, and at their final breaking point. Her tee shirt was splitting at all it's seams and was lucky to still be wrapping a very large pair of breasts. Her jean shorts are now an uncomfortable thong that is ready to snap at any minute. She looks quite surprised looking down at Claire's camera and finally realizes she is being filmed.

"There's no way I'm going to let you film me half naked!!!" the giantess shouts and runs toward a door that has to be built for someone at least 12' tall. The giantess looks like a child trying to open this door, but got it open and closes it behind her.

"Did I just imagine that? What was in that food?!?"

Claire walks into view taking a seat on the couch holding a golden apple in her right hand. You can see the table of food far in the background.

"I don't know how it is possible, but after reviewing the tape I have no choice but to believe it. That girl had to be almost ten feet tall."

She takes a bite out of the juicy apple savoring it for a minute before swallowing.

"I swear, every second in this mansion feels like a dream."

Then before our eyes Claire starts to shrink. At first the buttons on her blouse begin to loosen up a bit. She takes one more bite out of the apple not noticing how large it's starting to look in her hands.

"Maybe I'm getting delirious and should just try to find my way back to my room. I could always try to talk Mr. Prosperio into an interview tomorrow."

When Claire brought the apple to her lips again she is astonished. It is almost the size of her head.

"Oh my God!!"

Claire drops the apple and looks around the room. The long sleeves of her blouse are starting to fall down past her fingertips. Her clothes begin to engulf her as she looks down at herself.

"Oh my God!!!"

Her shrinking continues bringing Claire down to the size of a small child. Her feet can no longer reach the floor so she scrambles to the edge of the couch and drops down. As she does this her blue jeans fall around her ankles. Claire's now so small that her head barely rises over the back of the couch. She looks up at the camera with an frantic and embarrassed look on her face, and quickly closes the small distance turning it off.

Claire's tiny form backs away from the camera toward the entertainment center. Now with a closer look you can see that the shelves next to the television are over-stuffed with objects. There are many different board games, a large selection of paperback novels, and hundreds of DVDs. Claire was now only wearing her white blouse quick she had wrapped around her like a dress.

"Earlier this afternoon, I would have told you that things like this are impossible. But you can't deny proof! Just look at me!! I'm barley over two feet tall!!"

Claire begins pacing again in front of the television, which at her new size is larger than she is. She looks over at the camera and sighs.

"Now my camera is so large that I was barely able to move it over to this chair before dropping it. I'm so small that I can't even reach the door handle! I'm stuck in here!!"

You hear a faint clicking sound coming from the other side of the room. Claire is so agitated that she almost jumps out of her skin when she hears the noise.

"What was that?!?"

She bravely walks out of our field of vision toward the noise. In about two minutes she walks back carrying a small object and reading from a tiny piece of paper. When she finished reading she looks all round her searching the room. Then she turns to the camera with a bewildered look on her face.

"I think someone is toying with me!!"

She holds the handwritten note up to the screen showing you tiny sentence written upon it:

Point this at your device and press the red button

"Do they mean my camcorder?"

Claire waves the tiny remote at the camera. At the top it is two large buttons; one red, one blue.

"Well I guess that it can't hurt."

Claire does as the note says. She presses the red button unleashing a red light that surrounds the camera tinting your vision until she releases it.

"Holy shit! What did I just do?"

All of a sudden you notice that Claire is starting to look larger, but you quickly realize that isn't the case. You see a shocked look on Claire's face as the camera's field of vision diminishes.

"Okay you can stop shrinking now! Please?! Oh no."

The camera continues to shrink even smaller until you can barely see a small corner of Claire's frowning face. She picks up the toy-sized camera and turns it around in her hands.

"What am I going to do now?"

You are greeted by an unexpectedly normal-sized Claire looking completely frustrated. But this illusion is short lived as she turns the camcorder around the room showing you her ground level point-of-view.

"Well as you can see I managed to shrink myself again. By my calculations I'm probably only 4 inches tall."

She sighs and swings the camcorder bringing a distant towering table leg into view.

"I was stupid enough to climb up a chair and pour myself a glass of fruit punch from the cursed snack table. My thirst finished off what my hunger started."

She turns around showing you the boulder-sized apple with two bite marks taken out of it. One Gargantuan, and the other half that size.

"At first I tried to turn one of my socks into a makeshift dress, but now I'm so small I can barely even lift one of them let alone drag it around this room. So, needless to say I'm starting to get a little cold."

She moves the camcorder around the room again showing you the vast hardwood plains and mountainous couch. Then suddenly she stops and focuses on the corner of the room by the entertainment center.

"Is that what I think it is? I don't remember that being there!"

Tucked away in the shadow of the entertainment center is a large two-story dollhouse painted a light shade of pink. In the second story window you see the shadow of a small figure peeking out.


Claire dashes past the couch and doesn't stop til she reaches the large wooden front door. This didn't appear to be an ordinary dollhouse. This close the detailed craftsmanship looked amazing. The door opens easily and Claire steps over the threshold of a what looked like a mansion from the inside.

"Now where are the stairs? I know that I seen Barbie in the upstairs bedroom."

Claire crossed into the living room and at her dismay she looked like a child compared to the hand-carved furniture. The hallway leading out had a few doors on either side. One door revealed a long corridor with a pale light coming from the end.

"I hope the stairs aren't in this direction!"

Claire closes that door and opens the one directly across from it revealing a carpeted stairwell. She quickly ascends it bringing herself up to the second floor hallway. She opens the first door she comes to and the empty bathroom appears to before her.

"No, this isn't the right room!"

She continues down to the next door revealing a closet stuffed to the ceiling with boxes. At the end of the hallway is her last destination. When Claire opens the door and is shocked that there isn't a doll propped up in front of the window.

"That's impossible!! I know that I seen it!! Unless?!?"

Claire begins searching the room looking behind curtains and under the bed revealing nothing at all. Eventually the last place left in the room to hide was the closest. Claire positioned herself to strike outside, not sure what she would find behind the door. The door flies open quickly, and all that you can see is an empty closet with bare wire coat-hangers.


She walks in and confirms that yes no one is inside.

"Being tiny is really starting to get to me. I swear I seen some thing!"

Frustrated, Claire leans back against the back of the closet to rest. Seconds later you hear a loud crack. Claire shoots up off the wall and turns around.

"What the..."

Right before your eyes the closet wall is splitting open, revealing another room.

Claire builds up her courage and walks through the passageway in the back of the closet. The room she enters is almost a mirror image of the one that she just left. But, there is something different about it. Something that you couldn't quite tell at your first glance.

"Hmmm. I wonder if that mysterious person fled this way?"

She opens the door and walks out into the hallway down the hard plastic staircase. When Claire opens the door to the downstairs hallway she gasps in surprise. Leaning against the wall in the living room is the largest doll on Earth. Claire walks over to the doll and shakes her head.

"Oh my God!! There is no way that I can wear her clothes! She's almost twice my size!!"

Claire passes Amazon Barbie and spots what appears to be her kid sister dressed in a her dolly pajamas. After a minute of comparing her size to the doll Claire sets the camcorder down on a pink plastic table.

"Well, I guess it's better than nothing."

You can hear fabric rustle as Claire sets about removing the miniature clothing. After another long sigh from Claire the camcorder turns around showing her wearing the pink polyester gown with the matching booties. The clothes still look like they're a couple of sizes too large, clinging loosely on her diminutive frame.

"Damn I'm tiny!"

Claire picks up the camcorder, and walks over to the front door pushing it open. You are greeted by a strange new landscape. The entertainment center has been replaced by a mountain of stuffed toys. In fact, this room has toys here, there, and everywhere.

"How many toys do these people need?!"

Claire ventures past the hills of toys bring into sight even more toys lining the walls.

"Dolly?" Says a booming voice behind her.

Claire turns around and points the camcorder up, and up. Standing right over top of the dollhouse Claire exited is a fifty foot tall little girl. Claire freezes in place and you watch as the giantess looks down curiously. Then finally, the girl starts bending down. Her arm extends out, now only a foot away. At the last second Claire rolls out of the way and starts dashing strait at the dollhouse.

"Why are you running away?" Shouts the enormous child.

Claire reaches the door, fumbles with opening it for a second, but finally enters the shelter. You hear Claire's breathing become heavy as she rests for a second in the living room. All of a sudden the whole house starts shaking.

"Holy shit!!"

Claire takes off and bolts up the stairs, almost falling down them on her accent. Running down the upstairs hallway wasn't any easier, but Claire reaches the the bedroom door. She dashes toward the closet, but falls down as the floor underneath her moves.

All you can see is the rubber floor til Claire points the camcorder up. The giantess girl's face is now only a few inches away.


"Bye!" Squeaks Claire.

Standing up, Claire sprints into the closet and back into the other dollhouse.

Claire runs out of the closet and dives under the bed. When she peeks out from underneath her hiding spot you can see the child's hand emerging from the portal.

"Please don't find me! Please don't find me!" Claire whispers.

The gigantic hand gropes the walls, running it's finger's across paintings and ripping the wall paper with her manicured nails. Then the child came across a dresser accidentally crushing it in her first grasp. You can hear Claire hold back a scream as she crawls backwards toward the corner of the room. The giantess is making more noise than ever as her search continues.

"Dolly?!" You hear the loud muffled voice from the other side of the passageway. Then all goes quiet.

Claire shrieks as the bed starts to move. It's lifted off the floor revealing Claire cowering by the wall. The child discards the bed by the closet like a forgotten toy.

Then the bedroom door opens. A young woman peaks out, motioning Claire to move toward the exit. Claire wastes no time as she stands up, dodging five enormous fingers, and escaping the bedroom.

"Are you okay?" Asks the tall mysterious person in the hallway.

"I... I think so."

"Good, follow me."

The large stranger disappears down the staircase as Claire continues to stand there, stunned.

"Are you coming?"

Claire begins to slowly walk down the hallway, filching as she hears a large bang from the bedroom. She leaves the gigantic child still rummaging through the bit of broken furniture and descends the stairs. The door at the bottom of the staircase is wide open beckoning Claire forward. When she enters the downstairs hallway Claire turns toward the living room and sees the stranger sitting in a chair at the table.

"You want a cup of coffee?"

Claire hesitates for a second, but gives in. She walks up to the table, setting down her camcorder and pulls herself up into a chair that's twice her size. The stranger holds out a huge steaming mug and Claire accepts it. She stares down into the cup with a look on her face that suggests mistrust.

"Don't worry. It's not going to shrink you."

Claire takes a greedy sip from the over-sized mug, luckily without spilling a drop.

"Thanks. This coffee is just the way I like it." Claire's beautiful smile appears on her face for the first time since entering this room.

"So short-stuff, what's your name?" Asks the tall stranger.

"Claire Pierce."

"Something tells me this is your first time in the Size Room."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because no one and I mean no one is stupid enough to venture into the Age Room that small. You could really have been hurt in there. Those kids don't know their own strength."

Claire stays quiet and looks down into her coffee with embarrassment etched across her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you like that. I have an idea. How about I show you around the Size Room a little, and show you how to have fun in here?"

The smile slowly returns to Claire's face as she takes another drink from her coffee.

"Why not? It's not like I could go to sleep now after almost being trampled by a fifty foot kindergartner."

Claire finishes her coffee and sets her mug down on the hand-carved table. She picks up her camcorder and points it at her new acquaintance. A young beauty in her early twenties fills your vision. She has long dark red hair that flows down her back. This mysterious girl's definitely been shrunk, but she's not wearing doll clothes, like Claire. Her modest B cup breasts are being restrained by a tight novelty tee shirt featuring a Tri-force and the phrase 'Don't make me go Zelda on your ass!!'. This is complemented by a pair of acid wash jeans.

"What are you doing?" Asks the 6" beauty.

"I'm filming a documentary about a missing person's case."

"Why are you doing that here?"

"It's a long story."

"Well no one here is missing, at least permanently anyway. Are you sure you're in the right place?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out. What exactly is this place anyway?"

"You really don't know, do you?"

"All that I know is that I swam up out of the spring and now I'm so small that I can barely fit in doll clothes."

"The spring is a portal too!?! I climbed out of the well in the courtyard."

"Courtyard? I thought that only castles had courtyards"

"Well, as you can tell, this isn't an ordinary mansion. It's larger than you could ever imagine. And I think it's adding more rooms everyday."

"That's impossible!"

The mysterious girl stands up, towering over Claire's shrunken form.

"Who are you to argue with what's impossible, shorty?"

"I guess you have a point, but how can rooms just appear out of nowhere?"

"Magic of course! The Transformansion's filled with it. In here fantasies become commonplace and dreams are the only reality. This is a resort where you can do whatever you want, or be whoever or whatever you want to be."

"Wow! So maybe all those missing people are just here on vacation?"

"Yeah, an extended vacation!" She laughs.

"I can see changing some things, but why would someone want to be this small?"

"Well for me It's all about the thrill. I just love being tiny and helpless."

"You make shrinking sound sort of kinky."

"Don't get me wrong, for most of us it's sexual, but it's also lots of fun too. Let me show you something."

The girl gets up and walks into the hallway entering a doorway to the left. Claire realizes she is being left behind and quickly follows after her. She opens the door, but all that she can see is her shadow formed from the pale light at the end of the corridor.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Claire sprints down the darkening tunnel trying to catch up with her new friend.

Claire runs up behind the shadowy figure, finally slowing down when she is with in arm's reach. The mysterious girl's hair almost glistens in the low-light streaming from the end of the corridor. After walking for about a minute in silence Claire speaks up.

"So, do you think that I'm going to stay this small? Is this transformation permanent?"

"Of course not! If you're wanting to grow back there's plenty of options. You could just change back, or have fun doing it."


"You'll see."

They continue down the tunnel at a reasonable pace, the light gradually increasing with each passing step. Finally you can see it's source. At the end of the tunnel is a small staircase with a tiny fluorescent light bulb radiating from the ceiling. The stairs look like they were built for shrunken people, but they still seem quite over-sized to Claire.

"Okay, behind this door is the Transformansion's pantry. We have to go through here to reach our destination."

Claire follows the mysterious girl up the stairs, doing the best a person of her size can. When she exits into the pantry Claire turns the camcorder in every direction showing you the shelves stuffed with gigantic bags of flour and sugar. The canned food looked amazingly large, almost twice the size of Claire's car. Then she zooms in on the floor by the wall she came out of. Set ready-to-go is the largest mousetrap ever. You hear Claire gasp in surprise.

"Are there mice in here?"

"You'd be pretty hard pressed to find any house on Earth without some kind of rodent infestation. Even the magical ones."

They set off across the expansive valley-like pantry, Claire taking in the sights along the way. You notice that they seem to be heading towards a small mouse-hole with a faint candle flame glow radiating from it. Then from out of nowhere you hear a sound that resembles thunder, except it seems more feral. Claire swings the camcorder left and right, looking for what made the sound. Then you see it. Two eyes glowing like hell's fire. They sort of look like the eyes of a.....

"Oh Shit! It's Catzilla! Run!"

The mysterious girl takes off like an Olympic sprinter, leaving Claire in her wake. Claire tries to keep up with her, and it looks like she'll even make it to the mouse-hole. Sadly though Claire looses her balance and falls on her face, cradling her camcorder like a precious child. You can see Claire's hair flowing past the frame in short bursts, knowing it's Catzilla breath before Claire rolls over bringing the monstrous feline into view. It's whiskers twitch as it smells Claire's aroma, sending Claire into a state of stunned panic. For what seems like an eternity Catzilla stands over Claire's prone body. The look of murderous intent beaming from it's eyes.

"Hey!! Fur for brains!!!" You hear a familiar voice shout.

Catzilla looks up at the sound and is immediately hit in the face by a flying mousetrap. You can hear the hurtful anger in it's growls as Catzilla jumps and starts to bat the painful device off it's nose.

"Can you get up?"

"I don't know!"

The mysterious girl bends down and lifts Claire up like she's light as a feather.

"We have to hurry! That trap will only keep him occupied for so long."

She picks Claire up in her arms like a lover and sprints across the pantry in record time. When they reach the mouse-hole she sets Claire down on her feet and they both make a hasty retreat.

Just a few inches inside the mouse-hole Claire stops in her tracks. She turns around, hugging her new friend tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you!" says Claire as she breaks down and cries.

The mysterious girl gently returns Claire's hug.

"You're welcome Claire, but you might want to save the celebration until we're a little further in the mouse-hole. Catzilla has one hell of a reach."

Claire sniffles back her tears and looks up into her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you've saved my life twice tonight and I don't even know your name!"

"Oh, then let me fix that! I'm Katie Dickson."She says extending her hand in friendship.

Claire accepts it and her award winning smile makes a cameo appearance across her face.

"I'm pleased to meet you Miss Dickson."

"Come on, there's no need to be so formal here. Just call me Katie."

"Okay, Katie, where's this fun you were telling me about?"

"It's just up ahead."

Claire and Katie continue down the mouse-hole. The walls were lined with torches producing an endless supply of light. Looking down the tunnel, it seems like it goes on forever.

"Katie, would you mind if I asked you a question?"

"Not at all!"

"Well I was just wondering. How were you able to pick up that mousetrap and throw it? It had to weight at least three times as much as you do!"

"I'm a lot stronger than I look." Katie says flexing her tiny biceps, which hardly look more defined than an average girl's would.

"So what are you? Supergirl?!"

Something like that. It's all part of my fantasy. I shrank myself down to one twelfth my size, but kept all of my original strength. I also got myself this awesome natural blood-red hair!"

"Wow! So I really can be whatever I want here?"

"Whatever your heart desires."

After ten more minutes of following the never-ending magical torches, Katie places her large hand on Claire's shoulder. This almost startles her half to death.

"This is the spot."

Claire looks around the area for anything out of the ordinary. All you can see is the same smoothly carved stone walls and ever-burning torches that make up the whole tunnel.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll show you."

Katie reaches out and grabs hold of the nearest torch and pulls down on it. Nothing happens.

"Show me what?"

"Okay wait a minute."

Katie stands there, looking like she's trying to figure out the hardest puzzle on Earth.

"That's right, it's Wednesday!"

A smug grin appears below Katie's pale green eyes as she pulls down on the torch directly across from the one she tried before. This time the torch moves down, it's flame extinguishing. The floor underneath of them rumbles as a small section of the wall next to them lowers revealing a spiral staircase.

"Wow! This mansion truly is amazing!!" Says Claire with a sparkle in her eyes.

"You don't know the half of it, shorty!" Jokes Katie.

A suggestive smile crosses Claire's face.

"We'll see who's smaller than who in a minute." She boasts turning into the stairwell.

Claire starts going down the stairs at a quick pace, but by the time she walks down them for what seems to be half a mile she slows down. Exhaustion starts to rear it's ugly head sending Claire into a spat of heavy breathing.

"To hell with being big again! I'd be just as happy not to see another stair in my life!"

"It's not so bad. This is the easy way to get to the crawl-space under the Size Room. You should see what you have to go through when you take the trap door under the couch."

"What, do you have to slay a dragon?"

"Something like that."

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 08-29-2009 at 02:20 PM.
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Unread 08-29-2009   #4
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Re: **Claire's Project**

Claire Explores The Crawlspace

The spiral staircase continues to go deeper and deeper. Then, right before Claire lost all hope that she would find the last step, she emerged into a tiny subterranean resort. If Claire wasn't breathless after her workout the sight before her sure finishes the job. The ceiling was only a few feet in the air, but to the diminutive Claire this room was quite expansive indeed.

"Oh my God!!" Says Claire in awestruck joy.

High above Claire's head was the most unique lighting system on Earth. A combination of Christmas and Halloween decorations dance across the ceiling in a manner that seems oddly enough complementary. The red and green strands of light shine like stars, while the large orange globes give off enough light to illuminate the whole room. The Jack-O-Lantern grins painted on the globes set off a festive atmosphere. Large buildings are erected all around the crawlspace out of seemingly any kind of material, from Lincoln Logs and cardboard boxes to flower pots and paper mache. And the people, there have to be at least a few hundred of them, all having the time of their lives. Signs were hung up everywhere proclaiming that all were welcome to enjoy themselves including one that was very unique. A hand-drawn cartoon character with it's arm extended and a word bubble stating 'You must be this small to ride.'. Then you hear what sounds like a few dozen screams, and Claire turns the camcorder to one corner of the room just in time to catch a roller-coaster propel down it's apex.

"Well, are you just going to stand there?! Come on, let's have some fun!" Katie grabs hold of Claire's hand and pulls her stunned friend onto a crowded midway.

Claire's amazed at the diversity of the people that surround her, and now truly understands what Katie meant when she said you can be whatever you want. Before your eyes are people of every shape, size, and color. Literally every color of the rainbow is represented. There are even a few that are shorter than Claire is.

Katie and Claire pass a few games of chance like you would see at any amusement park, but they were missing something. There were no rows of prizes lined up to choose from.

"Aren't you suppose to win things if you pay to play the games? Where's the prizes?" Claire asked.

"Pay?! You're a guest of the Transformansion, everything here is free of charge. Oh, and the prizes are magical!"

They walk through the midway bypassing dozens of games that were variations of the usual amusement park games, scaled back for the tiny guests. Ping Pong balls took the place of basket-balls being shot through hoops. The ring-toss game actually looked like they were using someone's wedding rings.

"What do I want to play first?"

Claire stops next to the ring-toss game, but is still eyeing a pile of marbles in the next cardboard booth. She walks over to the multicolored marbles and examines the thimbles she's supposed to knock over with them.

"Here, hold this for me please."

Claire hands her camcorder to Katie and picks up a marble testing it's weight in her hands.

"Want to try your luck little lady?" Asks a voice out of nowhere. Claire looks around the booth seeing no one.

"It's the game talking to you Claire." Katie informs her.

Right about now Claire would believe anything that you told her, so she makes no attempt to argue how ridiculous that sounds. Claire stares down the thimbles, the glare from her eyes weigh down on them like gravity. She aims and throws an azure glass-ball at the shiny tower. It goes wide right, missing horribly.

"Oh, too bad. Come on Claire you can do it!"

Claire eyes the red marble, but saves it for last. She adjusts her aim a little and pitches the yellow sphere. This time she barely misses it to the right.

"You almost got it that time!" Katie says with cheerful encouragement.

The red marble lays there almost exuding the confidence that it would shut out Claire's efforts. Claire looks at the stacked thimbles with a gleam of frustration in her eyes. She winds back and lets go. Almost in slow-motion the marble flies directly at her target. It doesn't even look like she over adjusted her aim, until the marble veers left missing once more.

"Damn! I'm usually so good at this game!" She says accepting back her camcorder.

"Too bad." sympathizes the phantom voice. "But every-one's a winner! Here's your consolation prize!"

Claire smiles now that she knows her efforts weren't in vain. A sparkly aura surrounds Claire and she starts to feel goose-flesh envelope her arms. The magic seems to build for a second, giving Claire a feeling of anticipation. Then finally the aura around Claire implodes making Claire loose her balance, falling on her butt. Claire sees stars for a second, but the dizziness subsides letting her get to her feet. Slowly Claire rises off the ground, ready to adjust to any changes she might have underground. Claire turns to Katie, and is taken aback by the sight before her. Claire now stood eye-level to Katie's bare midriff. She had shrunk again!

"Oh no!" Claire exclaimed.

She looked herself over and notices that this time the doll's clothes and her camcorder shrank with her. The marbles magically float back to their original position. They looked more like bowling-balls to Claire at her new size. Claire stepped up to the booth determined to fix this little problem. She reaches out to pick up a marble, but Katie stops her.

"Claire, I know from experience that these games only get harder when your that size. How about we go on a few rides, have some fun, and then I'll show you some games that take more luck than skill to win."

"Okay, I guess we could do that." Claire sulks.

Now Claire was so tiny that hardly any of the people they pass are smaller than her. In fact, she had to look up to see the ass of the girl she was walking behind.

"Oh, I have an idea! Do you want to split some candy, Claire?"

"That sounds good to me."

Katie leads Claire up to a concession stand made out of an old Crackerjack box.

"What would you ladies like?" Asked the attendant that looked oddly like the cartoon boy on the side of the box.

"A peanut butter cup!" Replied Katie.

"Small or large?"

Katie looks down at Claire and responds, "A small should be more than enough."

Katie and Claire walk away from the Crackerjack box, each of them munching on half of a bite-sized Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Claire was having a heck of a time trying to eat her piece, which was just about as large as her head.

"Are you starting to see the advantages of being this small, Claire?"

"It has some good aspects, but I still sort of love the idea of being bigger than a bug."

"Oh, you're not that small! There's billions of bugs that are a lot tinier than you!"

They pass a large swimming pool equipped with a dozen water-slides ranging from two to four feet high. Katie caught the glimmer of what she thought was anticipation in Claire's eyes.

"You want to try out the pool Claire?"

"I really would love to go down the water-slides, but I don't have my swimsuit with me. And right now I could use my top as a hammock!"

"You don't need a bikini for this water park! Just wear what you have on."

Katie pulls Claire through the gates of the tiny water park, and up to the edge of the pool. Katie jumps in enthusiastically and looks up at Claire standing on the edge.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Asks Katie.

"The water will ruin my camcorder."

"No it won't! Jump in!"

Claire jumps over the top of Katie's head and creates a large splash. As she swims up out of the water Claire notices how wonderful this pool feels. It's almost like the water isn't even touching her, accept she could still feel this pleasant liquid move across her skin.

"It's great isn't it?"

"Yeah!" Claire says looking up at the slides.

"So does this mean that you'll loosen up and have some fun!"

"We'll see." Says Claire as she climbs out of the magical water.

After climbing out of a pool Claire would normally be soaked, but she was still dry from head to toe. She looks down at Katie and then back at the slides.

"I'll be right back."

Claire walks over to the nearest slide, and begins to climb the stairs to the top. She giggles at the fact that the entire support structure was made out of glue and Popsicle sticks. Claire reaches the line and is almost stunned by how large the girl in front of her is. Claire doesn't even come up to the midpoint of her thigh!

The line slowly shuffles up the stairs until Claire reaches the top. She peeks over the railing, and sees Katie waving up at her from a towering three feet.

"I'm sorry Miss, but your just too large to fit on this slide." A ride attendant says to the girl in front of Claire.

"What do you mean too large??!! I'm only ten inches tall!!!"

"You're too tall! Now step aside so that the other guests can have their turn."

"To hell with that!" She says pulling a small flask out of her bountiful cleavage.

The large girl opens it and downs the whole thing. Claire watches as this girl's ass slowly begins to creep closer to her face. She shrinks down below Katie's height and continues to reduce before Claire's eyes. Her shorts fall down to her ankles, followed by a pair of lace panties. Claire's eyes open wide as the top of this girl's head falls down below her chin. The shrinking ends with this girl now eye-level with Claire's bust. She climbs out of the pile of her clothing and looks at the attendant with a snooty grin on her face. She then sticks out her tongue and dives headfirst down the slide.

"Are you just going to stand there! You're next!" The attendant barks at Claire who obediently does what she's told.

Claire doesn't just take one trip down the slides, she goes on all of them at least three times. Eventually Katie joins in on her fun. In all of this something amazing begins to happen. Claire forgets all about being tiny and really starts enjoying herself.

"Where to next!" Says Claire with real excitement emanating from her voice.

Katie and Claire exit the water park and head for the southern corner of the crawlspace. They walk under a section of the roller-coaster just as a group of passengers blast by. Claire looks up just in time to see a line of teacups rolling on a track made of silverware.

"I want to go on that!"

"I thought so." Katie replies.

The two friends walk all the way to the edge of the amusement park to reach the end of this ride's line. As Claire passes the park's gate she stares at a large steel structure just outside. You can hear the faint sound of music with deep bass flowing from the "air holes" poked through the thick steel walls. A large neon sign proclaims the to be:


"What's in there?!" Asks Claire.

"Oh, that's a night club. I'm sure we'll find our way there before the night is over."

They stand in the long line leading to the cupboard that acts as the ride's entrance. Claire watches as people enter and exit 'The 6" Spot' until she finally enters the ride's housing.

From the outside it looks like an ordinary cupboard, but once you enter the illusion dissipates. Before your eyes is a large set of stairs leading up onto the ride's platform. Where there would usually be gears and equipment to run the ride there is nothing. Claire stopped herself from asking 'How does this ride move?', knowing the answer already. An attendant ushers people into their seats, and Claire squeals as it reaches her turn.

"Please take your seat." The attendant says pointing at the next teacup.

There is a small bench in each of the cups on the track. Claire squeezes in a teacup with Katie and looks around for her restraints.

"Uh Katie, where's the seat-belts!"

"This ride is infused with tons of magic. You won't have to worry about falling off."

Claire really hopes that Katie is right, and finds herself getting really nervous as the ride starts to move.

The roller-coaster starts out at a slow crawl and gradually builds speed as it exits the cupboard. Claire and Katie were in the second to last tea cup, which is just now starting it's climb to the apex. The roller-coaster starts out it's journey in the upper atmosphere of the crawlspace.

"Eeep!!" Says Claire ass the ride stops just an inch below the ceiling.

The coaster stays at the top, building suspense for it's passengers before rocketing down the slope fast enough to knock Claire back in her teacup, hard. It runs past groups of people who look up as dozens of screams fly by their heads.

Then, without warning, the coaster plunges under the floor boards and into a world of darkness. Up, down, all around the ride turns in every direction possible. The ride suddenly escapes into one of the Transformansion's hallways. People that seem to be at least two-hundred feet tall are still wandering the halls even this close to midnight. The coaster shoots down the hallways like a bullet and blasts in and out of rooms at it's leisure. Then the ride looks like it's going to crash straight through a wall. The screams of the passengers intensify and Claire's almost verges on bloodcurdling. At the last second the wall parts and the coaster rockets into the mansion's study. Hugo Prosperio looks up out of his novel and gives a little wave just as they exit, back into the darkness.

The coaster finds it's way through the pitch black, the passengers shouting approval. The ride is then flooded with an intense light that leaves everyone stunned. Claire can feel a tingling sensation throughout her body that subsides as the coaster begins to make another upward climb out of the darkness.

The passengers woot in delight as the coaster erupts into a beautiful Crystal Dome with all the colors of the spectrum shining down on them like a benevolent sun. The coaster begins it's spiral climb around the perimeter of the Dome, building up to it's maximum G's. Then Claire screams as she notices a large set of eyes peering at her outside the Dome. Not just one set, but many, all of which belong to a group of giantesses looking with intense curiosity at the tiny roller-coaster on it's journey. Claire gulps as she recognizes one of the large faces. The tiniest of the giant ladies stares at the diminutive passengers with a mile-long grin etched on her face. Her generous breasts are still exposed and being pressed up against the Crystal Dome with untold amounts of force. When it seems like the ride can go no higher the coaster dives out into the middle of the Dome and plunges deep into the darkness. The screams from the passengers are louder than ever, and only stop when a familiar blinding light irradiates everyone on board.

Then like the end of a dream the coaster slows down and crawls to a stop back inside the cupboard. The passengers slowly get to their feet and stumble off the coaster as best they can.

"Wow!" Says Claire finally as they exit the ride's cupboard.

"Yeah, I've been on that ride several times, but it still amazes me!"

Claire watches as several of the other passengers from her trip swarm right toward 'The 6" Spot'.

Claire's vision turns up to Katie showing off her beautiful puppy dog eyes.

"I'd like to check out that place next." Claire says pointing at the nightclub.

"Sure, why not?!"

The two of them walk through the amusement park's gates. Back behind them more screams are issued as the roller-coaster begins it's next journey.

Claire walks through the door to 'The 6" Spot' and is immediately greeted with loud dance music. Everyone inside looks like their having the time of their lives. Just about everyone in the place was dancing, and the one's that weren't seem to be finishing up their drinks so they could get out on the floor.

"You want to dance, Claire?"

"Yeah, but I don't see many guys out there to dance with."

"Oh there's plenty of men in here! They just don't look like men."

"Oh I get it! They're transformed into girls!"

"You catch on pretty quick." Replies Katie.

"Hey, then how do I know if you're a girl, or just some guy trying to get in my pants?!"

"You don't!!" Says Katie pulling Claire out onto the dance floor.

She was a little clumsy at first, but after she finally got use to having a partner twice her size Claire felt just like she was back with some of her college friends. Claire even had the chance to lead against a very tiny girl that only came up to her navel. Just when Claire was about to pass out on her feet Katie pulls her aside.

"Hey, you want a drink?"

"Sure! Am I to assume that there's no chance for a margarita?"

Katie breaks a smile, and walks off without answering her. Claire strolls over to a table and sits down waiting for Katie to return. She looks around the dance hall, watching all the guests have their fun. Then something catches her eye from across the room.

A rather large girl steps out of the way and she sees it again.

"It can't be!!"

Claire gets up and crosses the dance floor in a hurry. In an alcove of the night club glowing like a disco ball is a Crystal Dome about the size of a large punch bowl. Her eyes open wide as she peers down inside at the miniature roller-coaster making it's deep plunge back into the pitch-black hole in the center of the Dome.

"You know, this is my favorite attraction here in the Size Room." Says a female voice behind Claire.

She's startled a little bit, but doesn't show it. Claire turns around looking up to see who it was. There was no one.

"Down here 'Big Sexy'!" Says the voice.

Claire looks down into the dark blue eyes of a petite girl. It was the same girl she had been behind in line on the water-slide. She had managed to find an extremely tight thong that didn't cover much, but her large EE cup breasts were still proudly exposed for the world to see.

"Oh, hello!" Claire says with an embarrassed smile on her face.

The diminutive brunette takes a step toward the Crystal Dome, and stands on her tip-toes to look inside. Her breasts are mashed against the Dome's walls just like they were when Claire was making her spiral climb on the coaster. She looks up at Claire with her Cheshire cat grin and a naughty look in her eyes.

"You new here? I usually would remember seeing a hottie like you around!"

"Yes, this is my first night here in the Transformansion." Claire says nervously.

"So are you going to tell me your name, or am I going to have to buy you a drink first?"

"Cl.. Claire! My name's Claire." She stutters.

"Glad to know you Claire, I'm Ashley, but my friends call me Ash!"

Claire isn't sure what to do. This girl has a very intimidating aura about her, and it doesn't help that she has her tits out for everyone to see.

"So Claire, have you ever wanted to know what it's like to be stuffed in between a set of tits that are bigger than you are?!"

"I don't think she's interested in that type of thing, Ashley." Says Katie from behind them.

"Well, I wasn't asking your opinion. I was talking to her!"

Katie hands Claire an exquisite looking Margarita and sticks her tongue out at Ashley as she leads Claire away to a table.

"Okay, fine!! Oh, and I'll be seeing you around Claire!!"

Claire takes her seat in a booth by the Crystal dome. She gently sips on her drink, marveling at it's immaculate salty-sweet taste.

"Don't worry about her, Claire. Ashley's an enormous horn-dog with no sense of modesty at all!"

"Ash seemed nice enough though."

"Yeah, but eventually she'll just toss you to the side like a used tissue. She doesn't care about other people's feelings, and jumps onto the next best thing without so much as a goodbye!!"

Claire's comfort was well beyond any safe level. She looked up into Katie's eyes seeing all of the intensity of a jilted lover trapped behind her anger. Quickly she searches her mind for something, anything that would change the subject.

"Thanks for looking out for me Katie. I've really been enjoying myself here!"

"Don't mention it! You just seemed so lost and scared that I felt like it was my duty to relieve you of your stress."

"Speaking of relieving stress, earlier you mentioned that there were other games I could play to, um return to normal."

"If you're really ready to, I'll take you there right now."

"Yeah, I'm ready to go back to my room and lay down. But don't worry Katie, I'll definitely be back tomorrow!"

Claire gulped down the rest of her mixed drink, and with a little bit of effort she returned to her feet. Katie lead the way for her, taking Claire to a side exit. Looking back over her shoulder as she exits, Claire makes eye contact with Ashley. Ash gave her a come hither look that suggests more than just a pleasant conversation was all that she was leaving behind.

"There's still lots of places down here I can show you tomorrow, so don't think that you've seen all this place has to offer."

"I have a feeling that I could be in this mansion for a week, and still wouldn't see every corner."

Outside of the amusement park gates the makeshift buildings make a swift turn to more adult forms of entertainment. No carnival games or water-slides here. Instead you see people filing in and out of topless bars and what looks like motel rooms promising the ultimate fantasy get away.

They pass by what looks to be another dance club, but the neon sign out front suggested otherwise. A tawdry, well endowed neon lady was standing in a martini glass. Her large fluorescent breasts squeezing a toothpick and resting on an olive that looked almost as large as they were. Just beneath this neon temptress was a sign that proclaimed there was 'Real Champagne Jacuzzis' inside. Claire smiles and thinks to herself that would be an interesting thing to do tomorrow night. As Claire walks past a restaurant called 'The Itty Bitty Bar & Grill', a large group of people file out. They all take off in the same direction, towards a very large pinata that is mostly intact. The paper mache horse scanned the horizon with it's blank stare, reminding Claire of those dolls she 'borrowed' these clothes from earlier. A cute hand-drawn sign posted by the left hoof named this place 'Short and Sweet Ice Cream Parlor'. The girls turned the corner and Claire is knocked breathless by what she sees.

Nestled in the corner of the crawlspace like a hidden treasure is a grand castle laid out in golden bricks. This was definitely the crown jewel of the whole Size Room with it's tall towers in-lain with rubies and emeralds the size of boulders. It's a masterpiece of architectural design unlike any Medieval structures Claire had studied about in school. Once more today Claire was dumbstruck by the beauty before her hoping that she could at least enter that palace once during her stay here at the Transformansion.

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 08-30-2009 at 03:43 PM.
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Unread 08-29-2009   #5
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: **Claire's Project**

The Fairytale Casino And Resort

"Who lives there?" Claire is finally able to get out.

"Lives where?"

"In the Castle!?"

"I don't think that anyone lives there. They might stay in the hotel suites though."

"That's a HOTEL!?!"

"No it's a casino, it just has a hotel in it."

"Is that where we're going?"

"Yep! And with any luck you'll be able to be a normal size in no time!"

Katie and Claire enter the Castle Gates, and into what appears to be a garden. A garden inside? Well things like water and sunlight don't matter much when magic is involved. The grass looks perfectly manicured with beautiful patches of wildflowers growing in at just the right spots. Dozens of people are strolling on the garden's pathways taking in the sights. The large golden doors are wide open revealing a vast staircase leading up to the main floor. Two men are positioned outside of the gates dressed in guard uniforms.

"Welcome to 'The Fairy Tale Casino & Resort' enjoy your stay!" One of the guards says cheerfully.

"Fairy Tales?" Asks Claire.

"Yeah! All of the dealers and waitresses are dressed up like fairytale creatures. Many of the actually have been transformed into mythical beasts!"

Claire hurries up the stairs and steps out onto the Casino floor. There are rows of slot machines laid out in the expansive lobby. Claire had been to a casino before, but it was nowhere near this large. The thunderous sound of spinning slots is almost deafening, and the fact that there are more people inside the Casino then Claire remembers seeing outside in the amusement park doesn't help. Nymphs buzz by carrying trays filled with drinks. Their smiles shined bright as the stars complementing their brilliant white wings unfurled proudly for the world to see. One of the girls winked at Claire as she strides by. Her feathers ruffle a little as the slight breeze blowing through the doors penetrates her dress made of ivy and roses.

"Are you just going to stand there with your mouth open, or are you going to start playing."

"These machines will, um will they make me big again?"

"They will give you whatever your heart desires if you win."

"And if I lose?"

"Well, depending on how badly you lose, you might end up quite tiny."

"I don't care about that anymore! I'm sure that no matter how small I get I'll be able to return to normal some how."

"That's the spirit Claire! Now get out there and have some fun!"

Claire wades through a sea of people and into the valley of slot machines. The noise from the slots seems to penetrate every square inch of her being as she is instantly absorbed into the heat of the moment. It takes her about ten minutes to find an empty seat, and she is a little dismayed that she has to climb up the stool in order to reach the lever on her first machine. Claire struggles a little, but finally gets seated and studies the large device before her.

"Hansel and Gretel? I was hoping for the Cinderella slots! Well, I guess it's all that's left."

Claire leans forward gripping the large lever, and with a little bit of force is able to pull it down. The machine bursts into action, the wheels spinning like crazy. Claire watches as the machine makes it's selection. The first wheel comes to a halt showing off a picture of a gumdrop. Nervousness climbs up Claire's spine as another gumdrop is revealed in the second slot.

"Oh please! Oh please! Oh please!" Whispers Claire as she waits for the last wheel to stop.

The third gumdrop falls into place almost making Claire fall off her seat in celebration. She leans over to read the prize menu posted on the side of the machine:

Chocolate Bar - Major Wish
Gumdrop - Minor Wish
Cauldron - Minor Curse
Witch - Major Curse
Gingerbread Man - JACKPOT!!!


"I won!!"

Claire could feel a familiar tingling throughout her body, but this time it was a little different. She could see the world around her shrink slightly, leaving her just a smidgen larger than she was when she first started.

"That's all!!! This could take a while!"

"You seem to be doing well." Katie says as she walks up behind Claire.

Claire had grown a couple of inches in the few minutes that she had been sitting at this slot machine. Now her feet almost reached the floor while she was sitting on the stool.

"Yeah, but this is going to take forever at this rate! Every time I gain a little bit of height I just end up losing it on my next turn!!

"Dammit!!!" Says Claire as her machine stops on a Triple Witch.

All of the progress she was making was in vain. The magic flowing into her brought on a major shrink-spurt, slowly reducing her before Katie's eyes. Her legs, which had been so close to touching the floor, were creeping up rather quickly leaving her all but stranded on her high perch. The slot machine's lever grew in her hand, expanding to a size that was almost unwieldy. Then it occurred to Claire that she needed to let go of it or she would fall off the stool. Claire's shrinking continues expanding the gap between Claire and the slot machine well beyond her reach. Finally Claire stops shrinking making her a little under two inches tall. She was smaller than ever now, and was growing quite frustrated sitting on a seat meant for someone at least three times her size. Claire awkwardly turns around in the stool and looks up at Katie.

"Oh my god! What did you do to yourself!!" Shouts Claire.

Claire was shocked because hanging over her head were the second largest set of breasts that she had ever seen in her life. Katie's already tight tee shirt is about to burst apart at it's seams. Her modest B cups were replaced with two mammoth G cup tits that looked like over inflated soccer balls on Katie's frame. They seem like they defy gravity looking quite perky even with no bra insight to support them. Katie leans down bringing her chest extremely close to Claire's face.

"I won! I was walking down a row of slots looking for you and I took a chance. Just look at them! Aren't they nice?!"

"They're something alright!" Says Claire not taking her eyes off the two gigantic globes that are so close she can reach out and touch them.

"Oh, don't give me that! I know you like them. I seen the way you were ogling Ashley's back at The 6" Spot."

"I don't know what you're talking about. You must have just imagined that!"

"Riiiight. Keep telling yourself that Claire."

"I'm not like that! I like guys not girls!"

"We'll see, oh by the way, weren't you trying to get bigger? You seem to be having some bad luck."

"You think!! What am I supposed to do now? I don't know if I'm even strong enough to pull down the lever at this size. That's if I can even reach it!!"

"Don't worry. Here, I'll push your seat closer to the slot machine. Hold on 'little Claire' so you won't fall off."

Katie slides the stool forward with almost no effort at all. This sent tremors up the stool shaking Claire like an earthquake.

"There. You ought to be able to reach it now."

Claire turns around on her stool, and examines the enormous machine before her. She reaches out for the lever and is frustrated that she still can't reach it.

"Damn I'm small!"

"You've got that right, half-pint."

Claire looks back and gives Katie an obvious 'Go to Hell' look, sticking out her tongue. She stands up on the stool and leans forward wrapping her hands around the lever. She pulls down with all her might, but has no luck. She tries again and is slightly embarrassed as Katie reaches out and helps her start up the machine with a single finger. She can feel Katie's G cups resting on her back slightly like two soft couch-sized pillows. Claire looks up at Katie feeling extremely small now that she is still shorter than her while standing on a stool.

"Thanks. I can't believe how weak and helpless I am right now."

"That's okay Claire. I have a feeling your luck will change soon."

"I hope so!"

The two girls watch as the slot machine spins fast enough to make all of the pictures blend together into an unidentifiable blur. The first wheel stops showing a gingerbread man.

"Come on." Says Claire.

A second gingerbread man falls into place.

"Wow, Claire!" Says Katie.

Like a dream come true the third gingerbread man reveals itself setting the machine's siren off louder than ever.

"Jackpot!!! I've done it!! Stand back Katie, we're about to see who the half-pint is right now!"

Claire waits with anticipation as an enormous wave of magic hits her hard. She can feel it coursing through her body making her feel exquisite. But nothing seems to be happening. The world around her stays the same size. She turns around and hears Katie gasp0 in surprise.

"Claire!?" She motions for Claire to look down.

Two large hills of flesh are now protruding from her tiny night gown. And they show no sign of stopping their growth.

"Holy Shit!!"

Claire watches in amazement as her former C cup breasts expand past double D's and quickly into E range. The night gown she is wearing was quite loose on her, even though she took it off a doll. Now though it was looking snug as her tits expand underneath it. Earlier the gown flowed all the way down to her ankles, almost dragging on the floor. Now it was slowly creeping up her legs, revealing her beautifully toned calves. Her breasts continued to swell beyond anything that Claire could imagine. The poorly sown together polyester gown finally reaches it's limits, tearing at the seams revealing a mass of expanding flesh. Claire tries to move, but now that her center of gravity has changed dramatically she couldn't help but fall down. She slips off the chair, and would have hit the casino floor hard if not for Katie's lightning quick reflexes. Katie falls to her knees making a dramatic one handed catch. She examines Claire's new additions as her growth finally comes to an end. To Claire it looks like she has two basketballs squeezed into the tattered remains of her night gown. But now at her reduced size they are more like tangereens to the towering giantess.

"Wow Claire! Jealous much!? I knew that you really liked mine, but I never thought you'd try so hard to out do me!"

"Me? I didn't do this!!n Remember you helped me. This is your fault!"

"You're sadly mistaken 'little Claire'. These machines give you what your heart desires. If the slot machine was reading my mind I would be the one that changed. Not you."

"Okay. well maybe I was admiring your new additions, and wanted a little bit of an upgrade myself. But I definitely wasn't trying to turn into a Lilliputian porn star!"

Whether you were trying to or not you would definitely fit that description right now." Katie says trying not to laugh.

"What am I going to do now Katie? I can't even stand up any more!"

"Oh, you probably could if you tried."

Katie sets Claire down on the casino floor and watches as she sways back and forth trying to keep her balance. Her little balancing act seems to be working because she still hasn't gone down face first.

"Okay try to walk."

Claire tries to take one step forward and is amazed that she stays upright. But on her next step she doesn't factor in how large the fibers of the carpeted floor are making her lose her balance once more. Claire tires to steady herself, but this time her swaying is too much and she falls down on her tiny ass.


"Yeah I guess you are a little too top heavy 'little Claire'. Do you want me to help you with the slot machine so that you can do a little size adjustment."

"No. I'm tired of this damn machine. Is there any other games here I can play?"

"Sure! Do you want me to carry you to the card tables?"

"If you don't mind."

Katie scoops up the tiny frustrated girl and walks out of that row of slots.



"I just want to say thank you again for all that you've done for me tonight. I'm sorry that I've been such a whiny bitch. It's just that I'm really still trying to get use to all of this magic and stuff."

"Don't worry about it. Watching you stumble around with your transformations is the most fun I've had here yet!"

Hearing that made Claire smile up at her giantess escort.

"You know what? You're right! It isn't so bad being this small. I could really get use to being carried around by my own personal Titaness.""

"Actually we prefer to be called Giantess" Katie says.

"Giantess Titaness it doesn't matter what you're called because you're still friggin huge!"

At that they burst out laughing like a pack of hyenas. Katie can feel the tiny girl's breasts jiggle as Claire tries to choke back her laughter.

"So Claire, what game are you looking to play?" Katie asks as she enters an elevator.

"I don't know. What do they have?"

"Everything Claire!"

"How about Blackjack?"

"BLACKJACK." Says Katie rather loudly.

Claire doesn't even feel the elevator move at all, but when Katie open the door all of the slot machines are replaced with an acre of card tables. The dealers are a site to be seen. They range from beautiful fairies with rainbow colored wings to gruff old centaurs stuffed into tuxedos. And just like the other floor this one is packed to the rafters with people.

Katie takes off across the casino floor looking for an empty seat. Claire watches the games as she passes seeing everything that you normally would, even chips.

"So how does this work?" Asks Claire.

"Okay, what you do is bet."

"I understand that part! What do you bet?"

"Whatever you're wanting to win."

Katie finds an empty table and sets Claire down at one of it's seats. It's soft and comfortable, but that's too bad because Claire is so small she can barely even see the dealer. She's a buxom young elf with silvery blue hair and cute ears that curl ever so slightly outward.

"Heh! Aren't you a cute little thing!" Says the elf peering over to see her player.

"Yeah, just tell me. How do i play if i can't reach my cards?"

"Oh, I'm sure I won't get into trouble letting you up onto the table. Even with all that extra weight you shouldn't be too heavy." She says sounding quite amused.

Claire stands up in her chair, but the table is still a big climb as she can barely see over the top on her tiptoes. On Claire's first try she jumps a little higher next time and grips the table, struggling to pull herself up. Then Claire can feel Katie's large hand grab her ass and helps to push her the rest of the way up. Claire uses all of her strength to sit up and move to an easier position with her large chest resting on her lap.

"Are you ready to play?" The dealer asks.


"Ante up!"

Claire thinks for a second about what she wants to bet, and as she makes her choice three stacks of chips appear in front of her. Claire picks up one of the chips, which looks about the size of a plate to her, and tosses it into the center of the table. The elven dealer starts passing out cards putting one face down in front of Claire, and one face down in front of her. Claire's next card is placed face up revealing a Queen of Hearts, while the dealer is showing a Nine of Diamonds.

Claire tries her best to stand up, but alas her grand breasts are too heavy making her fall down face-first.

"Need any help Claire?"

"If you don't mind. I may need you to pick up my card for this round."

Katie reaches down and picks up Claire's card which is the Ace of Spades. She looks down at Claire with a smile on her face. Claire returns the smile and pushes enough of her chips in the center of the table to leave herself with less than half of her chips.

"Hit me!"

"Do you know how to play this game Claire?" Asks Katie.

"I know what I'm doing!"

The elven dealer picks up her card and peeks at it. The places the king of diamonds face up next to Claire's Queen.

"House stands."

"Hit me!"

"Claire do you want to lose?"

"You have no idea."

The dealer passes Claire a Two of Clubs.

"Too bad, but you've just gone bust. House wins!"

"It's funny you should say, 'Gone Bust'!" Says Claire who watches as her chips disappear.

A magical force hit her deflating her chest to half it's size within seconds. The remains of Claire's night gown fall off into a pile of useless fabric leaving her completely naked except for her pair of pink dolly booties.

"This is much better!" Says Claire whose able to stand up with ease.

Claire hugs her perfectly manageable F cups and looks over at the dealer with a calculating grin.

"Okay, it time to change my bet!" Claire thinks and her two stacks of chips disappear, being replaced with only one chip.

Claire picks it up looking at it with almost a sense of dread. then tosses it into the center of the table.

"It's time to get big!"

The elven dealer passes Claire her cards and smiles as she gives herself the Ace of Clubs face up. Claire on the other hand has a Three of Hearts.

"Well little lady, it looks like you're about to be stuck that size!" Says the perky elf after she peeks at her hole card.

Claire squats down to pick up her card, which at her size is larger than a movie poster. She groans a little seeing the Seven of Hearts hiding underneath.

"Hit me!"

The elven dealer passes Claire her cards and smiles as she gives herself the Ace of Clubs face up. Claire on the other hand has a Three of Hearts.

"Well little lady, it looks like you're about to be stuck that size!" Says the perky elf after she peeks at her hole card.

Claire squats down to pick up her card, which at her size is larger than a movie poster. She groans a little seeing the Seven of Hearts hiding underneath.

"Hit me!"

The dealer gives Claire the Five of Diamonds making her total 15.. The dealer looks down at Claire with confidence.

"House stands."

"Hit me." Says Claire nervously.

It almost feels like the elf is moving in slow motion as she pulls out Claire's next card, placing the Five of Hearts on Claire's pile.The tension melted off of Claire as she sees her new total. She flips over her hole card. The smile disappears from the dealer's face as she reveals her total to only be nineteen."

"I won!"

"You got lucky!" Says the dealer as Claire's chip starts to shine brightly, doubling before her eyes.

Claire feels a minor tingle as she gains a few millimeters. Her growth was very insignificant, but at her size she could already tell a difference.

"Claire struts across the table and picks up one of her chips, leaving the other one for her ante.



Claire spends the next several minutes slowly earning every centimeter she could get. Claire risks it all, time and again showing no regard for her fragile predicament. Eventually she reaches the height of four and a half inches, which is half and inch larger than what she was when she met Katie. Claire smiles sitting in her seat holding one of her chips which was still over-sized to her, but not by much. Katie can feel all of the excitement build as Claire's new winning streak seems to be unbreakable.

Claire tosses one of her chip up for ante while the dealer, who has taken on a more serious tone, deals out their cards. Claire pushes half of her chips into the pot and looks at her cards. The jack of Clubs grins up at Claire like he knows all her secrets. What Claire doesn't expect though is what she finds as she peeks at her hole card.

"Blackjack!" She squeals turning over the Ace of Hearts.

"Claire, that means you win one and a half times your bet!" Says Katie excitedly.

The pile of chips in the center of the table swells into a large heap. Claire is almost consumed by an intense tingle that fills all of her senses.

"Say goodbye to 'little Claire!" She says grinning as this pleasant sensation completely takes over.

Claire starts to expand outward in all directions immediately filling out her chair. She stands up and is pleasantly surprised that she only has to slightly look up to see Katie's eyes. Claire stretches her back and her arms feeling her spine elongate. When Claire looks over at the dealer her smile broadens with the knowledge that she isn't the shortest girl at the table anymore. In fact she isn't even the second shortest! After edging past Katie's seven inch height she does a little celebratory dance causing her perky breasts to bounce for joy. She then struts past Katie taking her time to show off her new size advantage. Claire can feel the magic begin to subside making her stop growing at just over eight inches tall. She stares down at Katie with a confident smile.

"Well, it looks like I can't call you 'little Claire anymore." Says Katie who is now face level with Claire's perfect chest.

Claire walks back to the table and peers down at the elven dealer.

"You ready to play another hand?"

"You know what, shorty. i think that I've had enough Blackjack tonight. I'm going to test this winning streak somewhere else!"

Claire's chips disappear as she turns around. Searching across the casino she couldn't quite see where the nearest elevator was.

"Katie I'm ready to play something else. Would you please show me where the elevators are again?"

"Sure Claire."

Claire lets Katie lead the way. She is quite amused that she is able to see over top of her head. She walks past tables full of people, all of which are making similar changes happen to their bodies. As they are about to reach the wall an elevator appears like magic. The two friends step inside, Claire having to slightly duck.

"ROULETTE" Says Claire when the door closes.

Inside the elevator Claire looks down at Katie with an odd sense of pleasure. She had always been quite short throughout her life being at 5' 1", and even had to look up to the youngest freshmen in college. But now she's huge and doesn't see why she should stop growing anytime soon. Claire exits the elevator first, striding past groups of people trying to win big at roulette. She stops at one of the lesser crowded tables and smiles down at the tiny gamblers making their bets.

"Any more bets?" Asks the sweet cutie operating the wheel.

"Just one." Says Claire pushing a small stack of her chips to a bright red space.

The other guests at the table don't seem to be phased at all by Claire's statuesque form. Many not even giving her a second look. the attendant looks around for anyone else to join, but sees none.

"No more bets!" She says dropping a small ball bearing onto the magically spinning wheel.

The gamblers and spectators alike watch as the wheel spins faster and faster, their anticipation builds with each rotation. The suspense breaks as the ball stops.

"Fourteen red!" Shouts the cute attendant.

This is met with a mixture of groans and celebration as the other gamblers go through their changes. Claire doesn't make a sound, but continues to grow even larger past the nine inch mark. And then a small had touches her shoulder, it's Katie.

"Hey Claire, do you think that you'll be able to be alright by yourself for a little while? I feel like playing some high-risk poker."

"Go ahead. I'll be fine. In fact I'll probably meet you there after I get bored of this game."

Katie walks off into the crowd pointing herself toward the elevator. A few of the other people also walk off leaving a man with spiked up green hair and a little beauty with hair flowing all the way down to the floor.

"Okay place your bets!"

Claire is suddenly hit within a wave of inspiration. She pushes a quarter of her chips to the section marked twenty-two red. The other players make similar bets moving small sums of their stack across the table.

"Any more bets?" No one speaks up so she tosses the ball on the wheel which starts to quickly spins into a blur.

When the wheel stops everyone at the table looks at Claire in amazement. Her choice of twenty-two red was right on the money.

"We have a winner!" Announces the attendant.

"Wow that was 8:1 odds!" Says the spiky haired guy.

"Really?!" Says Claire excitedly.

Claire quickly does the math in her head and realizes that she's about to be over two feet tall. she braces for an ultimate growth spurt getting down on her knees as to not break through the ceiling. A surprisingly light tingling sensation courses through her bringing on an expected growth. But just after the growth barely starts, it's cut short leaving her at 10" tall.

"Hey, what's the big idea!?!? I just got ripped off!!!" Katie shouts at the tiny attendant.

"Miss!? Please calm down. You have reached the maximum height allowed in the casino. You will be able to pick up your prize from the pit boss after you're done playing." Says the cute roulette girl.

"Don't worry I understand. I really wasn't wanting to become too big to play either."

Now that everyone had calmed down the other players started making their bets and Claire calculated her next move. Her last two bets were with red, and that couldn't last. She could probably easily double her prize if she bet all of her chips on black. As Claire slides her chips into place the attendant drops the ball. The wheel came to life becoming a red-black blur. She looks down curiously as the wheel stops.

"Double zero! House wins." Shouts the attendant looking down at the green space.

"House wins?!?! But...!"


All of her chips disappear off the table. She braces for it, but she is nowhere near ready for the severity of the spell that hit her. For the first whole minute it's like she's lost in a sea of ecstasy. In that moment she has noway of knowing what changes she's under going, but also she really doesn't care. Then Claire came to, looking around at her steadily growing world. everyone at the table is still smaller than her, but not by much.

"Hey! Do you think you could just give me part of my other prize now?!"

"I can't honey! Only the pit boss has access to it."

"Damn it!" She is now smaller than the cute girl who seems to smile like she's enjoying this.

All of a sudden Claire's shrinking takes off at a rapid pace. She is losing a centimeter a second slipping down to almost eye-level with the table ledge. She freaks and jumps up trying to pull herself on top of the table.

"Could you at least take me to him?!" Says Claire still trying to pull herself up off the ground.

Her feet leave the floor almost startling her. She hangs on for her life trying to stay up as the ledge grows in her grasp almost making her climb impossible. Claire makes a last ditch effort scrambling for the table top, but she slips and looses her grip. Falling through the air Claire continues to shrink smaller and smaller. Tinier than ever! Then she looks down and sees where she's headed. Claire braces for impact as a halfling waitress walks right underneath her.


Claire lands inside one of the drinks sending a small splash up to the rim of the glass. She coughs out the rum and coke after almost drowning on it. She could already feel the extreme cold from the ice cubes burn her nude skin. But the alcohol from the drink was already numbing her senses making her eerily clam. Was watches up out of the glass as the gigantic waitress takes her across the casino floor. She is almost glad when the waitress stops, but only for a second.

"Who had the rum and Coke?" Asks the waitress.

A gigantic girl leans down and picks up Claire's glass. Claire is deadly frightened, but isn't sure what will come next. The glass begins to move closer to the giantess, approaching her face. Claire knows exactly what's going to happen, but is still too stunned to even try anything. By the time she was broken from her trance it was too late. The alcohol began to pull her toward the giantess' awaiting mouth. She shrieks louder than ever as she swims hard against the flow.

"Huh?!" The giantess seems to hear Claire's cries looking down into the glass.

"Oh! You poor little thing, let me dry you off!" Says the giantess spilling Claire into her hand.

Claire is placed on a napkin and begins to drip dry beginning to feel sticky from the coke. The giantess looks her over with an intense curiosity. Claire looks up at the girl, and through her drunken haze thinks she knows her. In fact she does know her.

"Hello Claire!" Says Ashley smiling down at her with an evil grin.


Katie sits down at the first empty seat she finds. This room is always the busiest of all, and there are times when you can look all over and not find a spot to play. Four other people are sitting here finishing up their game.

"Call." Says the dealer.

"I've got a pair of Queens." Says the young blond girl to his right.

"Ace high." Sighs the short purple skinned man next to her.

"Three of a Kind!" Shouts the bosomy cat-girl.

"Full house." Says the smallish dark haired lady next to Katie.

The chips disappear sending the group of gamblers into different changes. Three of the players lose minor parts of their transformation's which are transferred into the girl next to Katie. She grows slightly making her a little over six inches tall. Her ears lengthen and begin to build a short coat of fur turning them quite animalistic. Her last change revivifies her skin leaving her looking extremely cute.

"Alright, ante up!" Says the dealer.

Everyone at the table, including Katie, tosses their chips into the pot.


Claire is absolutely minuscule and feels almost powerless laying on the giantess's hand. Long and thick fingers rub over her nude form caressing her ever so gently. Claire tries to sit up, but she is so drunk right now that she can barely raise her head off Ashley's soft hand. The gigantic finger begins to play with Claire's freshly shrunken breasts, squishing them very delicately as to cause no discomfort. Down the finger goes tracing a line across Claire's stomach until it finally reaches......

"Whoa! Wait a minute!" Protests Claire as Ashley starts to put pressure on her tiny clitoris.

"Oh don't give me that! I know you like it." Whispers the giantess.

Ashley continues massaging Claire's lower extremities sending unbearable pleasure through the shrunken girl's body. Just when Claire is about to scream from shear ecstasy Ashley stops, leaving her in mid orgasm.

"How about we take this somewhere private?" Poses the giantess.

Claire opens her mouth to protest, but is shockingly unable to speak. Ashley closes her grasp on Claire blocking out a good portion of her view, and begins to walk across the casino floor looking for the exit. To Claire it is almost like being back on the roller-coaster, but with some unique twists. Ashley's soft skin rumbles like a fleshy earthquake with every step, making Claire shake from head to toe. When the giantess comes to a stop outside of the elevator door, Ashley looks around the casino as if she's looking for someone. She enters the elevator sure that Katie isn't hot on her heels.

[size+=2]"LOBBY!"[/size] Says Ashley with excitement apparent in her voice.

When the door opens Ashley cuts across the valley of slots with a deliberate speed. Claire is bouncing in her hand caught in the fiercest flesh-quake yet. The thunderous machines are louder than ever to Claire, almost deafening to her fragile ears. Just when Claire thinks that she is going to explode from the noise Ashley bounds down the staircase exiting the casino.

"Don't worry little one. We're going to have lots of fun together." Ashley says feeling her diminutive friend start to tremble.

Ashley skips back toward the amusement park, but stops just short of the gates. Gazing up at the building she stops at, Ashley's smile broadens with her intent.

"I promise!" She says walking through the hotel's door.

The neon sign continues to shine brightly outside:

"All of your Fantasies fulfilled! Guaranteed!!!"

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 08-30-2009 at 05:15 PM.
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Unread 08-29-2009   #6
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Re: **Claire's Project**

Ashley Has Her Way

The hotel is decked out in elegant wooden panels with beautiful works of art arranged down the hallways. Where the front desk should be is instead five corridors illuminated by candle light. Ashley takes Claire down the hallway second from the right and passes at least a dozen doors before opening the one marked 'Sensual Massage'.

"You're going to love this room." Ashley says closing the door behind her.

Inside of the massage room Claire smells an undefinable combination of aromas that are sweet and inviting. Light shines in from the large windows that make up most of the left wall. Ashley sets Claire down on an expansive bed that seems soft as clouds. Claire expects to see the amusement park bustling with people, but the view outside the window shows a breathtaking tropical beach overlooking an endless sea. Grand waves splash against the shore making Claire build hope that this might not be so bad after all. Ashley is over in the corner of the room looking through a cabinet filled with various creams and lotions. She pulls out a small vial, and reads the label.

"This will do nicely."

She walks over to a hot tub and turns it on causing an immediate flow of warm water. She dips a small basin under the water's surface and places it on a marble counter-top.

"I know that you must still be quite sticky and uncomfortable after taking a swim in my rum and Coke, so how about a nice hot bath?"

Claire is surprised at her kindness and doesn't resist at all as Ashley picks her up and places her next to the basin. The marble feels wonderful on her skin, smooth and warm from the summer sun. The tiny girl watches as Ashley opens the vial and pours a small portion of the red-crystalline substance into the steaming water. The giantess uses her finger to stir Claire's bath turning the water a nice shade of pink.

"I picked out the bath salts especially for you. It has a very strong calming effect that should help you enjoy yourself."

Claire looks into the cloudy pink water with a little bit of trepidation. The basin looks inviting, but how can she be so sure that it's safe?

"Go on little one. Kick off your cute booties and climb in."

In the end Claire gives in to the giantess's whims, dropping her cola-soaked booties, and approaches the water. The interesting aroma wafting from the basin begins to do it's work on Claire, coaxing her in for a dip. She slips one of her feet under the water testing this strange liquid against her skin. This has to be the most perfect bath water Claire ever experienced, not too hot or cold. Without anymore hesitation Claire lowers herself into the water feeling a small tingling sensation as the bath salts caress her skin. A contentious smile stretches across Claire's face as all of her stress is magically melted away. She slips further down into the water, soaking her sticky strawberry blond hair below the surface.

"So, how do you like it Claire?" Asks Ashley leaning down to hear Claire's response.

"A girl can get use to this kind of treatment!"

"I knew you'd enjoy yourself here, I always do!"

Ashley walks back over to the hot tub and pries her tight thong off her ass. She pauses for a moment to pour a whole vial of greenish-blue bath salts before slipping inside the awaiting water.

For the next half an hour the two ladies soak in their baths absorbing the magical properties given off by the salts. Claire finds herself daydreaming about all of her old vacation hangouts, realizing that none of them have brought her as much comfort and joy as this bath is right now. All of her stress and worry have been banished, and replaced with calm and ecstasy. Every so often Claire bites her bottom lip as tiny bubbles form around the tender lips of her pussy. This sensation is very pleasurable and makes her feel almost horny. Before she realizes she's doing it Claire begins to creep her hand toward her sopping wet sex, rubbing herself softly before inserting one of her fingers. This is the first time in recent memory that she felt the need to satisfy herself, and is surprised at how little effort she needs to use to get herself on the verge of orgasm.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself!" Says the giantess drying off above her.

Claire opens her eyes for the first time in at least twenty minutes, and looks up at Ashley. She looks different though, almost like she's bigger. This breaks Claire's trance just enough to make her look around at the world around her. It soon occurs to Claire that Ashley wasn't any larger at all, Claire is shrinking again!

"Oh my God! What are you doing to me?!"

"I'm giving you what you want. You're a lot smaller than when I last saw you so I figured you were going for a microscopic shrink."

"Microscopic?! You've got to be kidding me!" The stress relieving magic of her bath is still in effect, but it's powerless to calm Claire down as her bath quickly expands around her to the size of an average underground pool.

"Oops!" Says Ashley laughing a little.

"Don't just stand there! Hurry up and help me while you can still see me without using a microscope!"

"I know just the thing!" Says Katie running across the room toward the cabinet.

Katie returns with a very small jar with a whitish cream inside. She scoops Claire out of the water and places her on a hand-towel. With rapid speed she opens up the jar and sticks her finger inside of it pulling out a small portion of the creamy substance, and clumsily globs it all over Claire's lower half. Claire can feel it soak her all the way from her navel to her toes.

"That's a very special aphrodisiac. It will cause you to grow every time that you orgasm. And it should counter act those bath salts I gave you earlier."

Claire looks down at the growing mass of lotion not sure what to do.

"Don't just lay there Claire! It won't work til you start to rub it in."

Claire is in utter shock. The creamy mess continues to expand around her sending Claire into a state of panic. Before she gets any smaller Claire reaches down in the cream and starts to massage herself. She dives her gooey fingers inside spreading the cream to every reachable nanometer of her tight sex. Claire had always been a very modest person, and wouldn't dream about pleasuring herself like this in public. Now that her fate is being held in the balance all of her modesty is tossed aside like an old toy.

"There you go Claire. Go to town!"

She takes Ashley's encouragement and rolls with it thrusting faster and harder. Then her eyes bug-out as a sudden sharp tingle shoots down her spine. The cream's magic turns every single move she makes into pure ecstasy. Claire slips another finger inside setting off a bomb of pleasure in her nervous system. The spell's grip tightens on Claire again pushing her well beyond the point of no return.

"Aaah! Aaaugh! Ah!" Squeaks Claire at her moment of climax.

A new magical sensation bursts from Claire's pussy sending a shock-wave of pleasure coursing through her. She could feel it happening. Before, there was a slight feeling that she was slowly falling into herself. Now, She could feel the texture of the marble counter change as her body begins to expand on top of it. Before, Claire was an emotional wreck feeling afraid, but strangely excited. Now, all that she could feel was a sense that she just couldn't describe. It was almost like the longer she fingered herself the hornier she becomes. The miniature girl couldn't stop herself even if she tried But even after all of her transformations she is still only human. Her speed begins to waver until finally her hand falls to her side. She lays there panting, having used up all of her energy.

"Oh, the poor little girl tired herself out. By the look of it Claire you've done a hell of a job down there."

Claire looks down at herself and is pleasantly surprised that the aphrodisiac Cream flood has receded to just a small spill. She reaches down and scoops a small handful of the magical cream and applies another dose. Slowly she grows back to the size she was before letting herself get talked into that amazing bath. This new insatiable lust feels unbreakable, but right now Claire is barely conscious of the fact that she has been pleasuring herself for over a half an hour.

"Do you want a little help?"

Claire looks up at Ashley's enormous eyes. She had leaned in rather close watching Claire finger herself in glee. The combination of spells have taken their toll on Claire causing her to lose all of her cares. She thinks it over and reaches the conclusion that right now she doesn't care if Ashley is a girl.

"Bring it on Ash!" Claire manages to get out.

Ashley starts by rubbing Claire's tiny breasts. They are slightly larger than they were the first time she had a chance to do so. They are just as perky as ever and seem to feel perfectly soft. Claire moans from the combination of pleasures and welcomes Ashley's finger as it journeys down to Claire's hungry pussy. She gently pushes Claire's hand aside and uses a minuscule amount of pressure lightly touching Claire. Ashley rubs a very tiny circle around Claire's crotch and can feel the tiny girl shiver in delight.

"Oh, Ash!" Claire moans.

Ashley can see Claire's body swell in size at the exact moment she tries to penetrate Claire's tight sex. Even with that little bit of growth it was still too small to allow her entrance. Not even the tip of her finger could fit.

"Oh, Ash!" Gasps Claire.

Ashley continues to gently massage Claire watching as she begins to squeeze her mammaries together feeling deep pleasure from her tender erect nipples. Slowly Claire's growth continues making Ashley try to once more insert her finger.

"Oh, Aaaash!" She exclaims as the gargantuan finger finds a way to force it's way in.

The tip of Ashley's finger slips inside Claire just barely, but it was enough to instantly send her back into climax. Claire's pussy seems to magically loosen up allowing Ashley to plunge inside filling it up rather nicely. Claire manages to get out a few incoherent squeaks trying to show Ashley that she was on the right track. At this point she was only able to fit less than a quarter of her finger inside, but it was still the largest sex toy Claire had ever experienced. Ashley can barely move her finger around in Claire's tight sex so she pulls it out and lubricates it with the small stain of aphrodisiac cream left on Claire's thighs.

"You ready for some more?" Asks the giantess brandishing her index finger lightly coated with the last of the magical cream.

Claire looks like she's completely out of it, but nods and smiles as if she completely understands. Ashley smiles back and begins applying a third dose of the aphrodisiac around the tiny girl's throbbing pussy. The tingling sensation reaches a new plateau inside Claire removing all thoughts trying to surface in her cloudy mind.

Ashley gently lubricates the inside of Claire's pussy able thrust in and out now that Claire's growth brought her slightly above two millimeters tall. Now she was able to fit over half of her finger inside, and could feel it get sucked in even deeper every time she makes a forward thrust. Claire continues to cum and quiver thirsting for more and more attention from the giantess. And then suddenly Ashley pulls out.

Laying there on the table Claire slowly regains a small amount of her coherency as her pussy seems to scream at her to continue. She looks around the table and examines the objects scattered around her. The booties she discarded earlier were extremely loose on her feet, but looking at them now there is no way she could even attempt to put them on. Looking at the basin she had taken a bath in she smiles. Now she would be lucky if it was the size of a kiddie pool. But something was missing. Where is Ashley?

"Ash? Ashley?! Are you still here?"

"Yeah." Says Ashley's voice from somewhere in the room, [size=+2]"I'm just getting a little bit of refreshment."[size]

Ashley closes the small fridge she is kneeling at and stands up popping open a can of Coke. She takes a gulp of her cold drink and sets the can down next to Claire who looks at it with astonishment. Peering up at this humongous can Claire's mouth waters thinking of the sweet nectar inside.

"Can I have some? It's my favorite."

"Sure, but you'll have to give me something in return."

"I'd be glad to!" She coos.

Ashley leans down and slips a tropical umbrella-shaped straw( Which looks larger than an umbrella to Claire!!) in the can. Clumsily Claire begins to drink through the large straw stopping only for a second to giggle at the way she must look. She notices Ashley walk over to the windows and turn a knob on the wall that looks like a light switch. As she did this the sun flies through the sky like time is in fast forward stopping when the purple-orange hues of dusk appear.

"What are you doing?"

"Setting the mood." Ashley swaggers back toward Claire. "It's time to return the favor, honey!"

"What do you have in mind?" Claire asks the giantess looking down at her with a greedy stare.

"Just a little bit of attention from the hottest hand-held chick in the mansion." She says scooping Claire up off the table.

It is still a little disorienting to Claire being picked up. The rush of air past her face and the sensation of falling up brings back the illusion that she is on an amusement park ride. Ashley raises her up to eye-level and gives her a lustful grin before planting a colossal kiss on her. The giantess's soft luscious lips cover up Claire's entire face, leaving her surprised and dazed when the intimate moment is over.

"Come on let's start the fun." Ashley says walking Claire over to the silky bed.

She lays Claire down and takes a second looking down upon her tiny lover seeming to contemplate what to do next. Ashley begins by crawling up from the end of the bed, slowly stalking Claire like a lioness. Every movement Ashley makes sends a shock-wave through the mattress. As she gets close Claire begins to think if she's really made the right decision, but it's too late. Ashley pounces on Claire's prone body completely covering everything but her head with a pair of mountainous breasts. These warm pillow-like globes almost drive all the air out of Claire's lungs upon impact, pinning her down effortlessly. Even though they are holding Claire with an enormous amount of pressure. She knows that Ashley is holding back not wanting to injure her. She is so vulnerable and fragile right now, and that fact excites her.

"Are you ready Claire?"

"That depends. What do you want me to be ready for?"

"The ride of your life!"

Ashley rises up off Claire brushing her in the face with her erect nipples in the process. She positions herself on the bed making Claire bounce around as if she's on a trampoline. When Ashley is done Claire sits up and gazes in awe at the giantess's cavernous sex only arm's length away. It is nothing like she could have ever imagined seeming to be both intimidating and inviting at the same time.

"What are you waiting for? I'm only going to get hornier the longer you take. And it's not like your job isn't big enough already!"

"I have no idea where to start!" She says in amazement.

"Don't give me that! You're a girl, you know what we like." The giantess winks.

Claire studies the monstrous sex cave like a prince looking for a weak point in a dragon's armor. Ashley's impenetrable fortress of lust stares right back making her feel tinier than ever. And then she sees it. A small, well comparatively small, knob of flesh positioned on top of Ashley's sex like a crown. Claire stands up and reaches out grabbing the clitoris which is more than she can hold in one hand. She squeezes it gently feeling it out like she's afraid of hurting it. Getting no response from the giantess she grips it hard with both hands and clamps down with all of her might.

"Oooh! There you go, do that again!" Ashley says with excitement.

Claire doubles her effort trying to use all of her minuscule weight to pull down on the giantess's sweet spot. But this is just barely getting Ashley's juices flowing only resulting in a small amount of moaning.

Claire realizes that she has to change strategies, and fast before she pisses Ashley off from her tease play. She uses the giant vagina as a stepladder climbing up to bring her target level with her face. Using Ashley's pubic forest to keep herself steady, Claire leans in and starts liking the clitoris like a huge warm Popsicle. Her new approach was immediately noticed by her enormous lover who almost shivered in delight.

Claire tries to suck the whole clitoris into her mouth, but it's just far too big to even attempt it. After a sudden burst of inspiration she tries nibbling on it which is welcomed extensively by Ashley. Claire can feel Ashley's thighs begin to shake making the place where she is standing tremble.


Seeing her nibbling is doing a good job Claire bites down hard on Ashley's clit trying to please her giantess lover. At this moment several things happen. Ashley's jaw drops and she arches her back from the pure pleasure she's receiving in this tiny act. The giantess's movements don't bode well for Claire's fragile footing. Ashley's pubes slip out of her hands making her lose her balance and slip. She ends up falling face first in Ashley's vagina being sucked in by it's powerful muscles. At first she panics out of shear surprise, but as she struggles it's almost like the walls of Ashley's sex gently massage her in all the right places. The spells she's being affected by take back over Claire's thoughts making her want to stay in her forever. But that's when it hits her. She can't breath!

Ashley is lost in the moment. Seconds ago an intense wave of pleasure crashed against the walls of her psyche. And then she starts to feel something else. It's almost like...

She looks down to check on her tiny lover, but all that she can see of her is a pair of legs kicking like crazy. Claire is stuck all the way up to her knees in Ashley's sex actively trying to escape. Seeing this broke Ashley from her trance of lust making her jump into action. She darts her hand down and rescues Claire seconds before asphyxiation. Holding the tiny girl up to eye-level she looks over the collateral damage. Claire is dripping wet from her head down to her knees, a few droplets falling from her soaked hair while being dangled upside down. She is breathing heavily in short constant bursts trying to resupply herself with precious oxygen.

"You have to be more careful dear. That's one ride I wouldn't recommend going down head first." Ashley says jokingly.

"I..... didn't..... mean.... to..... " Claire gets out between breaths.

"Too bad because you were finally starting to make some progress."

Ashley lowers her back down onto the bed, laying her on the silky sheets. The tiny girl's breathing slowly returns to normal while she stares up at the empathetic eyes of her giantess lover. when she feels like she can finally move again. Claire sits up and walks back over to the deadly yet wonderful beast that she barely escaped from.

"Lay down!' Claire demands.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me! I said lay down!"

"Well yes ma'am!"

The giantess willing obeys laying down on the bed gently trying to shake Claire's foundation. Claire scales up Ashley's thigh doing her best to grip her perfectly toned legs. She walks over toward her stomach, and seems to second guess herself before turning back to the wondrous pit that almost took her life.

"You're not thinking of going back in are you?"

"I'm not just thinking about it!" Says Claire who stomps down hard on Ashley's sweet spot quieting the giantess for the moment being.

She looks down at her destination with a sense of foreboding lust. Just minutes ago she was struggling to remove herself from here, and now she's just going to willingly let herself jump back in without regard for her own safety.

"What am I doing?" She whispers to herself while standing on the edge of Ashley's deep sex. she starts by sitting down and dipping her legs inside of Ashley, moving them back and forth in swift kicking motions. This greatly pleased the giantess who closes her eyes and begins to make a few noises here or there. Claire can feel the warm juices begin to slosh between her toes, and can smell the distinct aroma of Ashley's sex begin to fill the air around her. This entices her even more making her throw caution to the door and plunge in.

"Oooh, Claire. You animal!" Moans Ashley.

The simple act of turning around inside around inside of Ashley so she can see her face, is enough to bring the giantess right back to the verge of climax. And for Claire, well it was just as amazing as it was the first time, better even. The amazing muscular walls of Ashley's sex do a great job of completely surrounding Claire with enough pressure to send her overly sensitive body back into a state of lustful joy. Claire had sunk herself in all the way up to her neckline, doing a modified version of the dogie paddle to stay afloat in the Sea of Ashley. And this little maneuver was doing wonders for the giantess who was now unconsciously grinding her hips upward like she was making love to the invisible man. For what seemed like a half an hour Claire was brought all the way to the verge of cumming only to have it snatched away just out of reach. But then it looks like all of her hand work wouldn't be in vain. Ashley triumphantly climaxes, this time clenching the muscles of her vagina enough to send Claire over the edge. The aphrodisiac's spell begins to take effect again, lengthening Claire's legs and widening her hips to the point where she could feel her slight downward descent stop. This increases both lover's pleasure exponentially to the point that they were right back into climax before they knew what to do. Ashley is now officially having the best sex of her life. Just the thought of having a slowly growth girl inside of her is unlike anything she could possibly imagine, and it just keeps getting better as Claire's feet reach the deepest point of her sex without any where else to go. Claire on the other hand is beginning to notice her growth excellerate with every tingle of pleasure she receives from her ever tightening grip. She tries to move her legs around inside of Ashley, but it's impossible. Next she tries her arms out hoping that it would alleviate some of the pressure, but their pinned against the vagina's walls so tight that she can't budge them either.

"Um, Ashley?" She says to her giantess lover.

"Ash?!" I need some help here!" Still there is no answer from Ashley who is drowning out everything at this moment.

Claire starts to feel worried that she's getting no response, but panic doesn't set in until she climaxes once more starting another series of small growth spurts. The vagina's walls are starting to clamp down hard with it's anaconda vice, restricting the blood flow to Claire's legs.


There is absolutely no room left inside of Ashley at this point and Claire is starting to feel like she is having the life squeezed out of her. Pain is now starting to rear it's ugly head, rising up out of the tingly pleasure like a shark. If Claire doesn't get Ashley's attention soon, this situation is going to turn from bad to worse.

"ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Claire screams at the top of her lungs.

Like someone escaping from a nightmare Ashley sits up and screams. She looks down into the panic stricken eyes of Claire, who can see the picture of pain that was her face.


Ashley reaches down and grabs hold of Claire, pulling with quite a lot of force trying to remove her. But she is stuck like Excalibur. She yanks, she pulls, she redoubles her effort, but Claire's growing body just won't budge. Just at the point when Ashley feels like she's going to burst at the seams her human sex-toy dislodges from her shrinking prison.


The giantess looks down at her two handfuls of Claire quivering from the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Are you alright?" Asks Ashley.

"I'm okay." She says holding her side, "Although I might have a broken rib. How about you?"

"A little sore, but I think I'll manage."

Claire is pleasantly pleased by the fact that Ashley didn't look quite so intimidating anymore. In fact their size difference was still being reduced bringing Claire to almost 1/4 Ashley's height. Claire could feel the tingling from that magical aphrodisiac come to a halt, but something wasn't right. Was she still growing? Before her eyes the large form of Ashley continues to reduce making her have to reposition her grip to keep holding Claire. Something wasn't right though, Claire just knew it. looking around the room Claire tries to find out what's out of place. that's when she realizes......

"Ash, are you shrinking?"

Ashley thinks about what to tell her and goes with the truth.

"Do you remember what your bath did to you?"

"How can I forget?!?"

"I poured a different kind of shrink salt in mine. yours had a powerful calming effect so that you could enjoy yourself. I didn't need that so I gave myself a slow-shrink bath."

"And you just let me dive right back inside you!!!"

"I had no idea that my shrinking would accelerate like that so quickly. Just look at me! I'm still shrinking!!"

She wasn't lying.Although it is a lot slower than it was a minute ago, she is still getting smaller by the second. In the last few minutes Ashley had gone from an impossibly immense giantess, that had to look at least a few hundred feet tall to Claire, to a shadow of her former self. Claire reaches out and grabs hold of one of her nipples, feeling it reduce in her grip.

"You maybe shrinking, but you're still a lot bigger than I am."

As if on cue a major shrink-spurt hits Ashley making her almost drop Claire as she bursts out of her grip. The shrinking giantess could feel her tiny lover start to to a little heavy so she placed her down on the bed just to be safe. Claire stands up and smiles at Ashley readjusting her view as she continues her slow downward fall.

"But that might change soon!"

Ashley's shrinking slows down even further and then stops bringing her close to only three times Claire's size. Claire looks down at the familiar yet strange trap she escaped from twice tonight. She giggled at the thought that she was small enough to fit in there just ten minutes ago.

"So Ash, are there other rooms in this place that I would like?"

"I can think of a few, but the only problem is I'm probably too small to reach the door knob right now."

"That shouldn't be much of a problem." Says a booming female voice.

Standing in the open doorway is a gargantuan stranger with platinum blond hair flowing all the way down her back like a waterfall.

"But me letting you leave will be!"

Claire's Project

Last edited by LOD; 08-30-2009 at 07:06 PM.
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Unread 08-29-2009   #7
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Re: **Claire's Project**!!!
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Unread 08-30-2009   #8
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Re: **Claire's Project**

Originally Posted by JasonSlayer View Post!!!
Thank you so much!!

I've took the time to format this story like it have it at The Transformansion.

When I get the time I'll do the same with more of it!!

And I really can't wait for Sutibaru to get done!!

I also have a commission through Wizdomtooth that should be pleasing to you all as well

Claire's Project
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Unread 08-30-2009   #9
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Re: **Claire's Project**

I can't believe I'm saying this, but... MOAR!!!1! >=D
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Unread 08-30-2009   #10
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Re: **Claire's Project**

Been reading this for a while, and I do approve.
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