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Unread 02-24-2014   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 123
A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

It was a sunny Saturday morning, and the family was gathered around the table. A pitcher of orange juice sat at the center of the tablecloth, and dad was finishing off the last of his famous pancakes. Mom was carrying off a collection of dishes into the kitchen. The couple’s teenage daughter, Marley, was still wrapped up in a blanket, and staring sleepily at the remnants of her last pancake, slowly pushing them from side to side with her fork. Seven-year old son Jess was eagerly digging through the leftover fruit salad.

“Are you finished yet honey?”

“Not yet mom!”

Jess shoveled a final few apple slices into his mouth before placing the serving bowl back on the table, to be picked up.


Jess jumped up from his chair and ran off to the living room. Soon, the starting noises of the Nintendo Wii could be heard.

“How about you dear? Are you going to finish that pancake?” Helen looked down at the mushy, syrup-soaked fragments.

“Not really hungry.” Marley mumbled.

“You look exhausted… you weren’t out late with Justin again were y-”


“It doesn’t bother me if-”

“Wasn’t. I’m just tired.”

Helen raised her eyebrows.

“If you say so.” She picked up the plate and carried it off to the kitchen. Marley continued to stare blearily at the tablecloth for a few more minutes before rising and shambling out of the room. Helen carried the pile of dishes to the kitchen, and planted a quick peck on her husband Mike’s cheek. He reciprocated, before going back to rinsing off the mixing bowls. Helen placed the plates and cutlery into the dishwasher, then turned it on just as Mike pulled the plug to the sink, placing the last of his dishes on the drying rack.

“So, any plans for today?”

“Oh, I was figuring we’d just have a lazy day for once. We haven’t had a day for the whole family to relax for… months, really. Marley’s just finished her exams, and Jess is going to camp next week.”

“I could stand a day like that.” smiled Helen. The two shared another quick kiss before splitting up. Helen headed for her bedroom, thumbing through a few novels before picking one and curling up on a little beanbag- her ‘reading chair’- and digging in. Mike surreptitiously slipped into the computer room and opened up his email, beginning to respond to several inquiries from work.”


Jess was sitting on the carpeted floor of the living room, playing Super Mario Galaxy when a powerful buzzing shook him. A thick hum filled his ears, and his hair felt as if it was standing on end. He shuddered and shook, closing his eyes, and when they opened he realized that Mario was now dead, at the hands of a giant, rampaging mole.


He looked around to look for a source of the strange noise and feeling, but saw nothing. In a few moments, his attention returned to the television screen. But something odd was poking away at the back of his mind.


Marley was just coming out of the shower when a feeling like a violent fit of shivers cascaded from the back of her neck down to the base of her spine. She gasped and nearly dropped her towel, stumbling on the bathmat. Frozen for a few moments, she stared out the window. The frosted glass was closed; no gust could have come through. But what was that sensation? She stared at her reflection, shoulder-length dirty blond hair hanging down like a thick mat, for a few seconds, before slowly continuing to dry herself off. Turning on a hair dryer, she felt a momentary surge of annoyance at the work she had to put into her hair, before quashing it. She took a quick look down at the new clothes she’d laid out for herself, but something about them seemed amiss.


Helen was just reaching the point of the novel where the protagonist’s sister was being pursued by the man from the shadows when a deep, reverberating shock rattled her body. Tensing, she dropped the book to the floor as a buzzing hum flooded her ears.

“Agh, damnit! She looked down to the floor, to see that her age was lost. She reached down to pick it up, but then paused and thought better of it. She had other things to attend to.


Mike was just sending off his message when the shock hit him. He twitched and banged his hand into his keyboard- the opened program closed with a flash. Mike cursed, at both the strange jolt and its results. He started to recover the file, but found himself becoming increasingly distracted. Perhaps work could wait.


Jess turned off his game. The itch at the edge of his consciousness would not go away, and he could not resist its call any longer. He got up, and made his way up the stairs towards his mother’s room. He pushed open the door to see his mother standing in the room. She gave him a quick look and then swiftly departed, with a strange expression of embarrassment on her face. Jess advanced into the now-empty room. With a look of blank intent on his face, he approached his mother’s dresser and took off his shirt, placing on a purple flowered blouse appropriated from an open drawer. Satisfied, he picked up the book and continued to read where Helen had left off.


Marley wore only the white towel, with a bundle of clothes held in front of her. Stealthily, she made her way down the hall before pushing open the door to her brother’s room and creeping in. Satisfied, she dropped her old clothing and towel behind the closed door, and began rummaging around on the floor, pulling out a wrinkled black shirt with a triceratops on it. Pulling it on, she felt an unpleasant abrasion, especially against her breasts, but ignored it. She put on a baseball cap and then flopped down on the bed, digging through a pile of comic books in her brother’s mess.


Helen had been digging through her husband’s clothing when Jess had burst in, causing her to leave in a panic. Now, downstairs in the laundry room, she pondered with some nervousness what sort of strange urge had previously swept through her. A need… no, not a need. It wasn’t some strong desire to do something… it was as if it simply was going to do it. Helen noticed that she had been hyperventilating- the bizarre trance-like state had shaken her deeply.


Mike was wrestling with conflicts of his own. He had attempted to continue working for several minutes until being overwhelmed by the urge. He stood now in the downstairs hallway, torn by indecision. Part of him sought to deny the bizarre urge and leave… but another bit had to make it to Marley’s room. Minutes passed by with the semblance of hours, until at last Mike weakened and he nearly flew into his daughter’s room. Closing the door behind him, he picked up a bra from the laundry basket and held it in his hands for a moment. Hesitating only briefly, caught in another internal struggle, Mike at last emerged at a compromise. He would take something invisible to any other viewer. Pulling off his shirt, he strapped the bra onto his hairy chest then quickly pulled his simple t-shirt over the ill-fitting garment.


Jess stretched and rose off of the reading chair, placing down the completed book. He yawned and stretched again, noting that he no longer swam in the blouse like he had when he had first placed it on. He reached down to pick up the book, preparing to return it to the shelf, and felt an uncomfortable tightness in his pants. Indeed, they were quite too tight for day-to-day wear like this. Jess placed the book in its proper location then slipped off his pants, and underwear. He opened up a drawer and slid on a white pair of panties, then opened another and pulled out a dark purple skirt. With practiced actions, he pulled the garment on, and then posed before the mirror. His hair hung down around his ears, and he raised his eyebrows only briefly before checking his watch- it was time for lunch.


Marley lay down on the bed, chewing some bubblegum. She laughed at a comic, flipping the page to laugh again. She turned the cap around on her head, before finishing off the book. The triceratops shirt was feeling more comfortable now that she’d been wearing it for a while, and her hair was no longer getting in the way now that she’d stuffed it under her hat. Awesome.


Helen was now feeling the same conflict that, unbeknownst to her, had raged also in her husband. She simply forced herself to stay in the basement. However, she could feel her resolution ever weakening.


The comforting hum of the clothes drier came to a finish. In a moment, Helen realized what was inside… and her problems were over. With a quick rush, she opened the door, and pulled out a load of dried clothes. Suddenly possessed by the idea that her present clothes were dirty, she removed her blouse and bra, placing on one of Mike’s bland grey t-shirts in place.


Mike had tried to get outside, to try and clear his thoughts. He’d tried looking around the house for a few moments, but his family members were in none of their usual haunts. Finally making his way to the back yard, he sat stiffly on a wooden lawn chair, trying to keep his thoughts off of the undergarment which he wore. Apparently, his efforts met with some success- after a few minutes, he didn’t even think of it, and simply relaxed outdoors. However, he came to realize that he was being quite irresponsible- he’d just left his work sitting some time earlier. With renewed purpose, Mike made his way back towards his computer.


Jess was feeling a little odd as he came down the staircase to put together a lunch for his family. He was about a head taller than normal, and feeling oddly… stretched. His hair seemed longer and lighter, with an increasing wavy pattern, and his chest felt sore. He took out some leftovers from breakfast, and began to lay out several condiments as he sliced up some bread for sandwiches. Helen passed by in a grey shirt, and Jess leaned over to drop a kiss on her lips.

“Hey there sweety.”

“Oh, uh, hi hon.” Helen’s eyes seemed to widen and lose focus several times as she spoke, before they cleared and she responded with a smile.


Marley was getting bored of the comics, and decided to take out her toy cars instead, spreading them around the floor of the room. Piles of clothing were great mountains to explore, as she kneeled on the ground and drove them around. The shirt was quite comfortable, her breasts had grown smaller and her height in general was beginning to decline.


“Do you need a hand making those sandwiches hon?” asked Helen.

“No, I’ve got it sweetie. Just grab the kids and ask if they’d like to eat.”

Helen set out of the kitchen and down the hallway which held the downstairs bathroom, along with Marley and Jess’ bedrooms. Pushing the former’s door open, she saw Marley sitting on the floor, Jess’ toys in hand, wearing only a t-shirt and a cap.

“Oh! Hey little guy. Put something on before you head out for lunch!”

“Whatever, okay.”

Helen backed out of the room, then opened up Marley’s door. The room was empty.


Mike had opened up his computer, but the file had felt less important once he got around to it, so he was chatting instead. An MSN password which until moments ago had been absent from his mind had made its way out of his fingers, and now he was talking to a variety of his high school-aged friends.

“so, u wanna meet up again tonight?” read one message. Mike giggled in spite of himself, running his fingers nervously over his thickening, lengthening and lightening hair.

“sure thing justin!    <3”


Panicked, Mike closed off the window to see Helen behind him- had she seen? For a moment, he was confused- should he confide or keep a secret? This wasn’t the correct way to behave in front of his wif- er, his mo- no… it just wasn’t right.

“Yes?” he asked nervously.

“Lunch, come now!”


The whole family was gathered again around the table for lunch. Each either appeared or behaved in a bizarre manner, but no unusual comments were made- perhaps something was forcing them to accept all that they saw as normal, or perhaps they were too terrified to bring any attention to the bizarre events of the morning. Jess walked swiftly between the kitchen and the table, dressed in a blouse, skirt and apron, bringing in the drinks and sandwiches. He was a head and a half taller than before, with hair now lengthened to his neck, and the faintest impression of a bosom was beginning to show itself beneath his blouse and apron. Marley, conversely, had shrunk. She wore Jess’ jeans, shirt and hat- although Jess had insisted that she remove her hat at the table- and underneath, wore his green boxer shorts.

Helen made herself look busy between the dining room and kitchen as well, but Jess simply insisted that she enjoy the meal- after all, Jess had said, Mike had already done him the favour of preparing breakfast for today.

Mike sat at the table quietly, feeling very small- both physically and emotionally. A confusing whirlwind from his brief previous experience on the computer filled him with uncertainty and concern… and unnoticed by anyone in attendance, he had lost nearly a foot of height, and was beginning to grow light brown locks from his formerly bald-topped scalp.


After cleaning up, Jess made his way to the toilet and sat down. Pulling his skirt out of the way, he sat down and released. A curious sensation in his groin was accompanied with a sudden spray of urine along his leg. With an uncharacteristically adult curse, Jess lifted his skirt to see the cause. His penis was shorter than he’d remembered, and the urethral opening at the end was much wider than normal. Further inspection showed that his testicles had ascended, now nearly lying flush with his body. However, he was growing an amount of groin hair- something that he had never had before this day. With an annoyed face, Jess placed his hand down on his groin and directed the flow downwards. Once that task was completed, he patted himself off with a length of toilet paper, and then looked to the cleaning closet.


Marley was back in the living room, with her video games. Her hair seemed to be in full retreat, while her breasts had shrunk away to barely pubescent lumps. She was now down to nearly the height of her younger brother, and a strange growth was beginning to develop in her groin- but she was too focused on her present distraction to take any notice.


Following lunch, Helen had wandered the house aimlessly for a few minutes, before settling down at the computer. It suddenly occurred to her that she still had a great deal of work to finish off. She plunked herself down on the office chair and typed in Mike’s password, opening up his files and getting back to work. After several minutes, she finished sending off the last of the emails on her to-do list, and got up to notice something quite odd. Why on earth was she wearing a skirt? Helen scratched her head in confusion, dislodging several strands of hair as she did so.


Mike was hiding himself outside again, this time in the shed. A bubbling series of conflicts, many of them quite contradictory, stormed tempestuously throughout his head. Why was he feeling these bizarre urges? Why, on the other hand, did he think wanting to wear a teenage girl’s undergarments was wrong? Did Mom know about Justin? What would Justin think seeing him like this? Why did he even care?

Wait… had he even said goodbye before running off for lunch? With a frightened squeak, Mike ran back towards the house- he had to get to the computer now!


Jess brushed his wavy blonde hair out of his face and smiled at his handiwork. The bathroom sparkled. Putting the cleaning supplies back away in the closet, he felt his chest. It felt… incorrect. Wrong, somehow. He pushed at his breasts, noting that they were feeling a little sore… and quite a bit exposed. Of course! Jess set out back towards his bedroom- not once noticing that his new conception of ‘his bedroom’ was in fact the house’s master bedroom, and not his old place on the first floor. Jess slipped in, and reached through his mother’s drawers, picking out a simple white brassiere. He unbuttoned and removed his blouse, then with practiced ease clasped the bra into place. It seemed quite a bit larger than it needed to be, but there was no sense looking for another- they were all the same size, after all. Noting that there were still a few hours remaining until dinner, Jess put his blouse back on, sat back down on his beanbag chair, and resumed reading.


Marley had paused the game, and was sitting down on the toilet now, to relieve herself. When she let go, however, a horrible unfamiliarity suddenly struck her. Her eyes sank down to her groin, where a tiny penis existed. A hand shot down further, to feel two small shapes held tightly beneath. Horrified, she looked up into the mirror to see her face… but younger looking, and almost boyish in appearance. Her hair was no longer down to her shoulders- in fact, it now barely extended beneath the brim of her hat- her brother’s hat! She was wearing his clothes too! A scream caught in her throat as, in an instant, the spell was broken. She was turning into her little brother! Her whole life was being stolen! Desperately, she thought through the day’s events, suddenly realizing what was happening. Jess was wearing their mother’s clothes, and was taller and growing her hair…

“What the h…eck..?” Marley exclaimed, stuttering away from a heavier curse. She leapt up and took a closer look at the mirror. She and her sibling were both changing inexplicably. Panicked, she thought back further, realizing that she held memories of her brother’s, that she should have no right to possess. Was she losing her own memories too? The girl thought hard on that, before having her train of thought interrupted by a trickling down her leg.

“Oh no…” In her shock, she had risen without stopping. Pee had spread across the bathroom floor, and along her legs and underwear- NO! Not her underwear. Her brother’s underwear.

“Darn it, darn it, darn it!” Marley fought off a momentary instinct to call her parents, and then began to gather up toilet paper to clean the mess herself.


Helen was walking up the stairs, already beginning to step out of the skirt as she went through the doorway. And underneath… was she wearing women’s underwear? Her face flushed with embarrassment as she stepped out of it, looking downwards as she did. Ambiguous genitalia looked back. Her clitoris was swollen, while her vaginal opening seemed to be closing, and two testes were beginning to descend from her lower groin. The area was hairier than she remembered, and darker in colour. Uncertainly, she tossed the two garments into the laundry hamper, and began digging through Mike’s dresser, looking for something proper to wear, when she heard a voice that, for a moment, made her blood run cold.

“Nice rear, dear.”


Mike burst into the computer room just a moment after Helen had departed, and immediately opened up his MSN. Justin had left a few messages asking where she’d gone, then disappeared.

“sry, parents called for lunch, had to run.”

Unsurprisingly, there was no response- Justin was offline.

“<3 u!”

Mike closed off the messenger, then rose back to his feet and headed out into the hallway. He hoped that Justin wasn’t angry about his sudden absence. Instinctively, he treaded his way to Marley’s room and closed the door behind him. Looking forward, he suddenly realized that he had walked into his daughter’s room as if that was the normal place to go. And before him lay… every object of his temptation. Suddenly reminded of the bra he wore, his hands shot to his chest- two juvenile breasts met him, perhaps A-cup in size. He also noticed, for the first time, the light brown hair hanging down in his peripheral vision. His dark, graying, and balding hair was now as light as his daughter’s, and hung down around his ears. His bald spot was now impossible to find atop his head. But everything else he wore… was wrong! He looked around, and knew that he could hold out no longer. With almost frenzied energy, he pulled off his shirt, grimacing at the discomfort the sudden action provided to his breasts. He was at the dressers in a flash, consumed by the suppressed urges against which he had struggled throughout the day.


Jess giggled at the figure in her bedroom’s surprise. Jess himself was leaned back in his beanbag chair, legs crossed one knee over the other, one finger resting on his lips, while the other loosely held his novel. His blouse was partly unbuttoned, and his skirt was bunched up quite high. His figure was quickly approaching adult- one might have placed his age around 18.

“Sorry, don’t care for a compliment?”

Helen covered herself up embarrassedly- Jess was struck for a moment by what he should think of the new arrival- was this his mother? His wife? Or his husband? Or… for that matter, even himself? A momentary alarm rose in his head, but was quickly dampened. It was his husband, of course.

“No… thanks, actually.” The voice was definitely Helen’s… albeit quite a bit deeper than normal. “I was just up getting some clothes.”

“Well, don’t be shy!” On an instinct, Jess winked. His previous lines had been instinctive as well, but it all seemed like the right thing to say. Helen relaxed visibly and, nude below the beltline, ruffled through Mike’s underwear drawer. Jess stared at Helen from behind. For a moment he realized that this was quite gross… but couldn’t really place his finger on why- they were in a private place. Helen’s buttocks were pleasantly sculpted… a little fatty, and a bit wide, but not so much as to appear feminine. They were even a little hairy. It seemed a little… feral. And Jess decided that he liked that.


Marley held her tongue out in disgust as she finished wiping her legs dry. She pointedly avoided looking at the tiny penis between her legs, hoping that its further development would halt if it were kept entirely out of mind. The bathroom was generally clean now. She washed off her hands, and pulled up her- no! Not hers. Jess’ pants. They were a little damp still, she’d need a change. Moving out into the hall, she made several steps towards Jess’ room before catching herself. She froze in the hall for several moments. She was pretty sure that her changes had begun when she’d put on these clothes- by that logic, if she put on her old clothes, things should return to normal. She turned and approached her own door hearing a few odd noises inside. With only a moment’s hesitation, Marley turned the knob and pushed it open, stepping in. Before her, her ‘father’ Mike, wearing only an ill-fitting bra and some grey slacks, was flipping his way through her closets. A blank, manic look was on his face, and one hand held up a tank top like some holy relic. Mike saw his ‘daughter’, and froze.

Marley stared in shock. The person before her was her father, but… different. He was shorter, and younger looking. He had been a prematurely balding man in his late thirties earlier, but now his hair was thick and light- almost exactly the same as Marley’s own! He was shorter by over a foot, and small, but obvious breasts stood out on his chest. After noticing that, the slight feminization of the rest of his figure became obvious.

“What the heck!?”

Mike, frozen in horror, began to shake, his mouth shaping desperate, strangled words.

“What is happening, and what the fff…uck are you doing?” Marley stuttered.

Mike continued to shake, then suddenly collapsed on Marley’s bed, sobbing. Marley rushed towards him, jumping on the bed and turning him face up. Tears were streaming down her father’s face. Marley felt a flash of guilt, but pressed on, more gently this time.

“What’s going on? Please! Tell me!”

“Jess?” was one of the only words she was able to pull out of Mike’s sobbing and stuttering.

“No, I’m Marley, and you’re wearing my clothes. Some of them, at least. What are you doing?”

“I… had to…” came Mike’s voice, cracking frequently between heaving shudders, “Couldn’t stop. Had to look good for Justin.”

“Justin is my friend. Dad.” Marley’s voice went cold.

“I was talking to him… and then the lunch… and he left…”

“Wait, you were impersonating me on chat? What the hell were you doing that for?”

A fresh round of sobbing prevented an immediate response, so Marley continued on.

“Look, something really messed up is going on, so straighten up and get out of my room.”

“This… is my-”

“No, this is my room dad. Your name is Michael, my name is Marley. You’re wearing your clothes in my room. Get out- and take them off before you get out. Now, let me get some of my own stuff-”

Marley was completely unprepared for a blow that knocked her off her feet, just as she was beginning to collect up some of her own clothes.

“Ow! What was that-”

Mike, eyes red from tears and wide in anger, began to shove her roughly along the floor, towards the exit.

“Get out of my room!”

“Dad, this is-”

“I’m not your dad you little creep, now get out! Or I’m calling mom!”

Marley had no response other than trying to scramble to her feet as she was bodily rolled out the door of her own room. The door slammed and locked behind her.”



Helen finished picking out a pair of plain grey briefs and stepped into them, noting the opening in the front.

“Working downstairs again? So much for your relaxed day.” laughed Jess.

“I’m done for now. Tiresome stuff sometimes, it’s like some folks at the office have no idea how to function without me.”

“Well, let’s hope nothing ever happens to take you out of commission then.”

Helen flopped down on the bed, and Jess rose from his beanbag chair on the floor, before lying down next to her. Helen’s eyes opened in surprise when a hand rested on her belly. She leaned over and looked into Jess’ eyes. The face before her seemed odd- like some mix of herself and her daughter. Or was that her wife and her son? Wavy flaxen hair framed Jess’ face and spread around the pillow. Some light cleavage was visible between the unbuttoned sections of Jess’ light purple flowered blouse, and a faint hourglass was visible, a depression between the high points of his shoulders and hips. The hips themselves were slighter than normal, leading down to attractive legs and naked feet. Helen smiled and felt a slight hardness building in her groin. She flexed her abs, and Jess slowly traced his fingernails up towards her pectorals. Helen’s nipples hardened, though she noted that her breasts were much smaller than normal. However, the muscles beneath made a small step towards compensating for this. She looked into Jess’ eyes with rapt attention, and saw them looking back, hungrily. Helen began to reach over when a series of shouts broke out downstairs. The moment was broken.

“I’ve got it.” They said simultaneously.

“Just stay here, hon, I’ll deal with it.” Disappointment weighed heavily on Helen’s mind as she rose from the bed, as the feeling in her groin faded. Picking a pair of Mike’s slacks from the dresser, she trotted out and descended down the stairs to deal with the crisis.


Mike breathed heavily as he held the door shut, chest heaving. Confident that the door was locked, he took several steps backwards, collapsing back onto Marley’s bed. His chest jiggled as he hit, once again confirming, in his mind, exactly who he was. His little brother, Jess had been convinced that he was Marley, and had been saying the most bizarre things- but what wasn’t bizarre was that her little brother was saying this, but that it seemed to ring true. Mike could remember being frantic to hide what he was doing. Why had he been panicked? It was his own room, wasn’t it?

“Oh god…” Mike moaned, cradling his head and shifting from side to side on his back. What would Helen think? He was going insane, dressing as his daughter…

Dressing. Right. The uncertainty vanished.

Mike rose from his bed, and picked up the red tank top that had been dropped during the previous confrontation. Fears, anticipation and uncertainty washing away, he raised it above his head and slipped in- the fit was loose around the chest, but tight around his midsection, but it still fit- barely. His attention immediately shifted elsewhere, as he slid off his awkwardly-fitting grey slacks and dull briefs, casting them to the floor. A look down shook his certainty once again. An atrophied penis and childlike scrotum still rested in his groin. Mike struggled to hold out against the lies that his little brother had tried to tell him, then stumbled through a pile of clothes towards the underwear drawer. Instinctively knowing where to look, he dug past a variety of plain white panties to find some more risqué pieces underneath. A wide grin spread across his face, as his desired lingerie was recovered.


Jess lay sideways on the bed, pulse pounding in his ears. His nipples stood small but stiff atop his nascent breasts. His broadened thighs rubbed together in frustration. Helen was on his mind, and she would not leave. Jess moaned lightly, and took note of his voice- it wasn’t much higher, but it seemed more… mature. One hand ran through his wavy blonde hair, while the other moved over his chest. Through his bra and blouse, he felt one erect nipple, and tweaked it. A pleasant jolt made Jess’ toes clench, and his thighs pressed together even harder than they had before.

“Goddamnit Helen…” he whispered breathily, “get back up here.”


Marley stood, livid, outside the room that she was sure had to be her own. Tramping feet were descending down the staircase. She turned around to see her balding parent, wearing one of her father’s t-shirts and a pair of slacks.

“Dad! Jess has… wait, no, that’s not right, Mike’s inside my room right now… he…”

Helen gritted her teeth and massaged her brow in frustration.

“Young man-”

“I’m not a young man!” Marley screeched, “I’m a boy! I mean, no I’m-”

“Look buster, your sister has a door for a reason. Stop bothering her, you’ve got all of your own things to play with-”

“But they’re not my things! My things are in Marley’s room! My room!”


Marley froze. Her parent’s voice seemed powerful and masculine, and suddenly much more intimidating.

“No back-talk. Go play nicely in your own room, or in the living room, or there’ll be no Nintendo for a week. Understood?”

Marley’s lip quivered. She desperately wanted to talk back. Things were terribly wrong, and it was getting harder and harder to express it. But dad was getting angry, and Marley felt doubt and uncertainty cloying at her.

“…mm hmm.” She affirmed.

“Glad to hear it.”


Helen turned around, crisis defused, as ‘Jess’ returned to ‘his’ bedroom. Ascending back to the upper floor, an urgent, yet contented noise caught her ear. Opening the door to the master bedroom, she looked down on the bed to see her life partner tugging at his beautiful blonde hair, and groping at his chest. Helen froze and watched, feeling her groin leaping back to attention. She looked down at the figure, her eyes running over Jess’ legs, half-hidden by a purple skirt. Jess’ torso was partly hidden by a flowered blouse, but Helen could spy cleavage through the unbuttoned top, and the hiked up garment revealed her partner’s precious waist and belly button. Helen pushed down hard against her groin, feeling it push back with equal force.

A few more seconds passed before Jess’ eyes shot open. Helen stared hungrily on as Jess’ expression flashed in an instant from embarrassment and surprise, to seduction.

“So sweetie, where were we?”

Helen grinned widely and undid her belt, letting it slither down to the floor.

“Something about enjoying our day off?”


Mike grinned at his reflection as he pulled on his red Victoria’s Secret panties. Neither of his parents knew about them, but he loved how mature and sexy they made him feel. He shimmied his weight from one leg to the other as he pulled them up. They fit snugly around his hips, although it was a little uncomfortable up front. With a grin, Mike looked at the mirror above his dresser, and struck a few cute poses in his red tank top-panties ensemble. Reaching instinctively for his cellphone, he snapped a few pictures, blowing a kiss to his photographed reflection.


The bed shook as Helen gracelessly flopped down onto it. Jess immediately pushed Helen’s hand to his needy breast, directing his own hands to the rest of Helen’s body. His thin, long-nailed fingers played across Helen’s back, before hooking into one of the empty belt loops and beginning to pull down Helen’s pants. With his other hand, Jess ran his fingers across Helen’s rough, stubbly chin, its hairs dark and peppered with grey.

Jess moaned as Helen’s large left hand groped away at his breast. His nipples expanded at the attention, and pressed further outwards. It felt so much better when someone else was doing it! Jess continued to struggle to pull down Helen’s pants further, but they were caught under her weight. Instead, Jess turned in towards his lover, wrapping his arms around Helen’s back and his legs around hers. The still-clothed pair entwined, and Jess felt a hardness pushing against him. He didn’t recognize it, but felt his breath quicken, and an ever-rising heat building deep in his groin.

Abruptly, Helen disentangled herself from him, rising to her knees and shimmying out of her pants. Something strained against her briefs, and Jess reached out for it, only to be intercepted by Helen’s strong, but gentle hand.

“Not yet hon. I’ve got a treat for you first.”

Helen leaned forward over Jess’ body and unbuttoned the top of his skirt. Jess felt Helen’s hands slide under his buttocks, and then suddenly lift him up. Her hands curled around the top of Jess’ purple skirt and white panties, pulling them off in one deft motion. Jess lay dazed, flat on his back with his knees pointing to the roof. Between them was Helen’s head, her eyes alive with a manic glow.


Marley lay with her head flopped down on her little brother’s bed, crying like a child. She was losing everything and was powerless to stop it. She felt despair seizing at her mind, but fought with it.

Slowly, her red, tear-stained face rose from the bed. She had to write down what she knew, and quickly. Still hyperventilating, but now with a plan in mind, she looked around for a journal, or any piece of paper she could write on. A pencil crayon and the back of a colouring book would have to do. She placed the book flat on her bed, and took the pencil into her hand. She struggled with her grip- her hand was small and strangely-proportioned. After a few seconds of difficulty, she began to write.

Dear future me. You are Marley. You are Marley. I am Jess but I know I’m Marley. It’s not right and everything is wrong.

Marley leaned back from the paper and gritted her teeth, trying to gather her thoughts.

Everyone’s changed. Dad’s Marley, and Dad’s Mom now too. I think Marley is me. And…

Marley balled up her fist in exasperation, giving out a strangled scream.

It’s not right. Not fair. I’m not me. I’m supposed to be Jess.

Marley leaned back once more, desperately holding on to something. A rising sense of apathy loosened her grip on the pencil crayon, but prompted a backlash from some sinking, hiding portion of her mind. She leaned in once more.

It’s a lie. Marley. It’s not what you think. If you don’t know, know you aren’t you. You’re Marley.


A dark blonde patch of pubic hair greeted Helen, just above a small, erect protuberance, which stood atop the partly-formed lips of a vagina. Helen inhaled deeply and dove in. Her tongue explored the nascent folds, before her lips closed around the nub. Jess gave a breathy gasp and bucked his hips, but Helen’s hands held tightly onto her partner’s thighs, preventing any escape. Her nose nuzzled Jess’ public mound, and her lips worked over and over the diminishing remains of Jess’ penis, her tongue rubbing up and down its short length. Jess’ gasps were coming through rhythmically now. Helen’s own groin raged with an aching stiffness, but Jess’ feminine exultations only encouraged her to finish bringing her wife to climax. Jess’ penis quivered in its last gasp, before sinking down into her folds, eliciting a deep coo from her nearly-breathless voice. Helen soldiered on, sensing victory approaching, her tongue running wild through Jess’ vagina. The gasps came quicker and quicker, rising in a crescendo until Jess could breathe no more. Her whole body shuddered, and then fell limp.


Satisfied with his naughty pics, Mike reached down and began to pull up a pair of tight-fitting jeans.

Too tight, in fact. He could only pull the top up to his thighs. Was he gaining weight? Deeply concerned, Mike leaned in and investigated his face critically in the mirror. Something was not right. The spectre of doubt nearly rose once again, but his fears were quickly quashed by a simple realization.

“I’m not wearing any makeup… I’m a mess!”

Shaking his head at himself, Mike disrobed, put on his pink bathrobe and slippers, picked out an assortment of clothes, and, after carefully and quietly unlocking and opening his door, tiptoed off to the bathroom.


Jess’ body was awash in waves of pleasure. Her vagina was electric, and was thoroughly lubricated by her husband’s saliva… and something else. Stars floated in front of her eyes, and her breasts heaved tightly in her bunched-up blouse. Slowly, as if she were sinking down a slope of molasses, she fell away from her high, even as echoes of the orgasm tingled throughout her body.

Her half-closed eyes saw Mike grinning at her, with a sexual gleam in his eyes.

“There’s more to come, hon. Think you could get me ready?”

Still weak in the knees, Jess pushed herself up to a sitting position, and surveyed her husband. He was balding, and his hair was speckled prematurely with grey, but his face was still young and handsome. His legs and wrists were hairy, and she knew the same was true of his chest, thought it was still covered in a sweaty t-shirt. Mike approached on his knees and Jess embraced him, sliding her thin, nailed hands under his shirt. Their lips met, and their tongues immediately embraced. Jess tasted her own excited pussy in her husband’s mouth, which reignited her own fervor. She scratched at Mike’s back as she pulled his shirt up over his torso, over his head and off of his upraised arms. Dark, curly chest hair was revealed, and Jess ran her fingers through it, luxuriating in the masculine texture. At the same time, she felt buttons being released on her own blouse, as Mike worked his way up from her belly button. At last, the pressure was released. Jess shrugged off her flowered blouse, leaving herself clad in nothing but Helen’s white brassiere. With practiced ease, Mike unclasped the bra, and Jess’ breasts bounced free. Her nipples were strangely small, but they quickly stiffened as Mike directed his attentions towards them. Meanwhile, her hands were sliding lower and lower, eventually settling around Mike’s hips. With one hand, she stroked his erection, bringing it at once back to full attention, while the other hand began to remove her husband’s briefs.


Marley massaged her skull, raking her mind for what she had to remember. She reviewed what she’d written on the paper once… then twice. A third reading prompted only unsettling confusion.

Dear future me. You are Marley. You are Marley. I am Jess but I know I’m Marley. It’s not right and everything is wrong. Everyone’s changed. Dad’s Marley, and Dad’s Mom now too. I think Marley is me. And it’s not right. Not fair. I’m not me. I’m supposed to be Jess. It’s a lie. Marley. It’s not what you think. If you don’t know, know you aren’t you. You’re Marley.

So read the words. Her own hand was still on the pencil. Uncertainly, she signed it.

Good luck big sister. Frum Jess.

Jess put down the strange letter, written on the back of one of his favourite colouring books. Uncertainly, he looked at his reflection in the window. He might have looked a little bit taller than normal. Or a bit girlier. Jess was unhappy at the thought. Embarassed, he kicked the colouring book deep under his bed, and lapsed down onto the sheets in exhaustion.


Mike grunted pleasurably as Helen’s hand stroked his penis through his briefs. He briefly removed one hand from her breasts, to help her remove his last vestiges of clothing, before returning his attentions to the mammary massage. Helen moaned as his thumbs worked their way in orbits around her areolas, while the rest of his fingers massaged the undersides of her breasts. With his ministrations, her breasts swelled and sagged slightly, and her areolas broadened ever further. Hers were the perky breasts of a young woman no longer, but the womanly bosoms of a mother of two. Her wavy blonde hair swung from side to side along the upper side of her breasts, as Helen moved to her husband’s rhythm.

Mike’s hands began to slow down in their work, turning broader and more sensual circles. He gasped and tensed as Helen brushed her fingers past his scrotum, before clasping her hand delicately around his penis. Though it was fully erect, it was barely large enough for one hand. However, Helen’s hands slowly drew it out, and it grew to a respectable masculine size. With two hands now on him, Helen stroked and milked her husband’s member, before ducking down and engulfing it with her mouth. Her tongue played up and down the length of its underside, and Mike struggled with himself to not come immediately. He groaned heavily, and a ripple of subtle changes embraced his body. His jaw thickened, more androgenic hair sprouted across his arms and chest, just as the top of his scalp finally finished vacating itself of hair. His testicles swelled, and his scrotum’s hair thickened.

With a firm movement, Mike pulled himself away from Helen, leaving a string of saliva trailing from his penis, before plunging it into her moist vagina.

Helen shrieked and thrashed, her legs immediately wrapping around Mike’s. Her fingers dug into his back, and her hips thrust up to meet him. Again and again Mike drove into her, his penis exploring her hungering depths, stroking her most intimate places. He cried out, his voice merging with her increasingly inarticulate cries of “Yes! Yes! Yes!” In and out they went as time dissolved, but soon, Mike could hold it back no longer. Like a tidal wave, he released into her. Helen cried out more loudly than she ever had before, and her body tightened around that of her husband. His penis pulsed several more times, and her vagina seemed to stroke him as he retracted.

The couple embraced, and Mike grinned in a happy daze. This had been something special. He wouldn’t consider himself to be a man of any particular sexual prowess, but this time… it had been as if he’d known exactly what Helen needed. The warm afterglow lasted for several minutes, before reality set in.

“What time is it honey?”

Mike looked over to the alarm clock on the side table. It was nearly five in the afternoon.

“Dinner soon. We should clean up.”


Marley smiled as the soapy water ran down her body. She cleaned her hair with shampoo and conditioners, loving the feeling of running her fingers through her long locks. Turning off the shower, she wrapped one towel around her hair, and another around her torso, covering from the top of her breasts down to her upper thighs. Patting herself dry, she reached for her clothing, and dressed herself without difficulty. Her tight jeans, contrary to her earlier concerns, fit perfectly.

With a buzz, her cellphone went off in her pocket. Marley scrambled to grab it, and felt a surge of joy as she recognized Justin’s number.


Even as their daughter was exiting the shower downstairs, Helen and Mike were entering into their own upstairs. The couple lovingly cleaned each other the trickling rivulets of water. Helen loved the feeling of being next to her husband, and was nearly ready for a third round when her man excused himself from the shower, promising to get started on preparing some hamburgers for dinner. Helen smiled as she watched Mike vigorously drying himself off and putting his clothes back on, gently rubbing at her breast as she did. Once the room was vacated, she saw to her personal maintenance, giving her legs a shave before soaping up her whole body and rinsing off. She stepped from the shower, dried herself, and then put on a pretty blue sundress she’d picked out from her wardrobe before going down to help with dinner.


The sun sank lazily in the warm summer sky. Dad was just bringing in his freshly barbequed burgers, while mom had prepared all of the fixings- sliced tomatoes, onions, ketchup and more. Jess looked unhappily around at his family, as his mom put a delicious looking burger on the plate in front of him. His parents sat down beside each other at the table, while mom called off down the hall.

“Marley! Dinner’s ready!”

Jess looked down at his burger, but didn’t feel very hungry at all.

“Why so glum chum?” Jess looked up, to see his father giving him a food-filled grin.

“I dunno.” He mumbled, avoiding eye contact. His father looked concerned.

“Are you upset that I raised my voice at you earlier? I wasn’t mad, Jess, I just need you to respect other peoples’ privacy.”

“I guess.” That wasn’t why Jess was troubled, but he hoped to stop the conversation before it continued.

“Well… if you’d like, we could go for a bike ride right after the dishes are cleaned up.”

Jess looked up at his dad. He didn’t mean to smile at first, but did so in spite of himself.

“That’d be fun dad.”

Mike grinned through a mouthful of food, and Jess finally began to eat his dinner.

“Marley! Dinner! Now!” Mom’s voice broke the silence once again. Marley stumbled into the room, fitting an earring into her ear.

“I was coming. God.” Marley sat down in a huff, then started to quickly scarf her burger, taking quick glances at her watch as she did so. Helen narrowed her eyes at her daughter.

“You’re wearing makeup, young lady. Is there something you haven’t told us?”

“Well… nothing important, but… um… I was thinking of hanging out with some friends tonight, you know.”

“Oh?” Helen raised an eyebrow, dubiously.

“Yeah, they’ll be picking me up in a few minutes, I have to get ready.”

Marley finished her burger- she wouldn’t get excused from the table until at least that much was finished- and then began to run off.

“Is ‘they’ your boyfriend?”

Dad now raised an eyebrow of his own, looking back and forth between his wife and daughter. Marley had an exasperated look on her face.

“He’s not my boyfriend, jeez, he’s my friend, who’s a boy.”

Helen and Mike conferred, sharing their dubious expressions with one another. Ultimately, dad shrugged, and mom relented.

“Fine, you can go out with your friends, but try to organize these things with us sooner in the future-”

“ThanksmomanddadIloveyou!” Marley was back down the hall in seconds.

Jess finished most of his burger, and helped his parents clear the table before going out to the garage to grab his bike and helmet. He wheeled himself around the driveway in the evening light for a few minutes, until a car pulled up. A skinny, brown-haired teenage boy stepped out of the Toyota sedan, and noticed the young boy on his bicycle.

“Heeeeey there little scrub! How’s it goin’? Is your sister ready?”

Jess froze up. His mouth opened. He wanted to say something. It tugged deep at his mind. But all he could do was stand dumbly and mumble. The house’s front door shot open, and the conversation was over.

“Justin!” Marley ran up and gave the young man a… very restrained, loose hug. She watched her parents in the front door out of the corner of her eye, and then let go, getting into the passenger seat of the car. Dad walked out to have a word with Justin.

“Have a good evening you guys. Will it just be you two?”

“We’ll be meeting up with more friends downtown sir.”

“Alright. I’d like her back by eleven.”

“But daaaaaaad.” came Marley’s voice from the far side of the car, “eleven thirty?”

“If you wash dishes for a week.”


“I’m holding you to that! Drive safely.”

Jess just watched silently as his older sister drove off with her boyfriend. He knew, somehow, that something should be bothering him.

But he couldn’t figure out just what it was.
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Unread 02-25-2014   #2
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP) was interesting until the pedo-incest sex. That really killed the mood for me.
-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).
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Unread 02-25-2014   #3
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

Do you suppose that comes from the fairly late point at which I start referring to the characters by different names, or do you think it's an intractable element of the story? If I had switched the naming schemes earlier on, would the same problem still be there for you?

In my reading of it, at the point the sex happens the transformations are well past halfway completed- the identities of the two participants are almost fully changed, and their bodies that lag only a short way behind. Maybe that doesn't come across well in my writing.

If I was reading something that felt like pedophilic incest, I also wouldn't enjoy it- it crosses two rather serious taboos for me. If other people are reading the story in that way, apsm, then I'll rewrite a few sections of the story to make it more clear that, by the time the sex happens, it's between two people who are, mentally and (almost) physically the mother and the father of the family.
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Unread 02-25-2014   #4
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

I don't think you understand. Even if their minds and bodies have changed, it doesn't change the fact that the two people bumping uglies were once mother and son (who was seven btw). It's all I was thinking when those scenes came by, and just scanning them with my eyes made me feel very dirty.

I usually like your stuff Sphore, but I feel this really crossed a line, and I apologize if I'm the only one that feels that way.
-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).
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Unread 02-25-2014   #5
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

I... back up that opinion, actually.
Can't really draw well.

I can write when I find the time.

But mostly I'm here to leech! *thumbs up*
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Unread 02-25-2014   #6
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

I see what you're saying guys, and that's something that small tweaks wouldn't easily fix. It's something that's built in to the main arc of the story.

I should consider how I treat mental change and mental continuity with more consideration in my future written works- I don't think I considered the implications of this as I wrote it. I should take a step back from that dangerous line and avoid writing scenarios that involve sexual activities involving people who were (at some recent point in the story) minors or close relatives.

Do you think I should take this story down? Spoiler it and give a content warning? Or do you have other suggestions?
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Unread 02-25-2014   #7
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

Originally Posted by Sphore View Post
I see what you're saying guys, and that's something that small tweaks wouldn't easily fix. It's something that's built in to the main arc of the story.

I should consider how I treat mental change and mental continuity with more consideration in my future written works- I don't think I considered the implications of this as I wrote it. I should take a step back from that dangerous line and avoid writing scenarios that involve sexual activities involving people who were (at some recent point in the story) minors or close relatives.

Do you think I should take this story down? Spoiler it and give a content warning? Or do you have other suggestions?
spoiler or host it somewhere else.
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Unread 02-26-2014   #8
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

Could you somehow finish the transformations without needing to use sex? I'm not sure if it's possible, but just a thought.
-Male characters I like to see TG'd: Koizumi (Haruhi), Shinji (EVA), Keitaro (Love Hina), Satoshi (DNAngel)
-Female characters I'd like to be (Update): Rei (EVA), Ami and Haruka (Sailor Moon), Nene (BGC2040), Teletha (FMP), Haruhi and Mikuru(Haruhi Suzumiya), Yourichi and Rangiku (Bleach), Riza(FMA), Lenalee (D Gray Man), Ennis (Baccano).
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Unread 02-26-2014   #9
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

I could do that, though it would be a good chunk of rewriting. Some days my writing muse is just there, and I can write for hours without stop, and other days my story-writing urge just falls flat. Because of that, reworking a story can be sort of tough, but if I can find something compelling to work on, I think I could do it.

There are a few things I could do with this. One is focusing on Marley's perspective- throughout the second half of the story, she's the only person who manages to put up a fight against her change, which is interesting to me. I'm not fond of personality death (although what happens here skirts that line as well- while personalities might be being replaced in one place, they're being simultaneously reformed elsewhere) but fighting against it presents drama, and a meaningful conflict. Alternatively, I could simply write a version of this story with the sex scene completely removed... that's the straightforward solution that you suggest, although I'm troubled by the idea that the story is now coloured by that scene, even if it is later removed. It's hard to wash that away entirely, and makes me think that it might be best to simply take the story down and work on something new which avoids the aforementioned pitfalls. I've certainly got no shortage of half-written stories sitting on my hard drive.
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Unread 02-26-2014   #10
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

Just getting around to reading this - it is absolutely fantastic Sphore. Everyone will have different opinions, I for one thoroughly enjoyed it exactly as it was written. I think you crafted four detailed and complete transformations as the members of the family switched roles. Helen's and Jess' actions as their transformations progressed just solidified how all encompassing their changes were. Too often authors describe a character's mental change directly rather than showing how they have changed through their actions, so I applaud you for not only doing the latter, but doing it so damn well.

Do you have a DA account, or some other location where you have other stories? I definitely want to read more of your work now

All in all, this was a fantastic work and I wouldn't change it one bit Well done.
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Unread 02-26-2014   #11
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

I have a dA account, but so far all of my written works have gone there. I just use it to comment. I've put all of my TG stuff here, I also have two non-gender TF stories in the other subforum.

Having thought over the issue, I think I'll write an alternative version of the story that avoids the sex, and put the first iteration of this story under a spoiler with a disclaimer.
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Unread 02-27-2014   #12
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Re: A Family Exchange (AR TG AP)

this was aggressively hard to follow.
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