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Unread 02-12-2023   #1
Tina Tiny
Little Doll Mom
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Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 191
Story: Alternative Medecine

Hi all.

I wanted to share this short story. This is from a series I began a few months ago where the stories are written in letter format. I hope you enjoy. <3


Dear Tina,

I need some help. I realize that you’re not an advice columnist, but a quick google search brought me to your Patreon where I saw your size related stories and letters that others have written. I also have a story to tell about a rather intimate encounter where the other person involved was…height deficient? I’m just hoping that this will help you understand the situation I am currently dealing with and that you may be kind enough to lend any advice you may have when it comes to these matters.

It all started when my girlfriend, Hannah, brought up the idea of a camping trip. We had been dating for over a year already, and she thought (and I agreed) that we should start getting to know each others’ families a little better. Soon, what I thought would be a relaxing trip for just the two of us turned into a mother-son and mother-daughter bonding trip. As we packed the night before, I must admit that I could not help but dread the tensions that would be brought up over the next few days by these two women who had never met.

I was fortunate to have been worried for no reason at all. We picked up both my mom, Denise, and hers, Cheryl, from the airport the next day and they were almost immediate friends. There was hardly a moment of silence in the vehicle as we drove out into the mountains to camp on National Park grounds. It didn’t take long to set up our tents, gather wood for a fire and cook up a hearty dinner for the four of us. We took a short walk after to watch the sunset then retired for the night, eager to get a jump on the next day’s activities as I breathed a gigantic sigh of relief for how well things were going.

It was the second day where things went…differently.

Things started off swimmingly with a decent breakfast followed by an early morning hike through the mountains (if you haven’t been, you really must go sometime). It was around lunch when we took stock of our food supplies and realized that we may not have packed quite as much as we should have.

“Not a problem!” Hannah said with a bright smile. “Denise and I can go back down and get some more food from the store.”

My mom was happy to agree, especially since it would give her and Hannah more time to get to know each other. It really was a good idea, although I have to admit: I was concerned about being left alone with Cheryl. It’s not that she was mean or anything…it’s just that the six foot tall, dark haired woman had a very forward personality and I’ll admit that it put me off a little. Still, as my wife and mother drove off, Cheryl was quick to engage in pleasant conversation and soon I had put my worries at ease. We chatted for probably fifteen to twenty minutes before she let out a long yawn.

“Sorry,” she apologized with an embarrassed grin. “I don’t think I slept very well last night.”

“That’s alright,” I said, “Why don’t I tidy up a little while you relax?”

She seemed thankful for that and it wasn’t long before I turned around and caught her snoozing in the fold-out chair, one leg crossed over the other, her sandal dangling from her foot. I couldn’t help but smirk at this woman who quite possibly could be my future mother-in-law as I heard a beep from my phone.

<Ugh…it’s been HELL getting down the mountain…the traffic was all backed up because someone supposedly saw a bear. We’re not even out of the park yet, so we’ll be gone a bit longer than expected. How are you holding up?>

I smirked as I turned around and snapped a quick pic of Cheryl passed out in her chair and sent it to my girlfriend.

<LoL! Glad to see you guys are spending some quality time together. Doing fine here…your mom is fun. See you later! <3 >

I sent a heart back before sitting down and cracking open my most recent book, glancing over occasionally at Cheryl to make sure sleeping beauty was doing alright.

It was probably the third time I glanced over that I noticed something was…off. It was hard to put my finger on but something just looked different. Cheryl is a tall woman who filled the chair quite well, only this time it looked like she had shifted her position, leaving a bit more room in the seat. Yet, at the same time, it almost looked like she had sunk deeper into the chair as evidenced by her head resting on the top of the seat (this had not been the case prior). I didn’t think much of it at first until I looked at her flip flop and noticed that it looked a bit larger and more ill fitting than I remembered it. I couldn’t help but crack open my phone and check the picture that I had jokingly sent my girlfriend, comparing the image to what I now observed. There was no doubt that something was different. There was even less doubt the next moment when, much to my shock, I watched as her body seemed to sink even further into the chair, the strap of her tank top slipping down her shoulder as I watched her shoe seem to grow even bigger around her dangling foot.

“Cheryl?” I called out pensively, still worried about disturbing her even after the strangeness that I observed. Still, I could feel a bit of panic rising inside of me as I cleared my throat and tried again.


This time it worked as she seemed to rouse, snorting a little as she lifted up a hand and rubbed her eyes.

“Hmm?” she said as she opened her eyes. She moved her foot and her shoe dropped off. She raised an eyebrow.

“Odd…” she said, suddenly realizing that her strap was off her shoulder. She pulled it back up only for it to slide back down. Her eyes went wide.

“Oh crap,” she said, standing up suddenly. I could see in her eyes that she was worried, so I stood as well to offer to help. I gasped as I looked down…yes down…at her. Normally, the six-foot tall woman was the same height as me and we always met eye to eye, but now she could fit her head comfortably beneath my chin. She noticed as well and her eyes went wide.

“Crap!” she said again, panic seeming to settle in on her. The next second I watched as her entire body seemed to shudder and I watched her shrink just a little bit smaller right before my eyes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Calm down Cheryl…you need to be calm,” she said softly, taking deep breaths one after the other. I watched in silence until she finally opened her eyes again, looking more relaxed as she stared up into my eyes.


I’m not entirely sure what I actually said, but she soon interrupted.

“Yes, I know, this is confusing. But rest assured, everything is under control and I will explain everything. But first, I need to find my medical bag, alright?”

It must have been the doctor part of her coming out as she calmly instructed me in what was going to happen. The next instant she turned, tugging at her sagging shorts as she returned to her tent, zipping open the entrance and disappearing inside. I heard her rummaging around and heard the sounds of more zippers.

“What? Oh no,” I heard her say from inside, followed by frantic scuttling around.

“No no no…oh god no,” I heard her saying, panic seeming to crawl into her voice again. I heard her yelp suddenly followed by a small thud. I took a deep breath as I heard silence from inside.

“Uh…Cheryl…are you okay?” I called into the tent.

“Y-yes…hang on just a moment,” she called out in a voice that I could swear sounded just a bit higher than usual. About a minute later she stepped back out and I gasped as I noticed that she had shrunk even farther.

“Oh my gosh, what’s happening?” I said with surprise as I stared down at her. She couldn't have been more than four and a half feet tall.

“Okay…look,” she said after taking in a deep breath, “You’ve heard about the Morbus Dimensio virus, right?”

I must have had a blank look on my face because a moment later she clarified.

“The Gulliver Virus?”

I just nodded, mumbling something about having read about it on Google or something. She rolled her eyes.

“Well, I have a genetic predisposition that makes me more susceptible to catching it, as rare as it is. Someone at the office must have been a carrier…shoot.”

I wasn’t really following, but I’m pretty sure that I nodded.

“So uh…are you going to be okay?”

She frowned.

“Well, these symptoms are totally reversible and it is completely possible to fully recover from the disease with proper treatment. Specifically, an antiviral injection that has been developed exactly for this purpose. Unfortunately…I seem to have misplaced my injection….”

It was all sinking in now, and now I started to feel panic.

“What does that mean? Are you going to get smaller? Do you need a doctor…I mean, another doctor, of course? Do you- yikes!”

My eyes went wide as I watched her lose a few more inches. Despite her attempts to remain calm, I could see worry creeping into her eyes.

“I’m calling an ambulance,” I said, turning around to look for my cell phone.

“No,” she said in a tone that was surprisingly forceful. “There isn’t time…I need- eep!”

She squealed, gasping as she shrank a couple more inches. Her tank was now threatening to slip down her body, forcing her to hold it in place with one hand as she used the other to keep her shorts from completely sliding down her smaller legs.

“Shit…this is going fast…” she said, biting her lip.

“Well, what can we do? I’m calling that ambulance.”

“Matt, it takes twenty minutes to drive down the mountain, and around another twenty to reach the nearest hospital here. In that hour and a half, I can get a whole lot smaller…and the smaller you get the greater the risk of non-recovery.”

I blinked. “You mean…staying small?”

“Bingo, but fortunately you are here and you can help me.”

“Of course Cheryl! Just tell me what to do!”

“Take off your pants.”

I was ready to hear just about anything but this.

“What?!” I replied in shock, “You’re joking right?”

She took a deep breath before affixing me with her gaze.

“Matt…do you know what the primary component of the treatment is?”

I shook my head.

“Semenogelin. And do you know where that comes from?”

“Can I google it?” I remember saying, feeling both uncomfortable and a little dumb in front of this highly educated woman.

“Human semen, Matt.”

It took a moment, but all the pieces clicked together and now I felt much more uncomfortable.

“You don’t mean….”

The small woman just nodded her head.

“One good ejaculation should produce enough of the protein to at least halt the progression.”

She was just standing there, holding her sagging clothes, staring up at me as I suddenly felt my cheeks burning as I realized what she wanted.

“Cheryl…I’m not sure if…”

Cheryl squeaked as another shrinking spurt hit her. I watched her grunt with frustration as she gave up on her expanding shorts, letting them slide to the ground along with a pair of lavender panties. I think I must have blushed a little as she turned and looked up at me, now at least four feet tall if not shorter, a look of irritation on her face as she held up her tank top which now hung over her pubic area like a dress.

“Look, if you don’t help me right now, I’m going to keep shrinking and might not be able to get big again! Do you want to have to explain to Hannah that her boyfriend is the reason her mom is a permashrinkee?!”

I bit my lip. As uncomfortable as it was, she was the doctor here and she was right…I didn’t want to have to do any of that.

“Okay…I’ll do it,” I said awkwardly as I reached up and undid the button on my cargo shorts. I slid out my belt and pulled them down, revealing the pair of striped boxers I had beneath.

“All of it,” she demanded, crossing her arms. Sheepishly, I removed my boxers, exposing the naked lower half of my body. She looked disappointed.

“You need to be erect to ejaculate, you know,” she said in a slightly condescending manner.

“I’m nervous! You try to get turned on under pressure like this!”

She sighed.

“I’m sorry,” she said. A moment later, she shifted her arms, allowing the strap to slide down over her shoulder and reveal the left side of her chest. I gulped as I stared at the small but still quite plump breast.

“Does this help?” she said a moment later, looking up at me.

“A little,” I said, still feeling pretty awkward about the whole thing. She sighed and dropped her arms, allowing her tank top to slip away, exposing the entirety of her small body to me at once.

“How about now?” she said in a softer voice. I sucked in a breath as my eyes traced over her curves which, although small, were still ample. It wasn’t long before I felt a stirring below and felt myself getting hard.

“Good,” she said, a small grin peeking out of the corner of her mouth. “Now…go on and get to work.”

Despite how hot the entire situation was becoming, I still felt extremely awkward jacking myself off in front of her.

“I…ah…I can’t…not while you’re watching…”

“Really?” she said, crossing her arms again. “Don’t you ever watch porn? Does that cause you to have trouble mastur-eep!”

She squeaked as she shrank again, shedding more inches as her head descended to just above my erect member. She grunted in frustration.

“We don’t have time. I’ll handle this.”

Before I knew what was happening, she was right in front of me, wrapping her hands around my dick. Yea that’s right…my girlfriend’s mother was officially grabbing my junk. I feel really awkward writing about it now, but at the moment all I could think about was how good it felt.

“Oh gosh,” I remember saying as I watched her rubbing me down. She must have been around half her height by now and it took both of her little hands to cover my length. This became even more true moments later as I watched her shrink yet again, her hands becoming even smaller on my shaft as her head dipped beneath my erect member.

“Shit,” she said in an even higher voice as she continued her work, rubbing me up and down as fast as her little hands could manage. She spat on her hands, rubbing the moisture in, sending a whole new wave of pleasure through me as I moaned contently.

“Are you getting close?” she asked a few moments later.

“A little,” I answered, staring down at the miniature naked woman. She looked annoyed for a moment before squeaking and shrinking again.

“Crap!” she said as she stared up at me, now much shorter than my waistline. She stood on her tiptoes, frantically reaching up to continue stroking me off with the tips of her fingers.

“Can’t you help at all?!” she said with frustration moments before another shrinking spurt hit her and she dwindled down too small to reach me. She looked up at me and I could see both the anger and fear in her eyes.

“Sit down!”

I obeyed, sitting down on the ground and extending my legs. The tiny woman crouched down in front of me. She couldn’t have been more than a couple feet tall now as her eyes went a little wide.

“Jeez…it’s huge,” I heard her say softly moments before she placed her hand on my swollen shaft and again attempted to bring me to climax. I have to admit: there was something extremely hot about this gorgeous, older woman having to put in so much effort just to try and get me off…and every time she shrank a little smaller, the whole situation just seemed to get a whole lot hotter.

“Is that good?” I remember her asking after another shrinking burst had reduced her to a size where my penis now reached the tip of her chin.

“Mmm yea,” I answered, moaning deeply as I watched her rub her tiny body against me, her little breasts dragging up against my skin and threatening to drive me over the edge. Still, in these last few moments as I built toward orgasm, I couldn’t help but feel just a little bit guilty for the tiny, doll-sized woman who was all but riding my massive member.

“Here, you want me to finish?” I said, reaching a hand down to relieve her.

“Shush,” she said in that high, squeaky voice, affixing me with her dark eyes. “Just let mommy do her work.”

With that she pressed her tongue to my sensitive head and I howled in ecstasy as she licked and teased my tip. I was already close but this was enough to drive me over the edge as I leaned back and prepared to blow.

“Yes…give it to me…I need all your cum,” she said. It was the straw that broke the camel's back as I came. Hard. I remember firing rope after rope of hot, sticky semen straight into the tiny chest, globs of it splashing onto her face, hands and legs as she squealed with delight. The force of the blast knocked her back and she moaned heavily as she laid on the ground, getting more and more covered by my essence with every white hot pulse. Eventually, I was empty and I panted as I looked down at the tiny woman who had given me the most amazing orgasm I had ever experienced.

“Shit Cheryl,” I said, looking down at the tiny, cum-covered beauty. The tiny woman was sitting up now, slowly bringing large globs of semen to her mouth and swallowing it. She looked up at me and I could have sworn that her cheeks turned a little reddish.

“This was only a medical procedure you know,” she said in a slightly shaky voice, “I just needed the protein applied topically and…um…ingested….”

She looked away with slight embarrassment as she continued to swallow my cum. The awkwardness of earlier came flooding back in an instant.

“Uh…do you want me to get you a towel? Or maybe a kleenex…?”

She swallowed one more mouthful before looking up at me and nodding. Now I was sure that her cheeks were a bright pink. I pulled my boxers and pants back on and went back to the tent. I returned moments later and gasped as I noticed that she seemed a little bit bigger than when I left her.

“Is it working?” I asked, handing her the towel.

“Yes,” she said with a smile, “I’m getting big again.” She took the towel and frowned as it was a bit too big for her to effectively use.

“Um…could you….”

I just nodded as I crouched down and wiped away my leftover semen from her body. It wasn’t much, but at her size it seemed like quite a bit. After finishing, I wrapped the towel around her.

“Thanks,” she said with a smile. “Now we wait.”

She hopped up into the chair next to me, her tiny feet dangling in the air as moment by moment she slowly became bigger and taller. I watched with some degree of fascination as she slowly filled more of the towel and her feet extended closer and closer to the ground. So imagine my confusion when all these changes suddenly seemed to stop, leaving her still a couple of feet shorter than she should be.

“Dang,” she said, looking down at her feet which still dangled in the air.

“What? It didn’t work?”

“Oh no, it worked,” she said as her explanatory tone came back into her voice. “It’s just that when they make the treatment, they use other proteins and catalysts to amplify the effect. Without those, you need a whole lot more…you know….”

I just nodded, feeling my own cheeks heating up a bit as I thought back to what had just happened between us.

“So…since you’re not shrinking any more…do you want me to call an ambulance now?”

I’ll never forget the next few moments when she responded by simply biting her lip and looking at me with an awkward, yet hungry stare.

“Or…you could just give me another donation.”

I won’t get too deep into the details but I took the latter option and less than half an hour later she was both full sized and satisfied (oh my…that tiny little pussy of hers…but I digress….). My second “donation” was enough to fully reverse the transformation and she thanked me with a deep kiss as she finally returned to her full height.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. You helped perform a medical procedure, nothing more. Still…it would probably be best if we never, ever told Hannah about this.”

Those were her words as she threw her clothes back on. She said that I was a really great guy and she was happy that Hannah had me and that she would gladly take the events of that afternoon to her grave.

It’s been close to half a year since and…well…it’s just bothering me. Hannah and I are starting to talk about long term plans and I just can’t shake it from my head that this is a huge thing to keep hidden from her. I feel like I need to clear the air…but I’m also afraid of what her response will be.

What should I do?

Eagerly awaiting your advice,



I give you permission to post my letter, but only if you send me your response.
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Unread 02-13-2023   #2
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Re: Story: Alternative Medecine

A decent little story. Thank you for sharing.

Got a little confused in the middle about who was doing what to who for a bit. As I was trying to read to fast.

Was never really good at writing sex scenes myself. Though this was pretty good. Nice to see one with a hot older woman. Can just picture her lavender panties sliding off.
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Unread 02-16-2023   #3
Tina Tiny
Little Doll Mom
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Re: Story: Alternative Medecine

Thank you. <3
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Unread 03-11-2023   #4
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A cool story Alternative Medicine

Now i wonder if Hannah will get the same issue?
A solitary man
An enigmatic child
A riddle never solved
A prisoner exiled
Alright now
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shrinking woman, shrunken woman

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