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Unread 03-25-2018   #1
Spell I bought is work'n
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Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.


Nearly a decade ago, I wrote a short story called The Archémagus Servant. The story was based on an idea by Buck39.

An apprentice mage finds a book, now there are different ways we could take this. they find a book of transformation, granting strength, wisdom, change into fierce creatures etc but the spell backfires obviously (or he does it on purpose for perverted ends) and changes into a woman
I posted the story in segments here but as you can see the story was deleted and one dropped portable hard drive later the circle was complete, and I lost the short story that I had written.

Then, someone reminiscing here had mentioned the recollection of the story but did not remember the title or author. While I could provide them the author, story title and a collaborated animation done by Jitensha and myself, I could not provide the text.

But while I lamented the loss, your fellow member tgfreak123 began a search knowing the internet remembers everything.

But the internet is vast, undeterred even after 2 years of searching tgfreak123 finally found it!

Rather than keep the story for themselves, yesterday, thinking it rude to post the story in the forums without my permission passed the story to me instead.

I now reshare it with the rest of you.

If you enjoy it, while I am pleased as the story's author, it is tgfreak123 that you have to thank for the experience.

Three cheers for tgfreak123 Hip Hip...

Last edited by genderhazard; 03-25-2018 at 04:55 AM.
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Unread 03-25-2018   #2
Spell I bought is work'n
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

The Archémagus Servant

Chapter One: Finding the Incantation

Ahern Henshin was servus to the Archémagus Strabo Pliney.

It had been hoped by his parents that Ahern adopting the role of servus to Strabo would allow him to impress and thus might lay the foundational groundwork for him to be prenticed under the maestro. Ahern was gifted with an eidetic memory said to be needed by the magi, but being from the peasantry it was unlikely that a magi would take him on as a pupil.

Henshin was a diligent servant to Pliney who, in addition to being born a peasant himself, was the youngest to master the three parts that were the wisdom of the whole Universe; Alchemy, Astrology, and Theurgy. Strabo was also primus inter pares "first among peers" when it came to transmorphation. Ahern had seen him perform many acts of metamorphosis and was thrilled every time, and he personally considered those the Archémagus’ greatest feats.

It was considered a great honor to serve the Archémagus in this, or any, capacity and Ahern took his service quite seriously. Strabo was a kind taskmaster and enjoyed sharing knowledge and as was hoped, he had begun tutoring the former horse keeper after only one month as servus. Master Pliney had started simply with basic educational principals pertaining to reading and writing in his native language, as well as arithmetic which the Archémagus called a language all its own. Ahern was a quick study and this pleased the maestro.

Ahearn was entering his second year of indentured servitude to the Archémagus when Strabo began teaching him runes and Greek. This was a major step towards prenticing under a magi since these were the language the magi texts were in.

Ahern knew all the symbols by heart and was proficient at phonetically sounding out the words, even if he did not always comprehend what the word he said actually meant. He was steadily progressing and he was constantly adding words to a lexicon that he knew the gist of.

On this particular day Strabo, who was otherwise engaged in studying astrological charts for this most important celestial day, had tasked him with shelving the magi texts in the library he had been consulting in preparation. The task was equal parts housekeeping and educational exercise. For the Archémagus had asked for the texts to be organized by subject to the best of Ahern’s ability.

Ahern had spent most of the morning performing this busy work task. Strabo had a habit of leaving books strewn about and it took nearly an hour just to gather them all together. It was nearly lunch when he came across a volume entitled μεταμόρφωσις μαγικός. Ahern knew that μετα meant “change” and μορφή was “form” and μαγικός was “magic”. Being enthralled by his master's transformations he was intrigued by the volume. His stomach growled and he decided it was time for him to take a break and prepare the midday meal for himself and his master.

He delivered the meal to Strabo who thanked him for his thoughtfulness and excitedly shared with Ahern that astrologically speaking this night would be very significant, though he had not yet divined all the ramifications this night would hold. He was certain however that on the morrow things would not be quite the same. Departing his master so Strabo could return to his divinations Ahern returned to the library, sat down, and ate his meal. He picked up the book he had handled just before realizing he was hungry.

He opened the text to a page at random. The title read μετα γῦνή μορφή “change gyne form”. He was not exactly sure what gyne meant. This was a point of general frustration to him deciphering the glyphs was hard enough and it was only the first step, even knowing what the word the glyphs represented did not assure you were any closer to understanding what the word behind those glyphs meant. He skimmed the page seeing how many words he could recognize as he ate. He could pick out a few of the more common words but most were a puzzle to be solved. But puzzles would have to wait he had a chore to finish and his meal was completed.

After a few more hours the task was also completed. He thought he had been quite successful in his organization of the texts. Scanning the books, his eyes returned to the volume entitled μεταμόρφωσις μαγικός and retrieving the book from the shelf he again found the incantation for μετα γῦνή μορφή

Silently he read the text sounding the words out in his head.
μετα γῦνή μορφή

μορφή σώμα εις το διηνεκές να γυναίκα από άνδρας
πατόκορφα διαπλάσσω με
χαρακτηριστικά αρσενικός γίνομαι γυναικείος του γούστου μου
επιβραδύνω αλλαγή βαθμιαίος αισθησιακός ερωτικός
γίνομαι καπνός σώμα μαλλιά
αλάβαστρο δέρμα λείος απαλός
στιλπνός τριχοφυία
συστέλλομαι ανάγω κλάσμα
χειροκομία μακρύς νύχι
ρώγα παχουλός άλως μεγεθύνω
στήθος παραγεμίζω ηδονικός φιλήδονος
μεγάλη επιχείρηση μαστός
ευρύς πύελος
σιλουέτα λεπτής μέσης
κοιλιά σφιχτός
γλουτός, μηρός, πόδι, βραχίονας, χέρι, γίνομαι γυναικείος
έξω τώρα mesa όρχις εις ωοθήκη, σπέρμα ανταλλαγή με ωάριο
πεος περιπίπτω σε αχρηστία προκαλώ χάσμα αποσύρω
γεννώ αδοιικά χείλη, αιδοίον, κλειτορίδα, κολεός, μήτρα
γυναίκα αιώνιος

Chapter 2 In the Garden with Master Strabo

Ahern spent the better part of an hour sounding out the words in his head until he was sure that he had it correct in translation and inflection. He repeated it over and over in his head.

Morphi soma eis to diinekes na gynaika apo andras
Patokorfa diaplasso me
Charaktiristika arsenikos ginomai gynaikeios tou goustou mou
Epibradyno allagi bathmiaios aisthisiakos erotikos
ginomai kapnos soma mallia
alabastro derma leios apalos
stilpnos trichofyia
systellomai anago klasma
makrys nychi
roga pachoulos megethyno
stithos paragemizo idonikos filidonos
megali epicheirisi mastos
Evrys pyelos
Koilia fichtos
Miros, podi, brachionas, cheri ginomai gynaikeios
exo tora mesa Orchis eis oothiki, sperma antallagi me oario
peripipto se achristia prokalo chasma aposyro
genno, aidoion, koleos, mitra
gynaika aionios

He could even translate some of it into his native tongue.

Change body ________ to__ from man
from head to toe shape me
features ______ become_______
_______ skin ____
_____hair growth
shrink ________
______lengthy ______
_______________ enlarge
large __________
____________ leg, arm, hand _____________

His translations were interrupted when Master Strabo summoned him. He promptly responded to his master’s call.

“Ahearn I need you to gather up my astrological devices and bring them to the garden observation area. I will meet you there.”

Ahern did as instructed reuniting with his master a few short minutes later. The Sun was just beginning to set when he arrived.

“Ah Ahern, thank you. I am most excited about tonight it is a night of unlimited potential.”

“How so, Master.”

“Tonight celestial mechanics will be in harmonic alignment greatly amplifying the synergistic effect they have on the elemental forces we Magi draw upon.”

“So tonight you and the magi become even more powerful?”

“Well, yes I suppose so, all those with magic abilities will. Even you, but that is not the point. Tonight will not just increase the magical forces and the power magi draw upon. It will bring nature into harmony. Can you not feel the changes beginning in the air.”

Ahern concentrated and closed his eyes trying to feel any change. It felt like any other Twilight. “I am sorry master, I cannot.”

Strabo appreciated Ahern’s honesty. Many would have fibbed to curry favor but not his severus. “No need to fret.” He said patting Ahern’s back. “Perhaps it is too early. So how did you do with the task I assigned you.”

Ahern recounted his day's chore, where he experienced difficulty and what the thought was new accomplishments in furthering his education. Strabo listened with genuine pride at the accomplishments Ahern had made. Strabo decided that he would begin Ahern’s official prenticeship in the morning. Ahern was about to relate the story of the spell in the book when he noticed his master’s attention had drifted away from his report and was now focused on something behind him.

Ahern turned to see. Strabo was occupied by the appearance of the full moon. It was red and appeared to be an alarming five times larger than its normal size.

“Master how is that possible?” He asked.

Stabo assured him that both were a combination of casted shadows and atmospheric optical illusions and were nothing to be concerned over. Ahern trusted and believed his master but the appearance of the moon still gave him goosebumps. He took a deep breath to calm himself and realized that the air smelled different.

“I think I am beginning to sense those forces you mentioned earlier.”

“Excellent, let the feeling wash over you.” Strabo continued to impart celestial knowledge to his servus throughout the evening.

Hours pasted culminating in a bit of showmanship when with a wink Strabo began a countdown from ten when he reached zero a spectacular meteor shower began.

The display was impressive and lasted a good ninety minutes. “Oh ho! What a night! The cosmos and Venus have indeed blessed us.” We are so fortuitous Ahern Henshin, you and I. Remember each moment this night for we are not likely to see it’s like again in our lifetime.

Ahern soaked it all in for an hour or perhaps two more, he had started to lose track of time. Then after several minutes of celestial calm, the cool night air began making Ahern drowsy. He tried to hold back a yawn, which only made his eyes start to water.

“Perhaps it is time for you to call it an evening my servus.”

“But” Ahern started to protest.

“It is alright Ahern the hour is quite late and you have had a full and hard day. The Celestial event began waning several minutes ago. It is time to retire for the night and sleep well. All begins anew in the morn my --- prentice!”

“Prentice?! Master, thank you, thank you.”

“You are most welcome Ahern Henshin. Now rest and dream of magic.

Ahern returned to his room, removed his clothes and went to bed. Despite his excitement at being named prentice, he was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Within moments he was snoring and a little while after that he began talking in his sleep while likely dreaming of magic as the maestro had encouraged. The magic that was fresh in his mind was the incantation for μετα γῦνή μορφή and that is what he was beginning to utter in his sleep.

Change body ίn perpetuity to woman from man
from head to toe shape me
features masculine become feminine to my liking
decelerate alteration, gradual, sensual, erotic,

Chapter 3 The Somniloquy Incantation

Ahearn’s somniloquies were usually simple sounds, more like mumbling or incoherent ramblings, rather than actual speech while he slept. From time to time, however, particularly when faced with a mental exercise his brain needed or wanted to work out, he would talk his way through it. The fact that his body was semiconscious seemed not to deter his brain from carrying on a verbal conversation with itself.

This evening his brain had decided it was going to continue to try to solve the puzzle that was μετα γῦνή μορφή “change gyne form” and he began to recite the incantation both clearly and verbatim while he lay unaware and fast asleep. Unbeknownst to him once he spoke the commencement command each line he would subsequently utter would alter his sleeping body whether he had intended it to or not. Inadvertently, and with this novice powers enhanced by the celestial event, Ahern began casting a gender transformation spell that should have been well beyond his abilities.

Morphi soma eis to diinekes na gynaika apo andras
<Change body in perpetuity to woman from man>

Patokorfa diaplasso me
< from head to toe shape me >

Charaktiristika arsenikos ginomai gynaikeios tou goustou mou
< features masculine become feminine to my liking >

Epibradyno allagi bathmiaios aisthisiakos erotikos
<decelerate alteration gradual, sensual, erotic>


As the word escaped his lips, the invocation summoned the transformational essence that would constitute his gyneform.

ginomai kapnos soma mallia
< dissolve into thin air body hair >

As commanded body hair began to vanish like the morning mist. His beard began to vaporize starting just below the center of his lower lip traveling downward and outward leaving bare skin in its wake. The magic charm traversed the underside of his jaw and up along his jawline eradicating every hair follicle as it spread across his face magically razing his beard and sideburns. His mustache thinned and quickly vanished leaving not so much as a single piece of stubble. The enchantment plucked his eyebrows leaving a pleasing and distinctively feminine shape to them.

The hair along his flat and muscular pecs disappeared from the outside edges to the center in small bite-sized sections as if the transformational essence had become an unseen mystical lover gobbling the patches all up as she lightly kissed his body. Once the essence reached the center of his chest it began a slow but determined path down to his navel and beyond.

The hair on his arms and legs converted into finer and ever finer wisps of hair until not even peach fuzz remained.

The enchantment seemed to pause for a moment; perhaps it was contemplating its next course of action or admiring its depilatory handy work I could not say for Ahern’s body was completely hairless save for his head and a triangular patch of hair at his pubic region.

The enchantment seemed to have made up its mind as strips of hair were taken away as pubic hair went from its natural pattern to a trim triangle to a landing strip to “Chaplin” mustache finally ending full-Brazilian. His body was smooth as a baby’s bottom devoid of even an errant hair.

alabastro derma leios apalos
<alabaster skin smooth silky>

Flesh now hairless responded eagerly to the touch of the incantation that would act equal parts, lover and sculptor. Ahern’s naked flesh pleaded to be caressed. A task the incantation was all too eager to undertake. Waves of mystic energy glided over and across the topography of his body turning it soft, and delicate. The incantation commenced its rhythmic stroking, massaging his nubile flesh leaving near flawless soft tissue without any scars, rough spots, or blemishes. The thinning skin’s pigmentation lightening with each pass, until the silky smoothness of alabaster skin emerged.

systellomai anago klasma
<shrink reduce a fraction>

Ahern’s physique began to alter, the development that had been induced by testosterone during adolescence was reversed. Masculine features once thicker and coarser started to become less pronounced. His V-shaped torso altered as his shoulder started to narrow evening with his waist.

A new build began to emerge while his prominent chest contracted and internal organs reduced as rolling movements flowed over his face softening his jawline. His muscle, ligaments, tendons, and joints restructured his frame making his body lithe. Changes to his body type were not the only type of reduction that occurred he began to lose height as well as mass. The incantation left Ahern nearly three-quarters of a head shorter looking every bit a pre-pubescent boy.

stilpnos trichofyia
<lustrous hair growth>

Ahern's raven hair, which he usually kept closely cropped, began to grow outward. Shimmering in the moonlight as it extended. Tresses serpentined pass his ear growing nearly two inches in as many seconds. Its development intensified exponentially building layer upon layer creating a lush, new mane of flowing copper red locks. The progression continued for several more seconds until the transformation completed nearly two years of new growth in only a score of seconds. Ahern’s new hairstyle extended just passed his shoulders by the time the incantation completed its work.

makrys nychi
<manicure lengthy fingernail>

Ahern’s fingernails started to extend past his fingertips and continued to lengthen and take shape, sculpted by the unseen force. One by one his stubby worker’s fingers reshaped into long and elegant fingers. These simple cosmetic changes now could easily alter the perception that you were no looking not at a young boy but rather a yet to blossom girl.

roga pachoulos megethyno
<nipple plump areola enlarge>

The mystical lover returned to Ahern’s chest. This time to tease his nipples as invisible lips gently blew on them. They responded to the stimuli by increasing in size becoming plump and erect as they became more sensitive with each passing moment. The lover essence coyly and leisurely traced, with its mystical tongue and index finger, his areolae swirling and enticing as the enchantment spiraled outward from his nipples, counterclockwise for his left areola and clockwise for the right. Several small openings began revealing themselves radically around the tip of Ahern’s nipples, in preparation for the lactation of milk he might one day produce. Areolae flesh darkened as the incantation’s touch traversed it. When the touch reached the outer circumference areola, pigmentation began expanding outward in the spell's wake until enlarging them to three times the original size. Aroused nipples surged upward as the areolae started rising a result of his chest budding.

stithos paragemizo idonikos filidonos
<chest fill to bursting voluptuous>

Ahern’s areolae became puffy. Amplified female hormones now coursed through his body. His chest quivered as stores of fat began to accumulate in the tissue surrounding his enlarged nipples. The fat gathered into two small mounds raising the flesh. Ahern breathed deeply as he slept each breath pulled mystic energy into his burgeoning breasts. His chest rises with each breath he takes as if feeding the magical breast augmentation energy. At each exhalation the energy spread out over his whole chest pulsing, circulating throughout the entirety of Ahern’s breasts, energizing every cell in his boobs stimulating further breast development.

The fat continued to consolidate enlarging the two prominences and the tissue underneath on his rapidly feminizing torso, fleshy mounds forming undeniably feminine breasts at an extremely accelerated rate. Perky conical titties began filling out. Larger and larger his boobs increased with each passing second. Jiggling flesh caught between the force of the incantation jutting the breasts outward and gravity flattening then against his torso in his prone position.

megali epicheirisi mastos
<Large firm breasts>

Ahern said on an exhalation. The energy makes his breasts swell up fuller, firmer and rounder as the sensual energy surged into his breasts. Ahern’s rudimentary mammary glands rapidly tendril outward from his nipple branching and forming milk ducts, releasing witches milk.

Boobs growing larger and larger, by the second, becoming more and more ample and curved, becoming firmer and more sensual powered by the incantation of growth energy, from deep inside of him.

Evrys pyelos
<broad,wide pelvis>

The incantation commenced altering his pelvic bone, widening the lower half of his pelvis providing the space needed for a birth canal, Creating new fuller hips. His hips began curving outward in a decidedly feminine contour.

Mesi Koilia fichtos
<hourglass figure waist belly tight>

The incantation increased the amount of adipose tissue in Ahern’s hips, thighs, and buttocks.

In response to the still increasing levels of feminine sex hormones pulsing through his body and additional fat tissue accumulation continue to alter, in ever greater amounts, the contours of Ahern’s body composition. Robbing from Peter to pay Paula the incantation supplements his hip fullness by diminishing his slightly chubby tummy and waistline.

Nearly all fat was drawn out of Ahern’s waist leaving a lean, tone and sexy midriff as his waist curved inward toward his naval giving him an hourglass figure.

Miros, podi, brachionas, cheri ginomai gynaikeios
<buttocks, thigh, leg, arm, hand become feminine>

The incantation once again refined Ahern’s features like a fine sculptor finishing its masterpiece. Unseen hands caressing his face molding it and the bone structure beneath with Devine proportion creating the perfect face. The spell elongated the neck and removed any trace of an Adam's apple, rolling across beautiful round curvy shoulders and spreading down his arms as it softened the muscular contours leaving lovely long arms with just the right amount of muscle and slender delicate wrists. The incantation moved across the underside of his breasts making its way to the stomach causing involuntary twitching as it crossed its surface. Ahern let out a quick chuckle, making his breasts jiggle, as the pleasurable and exciting tickling traversed his midriff. Slowly the enchantment glided down his hips, around his erect cock, across his ass, over his thighs, behind his knees, around his calves and shins, massaging his feet, suckling each and every toe.

Ahern’s female form was nearly complete only his genitalia indicating he was ever a man.

exo tora mesa Orchis eis oothiki, sperma antallagi me oario
<Out now in, testicle to an ovary, sperm swap with egg>

Ahern's feminine voice commanded. His testicles withdrew disappearing from his hollow scrotum to repositioning inside his abdomen as they became ovaries. His erect shaft grew flaccid as his scrotum tightened and shrank.

peripipto se achristia prokalo chasma aposyro
<Penis become useless to create a chasm and withdraw>

Flaccid flesh transformed. The sensitive tip of his penis contracted to consolidate all of its sensitivity to sexual stimulation into a smaller and smaller area. His shaft split almost in two, creating a clef in his crotch, remaining connected only at the base and the glans. His crotch started to thrust and spasm as his genitals altered shape. The sections of his shaft became soft folds of skin that were withdrawing behind the flesh of his reconfiguring scrotum.

genno, aidoion, koleos, mitra
<give birth to labia, vulva, clitoris, vagina, womb>

Internal changes were also occurring as muscle parted to form a vagina, cervix and uterus.
As the womb grew a mound of flesh began to bulge at the pubis. Flesh once a penis formed the vulva the outer labia forming two small mounds on either side of the new cleft. Sexual juices stated to flow, Ahern's thrusting ceased in a quivering orgasmic spasm. A look of contentment crossed Ahern’s face as he blissfully proclaimed.

gynaika aionios
<woman eternal>

Last edited by genderhazard; 03-25-2018 at 04:58 AM.
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Unread 03-25-2018   #3
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Animated GIF link
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Unread 03-25-2018   #4
Zone of Darkness
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Ah, sweetness. One of my old faves.
Can't really draw well.

I can write when I find the time.

But mostly I'm here to leech! *thumbs up*
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Unread 03-30-2018   #5
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Wow, that was a great story and animation. The dangers of talking in your sleep. XD
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Unread 03-31-2018   #6
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Huh. I've had that in a text file since... 2008? I wish I'd known it was missing.
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Unread 03-31-2018   #7
a storeroom
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Originally Posted by Nightstar76 View Post
Huh. I've had that in a text file since... 2008? I wish I'd known it was missing.
That makes me wonder, how many stories did you save from 2008?

I've been looking through thousands of archived webpages from 2007-2008 and found that many stories from that period are now deleted, most of which might be lost forever, unless someone had saved a copy of these stories in their computer.
When you wanna be an edgy Slipknot kid but didn't learn shit about image resolution

Last edited by tgfreak123; 03-31-2018 at 10:21 AM.
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Unread 04-01-2018   #8
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Is there anything in particular you're interested in? I can take a look. I don't really check the request thread because it's too long.
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Unread 04-01-2018   #9
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Originally Posted by Nightstar76 View Post
Huh. I've had that in a text file since... 2008? I wish I'd known it was missing.
Reminds me of Dr. Who from the 60's, several episodes are missing because the films were lost. A bunch turned up after years of being missing in a storage room in Nigeria or something.

Too bad the same can't be said from some great old websites like Fruitbasket or Doc's original lab.
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Unread 04-08-2018   #10
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Originally Posted by Nightstar76 View Post
Is there anything in particular you're interested in? I can take a look. I don't really check the request thread because it's too long.
Just looking for some stories by Genderhazard, if anyone can help me look up some of these that would be awesome.

1. Gene Pool
2. Comet Contagion
3. Happy Birthday Test
4. Left Turn

After double checking I'm pretty sure these weren't saved in the internet archive, hoping somebody had saved a copy in their computer.
When you wanna be an edgy Slipknot kid but didn't learn shit about image resolution

Last edited by tgfreak123; 04-08-2018 at 09:27 AM.
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Unread 04-08-2018   #11
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Here is "Left Turn in Albuquerque".
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Unread 04-08-2018   #12
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Re: Recovered from 2008 - The Archémagus Servant.

Here is "Happy Birthday Test-0"

I've got something to do now, but I will look for the other's "Comet Contagion" was a story I wrote for Vengenance1701 yahoo group It might still be there.
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Last edited by genderhazard; 04-08-2018 at 02:31 PM.
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