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Unread 12-14-2014   #1
Just a wanderer
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Short story AP: Make up your mind

I was asked by someone who traded me an AP comic to do a story of a girl changing into one of her favorite manga characters. Problem is, the requester was so indecisive that I decided to mix up his choices and do a sort of fusion as well.

It probably feels rushed, because it is. I spent less than two hours writing this four-and-a-half page story.


Make up your mind
By Yurix

Amiya slammed the door as she stomped into her room, so steamed that she could not think straight. It was a good thing that her parents would come home late, because she did not want any sermons about how she should take time and wait to grow up.

The thirteen-year-old girl was as bright as the golden hair on her head, but her amber eyes could scare others when she was mad, and boy was she mad right now. Though her grades were all great, which would normally make her and her parents proud, there was one class where she was lacking: Phys. Ed.

That same class was the reason why she was in such a bad mood today. Given that her puberty had not begun as quickly as other girls of her age, she was shorter than most, and it made most sports that much harder. Her short size disadvantaged her in almost everything: running, swimming, basketball… What made it worse was that everyone picked on her because she was still using a training bra, while some had already begun to grow into the conic shapes of adolescent breasts.

Her teacher had tried time and again to get the others to stop picking on her, but that made things even worse, as others would call her a ‘teacher’s pet’ or other worse things. The gym teacher was strict, but it was his job to make sure everyone was doing their best.

The girl, after another bout of bullying from the other girls in the class, was allowed to leave for the day, the gym teacher having given her a note to explain what had happened. Given how Amiya’s parents were, strict was not the right word: if she did not pass her gym class, she could kiss her entire manga collection goodbye.

If there was one thing that always cheered her up, it was a good read, especially when it came to manga like Gurren Lagann, High School of the Dead and One Piece. Sure, her parents were thinking that the main female characters of those stories – all busty, long-haired girls with a penchant for action – were not the best role models, but she did not care. They were strong in their own ways, mature and could kick with the best of them.

Still, if there was one thing that gave Ayami trouble, it was taking decisions. Giving correct answers to quizzes and exams was one thing, but when it came to choosing what to read, what to eat or where she wanted to go, it was always a problem. That was why she looked at the three piles of manga that lay on her bed.

Of the ‘High School of the Dead’ series, she really liked Saeko Busujima. It wasn’t simply because the girl was older, but also because she was capable of defending herself. The purple-haired girl in the story fought like a samurai – given her kendo skills – and could deal with anyone. One thing she did find strange was how Saeko seemed to shift from being kind and caring with the rest of the group, but could show a violent, almost sadistic, side when dealing with “them” – the seemingly endless swarm of undead that plagued the apocalyptic world described in the story.

In ‘One Piece’, there were a few interesting female characters, but Nami was definitely her favourite. In a world of Devil-Fruit powers and pirates, she could go toe-to-toe with almost any enemy with nothing but a staff, her wit, charm and knowledge, and pull off quite a fight. One thing Ayami liked of Nami is how she started out with a thin, almost boyishly-so body and grew as the story went along. True, some would say that her features were exaggerated, but what wasn’t in that series?

Gurren Lagann did not have that many female characters, but the ones that were there all had importance, and none was more important that Yoko Littner, the red-haired sniper in the blazing red-and-black bikini top. Mature beyond her age and capable of fighting even when others would give up, that one was a character her parents did not understand. The fact that she wore little made her father frown, and it took a lot of explaining for her to get him to calm down at the idea that such a character was not a rated-R or higher cartoon character.

Ayami let out a sigh as she picked up the latest books of each series, not sure which one to go for. There was one thing that she know however: she was tired of her childish body, and wanted to be like them.

Looking back at the gym teacher’s letter, she figured that telling her parents would only precipitate them into throwing her much-adored manga collection in the trash, so she hesitated for a moment before opening it. If the note really was bad, the best would be that she get rid of it and make as if it never happened.

The moment she picked up the envelope, she felt something in it that was not paper. Rattling it like a Christmas present, the girl heard the faint sound of something metallic rolling around. Tearing one of the ends of the letter open, she dipped it and lay her hand out, catching what appeared to be a silver dollar in her small hand.

Unsure what to think, she pulled the paper out. Rather than a note, it was a letter. Opening it, she noticed that it was written in fine letters, rather than a printed note or a hastily scribbled warning. Looking at the written words, she cocked an eyebrow and read:

“To the parents of Ayami, it has to come to my notice that your daughter, while quite gifted, seems to have trouble keeping up with others of her class in physical education class. To solve this problem, I have included with this note something very special: a wishing coin, passed down from generation to generation in my family. It may sound strange, but this object is unique.

I have noticed that Ayami seems to be indecisive at times, so I thought it would be best if she had something to help her decide. This coin, as I said before, is very special as it allows a person to not only choose, but also change. I used it back when I was her age, and it has truly changed my life. Had I not received it, perhaps I would have become a different teacher.

Just tell Ayami to think of what she would like to be, and have her choose what side to be what choice. Whatever the coin lands on, it will do the rest.”

Ayami had to re-read that section twice to actually make sure she read it right. A wishing coin? Really? Either the teacher was crazy or someone had set her up to a very childish prank.

Looking at the coin, the girl noticed that both sides were blank. Whatever it was, it didn’t feel like a nickel or a quarter, so she decided to humor her teacher after closing the blinds and making sure no one was spying on her. After making sure her room’s computer was turned off, she looked at the coin, then at her manga.

It took her several minutes before she came up with some sort of idea as to what choices to go for. Given that the coin had no head or tail, she ended up having to slap a piece of tape on both sides of the coin and writing with a sharpie what she wanted… only even there, she wasn’t sure what she wanted. All three girls she wished to be – Saeko, Yoko and Nami – were all young adults and were all about the same size, but the rest was completely different. Nami has light brown hair and eyes, with hair going down to mid-back. Yoko has amber eyes and red hair that goes almost down to her knees, while Saeko has blue eyes and purple hair that stops at waist level. Also, of the three girls, Yoko’s two forms – young and adult – are the youngest and oldest of the bunch.

Given that the coin only had two sides, she had to leave of the two out. It pained her to do it, but given that guns were not permitted in her neighbourhood, she ended up having to leave Yoko Littner behind. Besides, Saeko and Nami – her younger form – shared the same age, so all it would end up doing is springing her all the way through puberty – something that sounded more and more interesting as she kept reminded herself of the constant jests and bullying from the other students. She was tired of being belittled – and of being little – so she figured that either of the two others would do.

Looking at the coin, she took in a deep breath and placed it on her thumb so she could flick the silver object and let it ‘do the job’ as marked in the note. The moment she tried to do so, however, the coin slipped out of her hand. Trying to catch it before it hit the ground, she looked confused when the coin felt on its edge into a small crack in the wooden floor. Knowing that there was so little a chance for such a thing to happen, Ayami reached down to pick up the coin, hoping to try again.

The moment her fingers touched the object however, a static shock struck her hand. Shaking the numbness off, the girl took a moment to look back at the spot where the coin fell, only to notice that the coin was gone.

Before she could utter a word, she noticed two things that felt wrong: how clingy her clothes had become, and how small the room was becoming. Looking down at herself, she watched in shock as small mounds appeared on her chest, pushing the fabric of her training bra away from her skin. Deciding that her privacy was enough to keep anyone else from seeing what was happening to her, she quickly detached her school uniform and removed her top, exposing her training bra… the object slowly turning from plain white to an orange-and-red bikini top, similar to what Nami would wear. Given how the fabric was stretching and covering her still tiny breasts, she was both pleased and worried at how big she would become.

Reaching over to her discarded school shirt, she picked it up, noticing how long her arms were becoming, just as a strand of hair appeared in her field of sight. Expecting her hair to be light brown – almost orange – like Nami, she was startled when it was two-colored: a vibrant orange, mixed in with purple highlights – the same color as Saeko’s. Looking back at her hands, she also noticed how her arms looked longer and more toned than she anticipated, as if a cross between the One Piece and High School of the Dead characters.

As she took a moment to look at her changing hands and fingers, a strange stinging sensation struck her left arm as a black tattoo appeared on her shoulder. Knowing the school’s policy about such things, Ayami quickly pulled her shirt back on, finding the hole for the head to be a bit harder to pull into as her hair continued growing, two-toned locks flowing down from her head and down her back, stopping half-way between mid-back and butt-level, her cheeks beginning to strain her panties as they too shifted into a bikini form, hidden under her school uniform.

Feeling a bit disoriented, she sat down against her bed, feeling the cushiony softness of her grown butt against the best before her legs painfully pulled against the fabric of her socks and shoes. Having to discard both, she watched as her legs grew longer and shapelier, forming the perfect bottom to what would be an eye-catching hourglass.

Taking a moment to make sure her skirt still fit – if barely – she let out a sigh as her eyes stung for a second, forcing them to close. Re-opening them, her once amber eyes now had dissonant colors: her left eye was brown while her right was blue. Quickly picking up a manga, she flipped through the ‘One Piece’ she had selected and looked for Nami’s measurements, then did the same for Saeko. The moment she found both, she felt her waist clinch in as her hips widened one last time before her breasts began to grow in, changing from pre-pubescent to conic to mature as her areolas widened and her nips began to stick out, pushing against the fabric as the space between her chest and the bikini filled more and more with increasingly hefty – and perky – flesh.

Having to hold both books in each hand while feeling the weight of the growing breasts weigh her down, Ayami took a moment to read the measurements for each girl: for Nami, it was 37-21-33, while for Saeko, it was 83-56-86, loosely translated as 36-26-38. Averaging it, she would likely be around 37-24-36, making her as broad-chested as Nami and a little less in the backside than Saeko, with a more manageable hourglass than the former. The only thing she wondered was how far her breasts would go as they did not seem to stop growing, even as she dropped her books and placed her hands on them, accidentally squeezing them as they began to slow down.

Taking in that Nami’s size, according to what she had previously read online, was about an I-cup when adult, and Saeko was a solid D-cup, she watched as her school shirt popped a few buttons, leaving her with a massive amount of cleavage to her now E-cup breasts.

After a moment of waiting for any remaining changes to happen, the completely changed girl got up, noticing how tall she now was. Taking a moment to think, she figured that none of her school clothes would properly fit anymore, given her immense endowments on her sexy, young adult figure. Walking over to a mirror, she examined herself carefully. She looked about 19 years old now, but with a body that now looked like it was made to kick butt and be sexy at the same time.

Dozens of questions raced through her mind. How did this really happen? How was she going to explain this to her parents? And most of all, as she looked through her wardrobe, what was she going to wear now: something from her old clothes to show off her new body, or something from her mother’s wardrobe to stay out of sight?

Ayami let out a groan as she brushed a hand against her top: of all the things that changed, why was she still so indecisive?
Follow my ongoing story, 'Upon a Star', on DeviantArt:

"In this egotistic world in which we live in, it is sometimes to wonder if we shouldn't be like mirrors for others to deem us worthy to be looked at." - 'Le Chat'

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Unread 12-15-2014   #2
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Re: Short story AP: Make up your mind

Great job, I hope to see more of your future work on this site.
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Unread 12-15-2014   #3
Just a wanderer
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Re: Short story AP: Make up your mind

Originally Posted by Otacon29 View Post
Great job, I hope to see more of your future work on this site.
I've done some stories in the past, but I don't write as much Process work because:

a) I'm looking for a job; and
b) I'm trying to publish my novels.

For the b), I'm actually looking for proof-readers to help me out.
Follow my ongoing story, 'Upon a Star', on DeviantArt:

"In this egotistic world in which we live in, it is sometimes to wonder if we shouldn't be like mirrors for others to deem us worthy to be looked at." - 'Le Chat'

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