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Unread 06-03-2016   #1
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Post Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

"Get out of here. Happy Thanksgiving!" Lauren smiled as her last employee walked out the glass door. She had a satisfied smile; it should have been a tired smile, but she had been amped up all day. It felt good being able to buck the big box way of business. Letting her employees go before 9 p.m. on Wednesday, staying closed on Thursday, and still predicating a profitable Black Friday weekend. With her burst of energy for the day, Lauren even got to let herself go home early this year.

Trisha watched the last person leave the boutique clothing store from across the parking lot. She knew she didn't have a super thought out plan. If she was wrong, she was committing some kind of armed assault, possibly the fastest ever on record. If she was right, well, that was probably worse. It was a one month anniversary for bad ideas. She pulled her light brown hair into a tight ponytail. She shouldn't have ever gone out to the woods that night. She knew better. The urges were too strong. The ache in her body had turned into an ache in her mind. Her beige walls had started to close in on her, disrupting her infallible routine of self-attention and gorging on raw meat. The instinctive drumbeat of "Get out, get free" in her mind had been too much. Of course, that freedom led right into trouble.

Lauren balanced herself against the checkout station and slipped her heels off. That dropped her down to her normal 5'8 height as she stretched her toes against the floor. Her feet had been aching for a couple of hours. Her whole body had, really. She hoped she wasn't getting sick. It felt more like workout ache, except she hadn't been to the gym for a week. She started her last round through her store; checking to make sure all the displays and folding were ready for the doors to re-open Friday morning.

Trisha held the ski mask in her lap. It had felt like an awkward purchase, even online, since she lived in South Carolina. The pellet gun in her pocket looked real enough, if she needed to pull it out. She had to repeat to herself that this was worth it. She couldn't leave the mistake she might have made to chance. She watched the store lights intensely. What were the odds? But, what were the odds of any of this? She managed to hunt her way right into someone in the dead of night in a national forest, pick up her scent, and find her again later in the morning. What would her story have been if they had caught her dirty, bloody dumb-ass tracking them back to their car?

The aches had intensified a little as Lauren shut down her computer. She picked up her heels with two fingers and started turning off the lights. She was going to enjoy her rest tonight. Lauren had wanted to sleep more all month since the camping trip. She had pushed through it. No random animal attack would keep her down.

The parking lot lights reflected in Trisha's eyes as they focused onto the store lights snapping from bright to dim. She had to move. Not allowing herself time for second guesses she got off her bench and started towards Lauren's door. She looked around quickly to see if anyone else was on the sidewalk. She had started to sweat. Seeing no one, she slipped the ski mask on.

Lauren snapped the last light off. As she started to punch in the alarm code, a shadow passed in front of her glass. She raised her blue eyes as the pad beeped from her door opening. Almost instinctively, she started to say, "Sorry, we're...", but a gloved hand covered her mouth and she was looking at green eyes, a ski mask, and a body pushing her back into her store. Her words became a muffled scream.

The moment had passed. Trisha had managed to shove the taller woman a few feet back into the darkness. Standing there, she felt her sweat and aches really set it. She needed to know quickly, but her quarry getting all screamy wasn't helping. She needed leverage to grab her "gun". It was an easy push to corner the blonde lady against the center checkout counter.

"Please be quiet," Trisha tried to say it authoritatively and in a low tone herself. The woman wasn't passively giving up; she had to give her credit for not being a wimp. Trisha sighed, "Hey. Listen. Stop trying to scream or I'll have to hurt you." She had her body pressed against her captive, who was pressed against the counter. Quickly she moved her hand from the back of the lady's head into her jacket pocket to push the pellet gun silhouette visibly forward.

Lauren's light eyebrows lifted in reaction to the veiled threat. She couldn't believe she was being robbed! She had the taste of gloved leather in her mouth and an even crazier idea that she could take this woman. It was a powerful drive. She couldn't get an image of knocking her down and tearing her teeth deeply into her vulnerable neck. This petite, masked woman had backed up her request, though. Lauren stopped trying to scream and nodded her head.

The tang of black leather moved away from her lips. Lauren quietly spoke, "Take what you want and go, please. I just want to go home."

"No, I don't want to take anything," Trisha almost whispered, "I just need to ask you a question and I'll let you go." She rolled her shoulders and took a deep breath. It was starting for her but she concentrated to fight it. "You went camping a month ago, right?"

Lauren took a sharp breath, "What? How would you know that?" Her thin body started to bend backward over the checkout counter. "Have you been stalking me?"

Trisha grimaced under her mask. She didn't know about Lauren, but she was running out of time. "No, just answer the question, please." She poked the fake gun forward a couple of times in her pocket.

Lauren wanted to get away from the situation as quickly as possible. Maybe she could talk her way out of it but she was going to keep it short. "Yes. I went camping."

Good, Trisha thought, hoping the next answer would get her out the back door. "Did you get hurt? Did something bite or scratch you?"
Trisha saw the woman's bright eyes tighten. "Yes, I was charged by an animal and scratched."

Trisha's compact frame sagged as her hope and adrenaline released like a popped balloon. Gesturing with her pocket again she said, "Stay there." She walked backward to the front door and locked it.

Lauren stood up straight, "Hey, you said you were going to let me go."

Trisha walked back towards Lauren. This time she left a couple of feet between them. There was no need to pin her attractive captive anymore. She took a good look at the store owner's soft, inviting face and fell a pang of guilt.

"What's your name? My name is Trisha."

Lauren stared back incredulously. "My name? Forget my name. You need to let me go."

"I want to, but I can't. Something's going to happen. It's my fault, but I want to help you through it." Trisha pulled her ski mask off, revealing her sharp cheekbones, full lips, and sad eyes.

"Oh no," Lauren looked away, "I didn't see your face. My name is Lauren. Lauren," she repeated purposefully, "Nothing has to happen that you're going to regret, Trisha."

Trisha couldn't help a little snicker of a laugh. She took her gloves off and wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. The back of her fingers had begun to discretely darken with brown stubble slowly pushing outward. "I'm not going to do anything to you. Not tonight anyway. I guess I already did something to you. Are you feeling warm?"

Lauren looked at the crazy woman who was peering at her intensely. Despite her increasing achiness, everything in her body wanted to react somehow. She knew about fight or flight but she felt like going for both. Attack viciously and then run into freedom, into the moonlight. Her attacker seemed to want to give her some space, before whatever was going to happen next. Lauren just didn't know how to use that.

"No, Trisha, I'm not warm. I am tired and I feel like I might be coming down with something. You can just let me, Lauren, go home, and we can forget this ever happened."

Trisha spoke with a small smile, partly because she was starting to feel the ache in her mouth, like it wanted to stretch itself. "Listen, Clarice, I'm not Hannibal Lector. And you're not going to forget any..."

Her sentence trailed off into a sudden, "Oh!"

Lauren watched Trisha's arms wrap at her stomach as she bent over enough to look down. Instinctively, Lauren charged towards the door, pushing the petite woman hard enough to spin her around almost 180 degrees. Trisha reacted quickly, moving through pain and diving forward aggressively enough to catch her blonde quarry's ankle. Both women fell to the light blue store carpet with twin "Oomphs."

Despite the heat and the cramps beginning to fire randomly along her body, Trisha kept a firm hold on Lauren's foot. In the dark, the foot gave her a guide to quickly crawl on top of the blonde shop keeper. Lauren immediately felt her captor's weight. She had tried flight; her adrenaline drove her straight into fight. Planting her hands and bucking her hips she gained enough leverage to flip onto her back. Acting from pure desperation she tried to both sit up and shove her opponent to the side. It felt like pushing a brick wall. Trisha was too quick and at a well-defined 5'2 had established enough leverage simply to land straight back down on Lauren's hips.

Her conflicted body and guilt held Trisha's response back as Lauren threw random strikes at her torso. The stress of the situation began to fuel the pinned woman's new condition, unnoticed by both, as blonde fur began to lengthen and thicken on the top of her hands, tufting gradually over her slender fingers. Focusing on her freedom kept Lauren's thought away from an itch occurring as dirty blonde stubble also began to push against her black stockings. It bloomed from her carefully trimmed patch, down her thighs, and along her lower legs. Strands of brown fur had already also begun to bunch along her calves in Trisha's black yoga pants as she straddled the flailing woman.

As Trisha fended away Lauren's hands her cramps finally subsided. The pressure in her non-descript blue and white tennis shoes also decreased as black claws pushed through lightly reinforced mesh. A reviving flush flooded through her skin. With new clarity she caught a pale right wrist. Leaning in to finish the struggle the brunette let out a surprised cry as one wild swing brought sharp claws across the flushed skin on her right cheek.

Lauren felt the contact immediately. Her feelings changed from hope to shock in a microsecond as four wet lines opened on Trisha's face. A sharp breath slowed her panic down enough to focus on what had caused the wound. She drew her hand closer to her face, looking at the points of pale claws and developing brown padding that seemed to be her palm. She started to open and close her hand in disbelief.

Softly, she saw fingers guarded with brown fur, tipped with black claws close around her wrist. They moved her hand away from her face. Lauren was looking through the dark at bright green eyes changing to gold.

"You'll understand now," Trisha said with a soft growl under her tone, "I'm sorry."

The same flush that passed through Trisha now passed through Lauren. "Oh, god," she reacted as suddenly her whole body felt unfamiliar. She felt like ants were crawling through her leggings, her lace panties bunched into her delicate lips, and her stylish blouse and jacket were simply too hot to wear anymore. She involuntarily drew her knees into Trisha's back; her toes curled as red manicured nails gave way to pale, sharp claws that cut through their black stocking cover. Lauren involuntarily curled the new points into the shop carpet. Blond fur had pressed through the top of Lauren's feet, with an occasion strand poking through her nylon.

Trisha watched Lauren's blue eyes as they became much paler. She had never experienced the change with someone this intimately before. She panted as her full red lips darkened and the ache in her mouth finally gave way to lengthening canines. Lauren's thighs pushed into her hips at that moment, tipping Trisha inches over the blonde woman's prone form. Both women were breathing deeply. The musky scent of Lauren's changes flooded Trisha's nose as it pulled upward, darkened, and widened slightly. She found herself suddenly pressing her body into Lauren; nuzzling the delicate nape of a stranger's neck.

The fog of disbelief snapped for Lauren as the confrontation changed from violent to personal. Regardless of her body's betrayal, her first reaction was to recoil from Trisha's sudden advance. With no other recourse, her new hands clawed through the back of Trisha's gray sweater. She rend open the sweater, making visible the cotton, red bra straps. Chestnut fur spread in contrast to the thin restraints on Trisha's back, providing protection from the attack.

Instead of a deterrence, Lauren's violence increased Trisha's arousal. The change drove her every action. Trisha drew her tongue up the side of her prey's neck. She stopped her lick by delicately biting the bottom of a shifting earlobe. Blonde fur covered Lauren's neckline as the ridges on the ear receiving attention stretched to a contoured point.

Lauren's throat began to rumble involuntarily. The flush she had felt earlier seemed to concentrate into her womanhood, which dampened with Trisha's ministrations. Her mind screamed at her to escape, but her body lifted her clothed mound into Trisha's hips.

The brunette woman, feeling Lauren's response, pulled away from her advances to finish tearing away her ruined sweater and bra. She revealed full breasts, ringed with fur that thinned from her chest to lightly cover dark nipples. Her well defined torso had a light covering of brown hair appearing below her belly button, trailing down and getting progressively thicker as it neared her secret place. Lauren's mind began to swim in a confused fugue. Trying to cope with changes she could only feel happening, her clawed fingers explored her longer, ridged ears. She watched Trisha's eyes lose focus as the woman hovering over her brushed furry, predatory hands onto clearly aroused and darkening nipples.

Feeling repulsed and needy, frightened and compelled by arousal all Lauren's mind held on to clearly was the idea that something was wrong. Her growing strength swelled as she firmly grasped Trisha's arms in mid-stimulation and thrust both their bodies over. Trisha snapped back to the moment the women lay on their side and Lauren's left arm swam over Trisha's face. Lauren had righted herself onto her hands and knees. Trisha saw her prey again begin to scramble away.

Driven by a new fervor Trisha reached out with both hands, gripping Lauren's thigh above the knee. Trisha's sharp claws rend into Lauren's stockings, freeing wild blooms of blond fur. Razor points flashed passed her face as she actively dodged Lauren's wild back kicks. It simply became a struggle between two wild creatures at this point. Experience and control overcame vigor and desperation. Lauren found herself looking up again from her back, panting from exhaustion. The renewed struggle had surged her changes. Trisha peered down at a feral face, sharp incisors showing through ragged breaths, cheek bones accented by blonde covering, full eyebrows beginning to stitch together, and noticeable points poking through cascades of hair.

That visage pooled desire into Trisha's now completely wild abdomen. Her own face finished it's accommodations to the wild as her jaw and upper palate pushed forward enough to accommodate fully developed incisors and sharped molars. Her sharp ears grew to their full potential and twitched as she abandoned her earlier uncontrolled desire and instinctively began to solicit a mutual lust. A low growl rumbled from her throat as both an implied threat and physical release.

Lauren had been subdued. She instinctively accepted that she had struggled and lost to the dusky, feminine beast hovering over her. She tensed slightly at Trisha's rumble but did nothing as the compact, feral woman took her stockinged right foot, marred only by the slits opened by toe claws. The trace of a furred fingertip cut open the rest of the nylon. Trisha firmly bit down on the inside of Lauren's clawed big toe. She saw Trisha's firm grasp on her ankle and simultaneously heard claws tear down the length of the rest of her right leg hose, running from the inner thigh to her heel. Lauren's confused arousal returned as Trisha licked her thickening instep, nibbled her heel, and nuzzled up through the nylon slivers left on her right leg. As she nuzzled, Trisha tore her claws down the opposite leg's covering.

The release of the thick blond fur than now covered most of Lauren's long, trim legs was almost orgasmic on its own. The restriction of her clothing suddenly became unbearable to Lauren. As Trisha shredded through black nylon, Lauren's new, vicious fingertips tore through burgundy silk and black wool. Her blouse quickly became tatters, exposing a black lace bra strained to it limits. She managed to work her jacket off, mostly intact. Lauren's wild abandon froze as her guide finished her subtle work of teasing her inner thigh by reaching her hand all the way under her checked gray skirt. The wolf in Trisha unceremoniously swiped four claws down the waist of Lauren's hose and through the center of her black lace panties. The previous dull aroma of excitement shared between the two changing woman exploded into a bouquet of pure lust to both their sensitive dark noses.

The last conflicted part of Lauren's mind told her to escape one last time. Instead, new instincts lifted her hips while her new blond hands gripped the sides of her skirt and slowly pulled them towards her torso. Trisha's fully darkened lips parted as she inhaled the aroma coming from Lauren's exposed pink flesh. Thick blond fur had matted with wet arousal around Lauren's folds. Black claws dug into the freshly bloomed fur on Lauren's hips while the tip of Trisha's tongue began to tease her engorged button.

Lauren exposed two rows of sharpened canines as her claws vanished into the back of Trisha's head, pressing her secret into the new ministrations. Her mind shifted from trying to process coherent disbelief to experiencing incoherent sensations. Her pulsing arousal from her hips to her cheeks. Dull soreness as her muscles rippled from the tissue toning and swelling slightly under her skin. The tingle of warm fur as the strands made their final press to cover her skin. Pressure in her feet as the balls widened and thickened against the floor. Cramps in her fingers and toes as each digit completed their change beyond dull extremities into sharp weapons.

As Trisha lapped Lauren with abandon, her own change advanced to conclusion. Brown fur jutted visibly through her stretched, unremoved leggings and her wetness darkened the already black cloth. The torn front of her tennis shoe mesh split around the sole, her bent toes anchoring her oral efforts as her feet simply pushed out of their confines. The soreness evaporated from her face as her cheeks and jaw finished defining themselves to accommodate the teeth of a predator. Finally, her attention to Lauren paused briefly as her claws swiped thru the top of her leggings to release the pain from her developing mid-length tail.

Their proximity seemed drive their changes in unison. Lauren rolled onto to her torso to accommodate her new finishing touch. The movement shoved her stretched bra under expanded breasts allowing rough carpet to tease her engorged nipples. She squirmed against the carpet in a mixture of pleasure and pain while her tailbone became a full blonde plumed extension.

Trisha, having squatted back on her calves, watched as her fractured mind bounced between primal and human, curious and carnal. Pressing her padded palms into her own covered need, she saw the full she-wolf that Lauren had become. Her deliberate thoughts shred the rest of her clothing and shoes away so that her sexual drive could be fully satisfied by the flaxen beauty she had created. Trisha covered the distance to her prone mate, admiring Lauren's stronger, broader, furry body. Her inner predator took over again, remembering earlier attempts to flee. She quickly and violently grasped the new wolf's tail and shoulder; rolling Lauren to her side. Lauren's new pointed ears twitched through golden strands, but when their bright golden and pale blue eyes met, each saw nothing but desire.

Awkwardly, their mouths met, tongues teasing one another between sharp white teeth. Brown and blond fur then began to mesh as their attentions turned to nuzzling each other jaws and cheeks, occasionally slipping down to nip and bite at exposed neck lines. Organically, the two she-wolves bodies moved closer together. Trisha had kept her hold on Lauren's tail and began to pull lightly on it as a cue for her partner's legs to open to her. Seeking only release, the pair twined their furred legs together, adjusting and shifting as free clawed fingers dug deep into each other's backs.

Their swollen, damp lower folds finally met with a shower of pleasure that shot off like fireworks across their skin. They both began an involuntary chorus of growls as they rubbed roughly against one another. Lauren had lost all sense for anything other than seeking release. If she had completely merged with the brown beast that nipped at her breasts and grasped at her feet it would have made no difference. Trisha's desire swelled to a need for dominance. Her prey had become her lover. She wanted her lover to be her mate. Their delicate lips flooded with each other's wetness. Climax became imminent and then unavoidable. As Trisha came, her powerful teeth bit deeply into Lauren's neck. The pain drove the new wolf over the edge and Lauren's orgasm erupted with, "Arh-wooooooo."

As light began to force its way through the closed shop blinds, Trisha delicately licked her pale, clawless thumb. She pressed it gently to the streak of blood left on the neck of the nude, blond beauty that laid next to her. The wounds that caused the blemish were gone. As she rubbed the crimson mark away, a pair of deep blue eyes began to open.

Trisha brushed a few stray hairs from Lauren's face and spoke quietly, "We've got a lot to talk about."
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Unread 06-03-2016   #2
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

That was awesome!
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Unread 06-03-2016   #3
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

Nice work!
Shameless self-promotion:
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Unread 06-03-2016   #4
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)


Very well done, good sir.
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Unread 06-03-2016   #5
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

What a fantastic first impression you've given us! Can't believe this is your first post, you just jumped right in and gave us a great story...

Guys, can we keep him?
"And the Lord said, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."

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Unread 06-03-2016   #6
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

Thank you all for the compliments, really. It's probably a one-off effort. It took me way too long for that few words.

There are a few great contributors here who have contributed to our, um, shared interest for a while. Hopefully, this gives back a little.

IRL I'm not much of a talker unless I feel I'm actually contributing to the conversation. So, I guess I'm that way on the board (long time member).

Glad you all enjoyed it.
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Unread 06-03-2016   #7
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

Originally Posted by CNash View Post
What a fantastic first impression you've given us! Can't believe this is your first post, you just jumped right in and gave us a great story...

Guys, can we keep him?

Well done!
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Unread 06-03-2016   #8
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

Very nice.
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Unread 06-04-2016   #9
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

Wow. Thanks everyone. Again, really happy for the positive reception.
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Unread 06-04-2016   #10
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

Nicely done! Loved the feet parts a lot.
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Unread 06-05-2016   #11
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Re: Thanksgiving Moon (Short Story)

Well done sir!
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