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#1 |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Hey folks! I finished this story a while ago, but I realised I hadn't posted it here. I'm including the complete .doc file at the bottom of this post, which you can download if you feel like skipping ahead to some of the later chapters, but I'll still be updating this story with a new chapter every few days.
This story will be strictly mini-GTS There will be no violence and some implied sex later on. I hope you enjoy it! Amazon Hotel Chapter 1 Sabrina and Joshua stepped off the bus, rolling their luggage behind them. They were hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable after a five-hour flight, but here they were. As the bus pulled away, spitting dust into their faces, Joshua leaned in to her and kissed her, playing with the unfamiliar ring on his finger. She returned his kiss happily but without much energy. “I cannot wait to get into our room and take a nap before dinner,” she said. “So soon?” he replied. “This is going to be our first time alone since the ceremony. I think we could use a bit of intimate time.” He reached his hand down and squeezed her bum, and she squealed and swatted it away. “Josh,” she protested, “have a bit more patience. If we wait ‘til tonight, won’t it be better? Then we can just cuddle afterwards and fall asleep. Besides,” she smiled, “that’ll give me time to change.” Joshua smiled. “As you wish, love.” They turned and walked toward the resort, with a large sign reading Hotel Hippolyte above the door. The first thing they noticed was the size of the door as they approached it. Instead of the usual seven-foot height they were used to, this door was easily double that. As they approached, it slid open automatically, and they entered the lobby of the hotel. The lobby was beautifully decorated in limestone and marble, and there were columns running the length of the room on either side. Their footsteps echoed as they walked toward the front desk, and they could hear the sounds of people swimming and laughing from somewhere inside the resort. The furniture in the lobby was clearly adapted for people of different sizes- there were normal-sized chairs and couches right next to pieces that would have been identical, except for the scale. They would have been comically oversized if the guests didn’t know what kind of resort this was. When they reached the desk, Sabrina pressed a bell that was sitting there, and after a moment, a young woman turned a corner to come and serve them. Sabrina and Joshua both stopped and stared. She was the largest person either of them had ever seen. Wearing sandals and a white toga with a shawl over it, her blonde hair tied back in a bun, and a small nametag pinned to her toga that read ALEXANDRA, she briskly walked behind the counter and smiled at them. Joshua stared directly ahead into her navel. The top of the counter met her thigh. Sabrina looked up, her mouth slightly agape. Of course, they had known where they were coming. They had read the brochure. But it wasn’t the same as standing in front of an Amazon, in person. “Welcome to Hotel Hippolyte,” she ginned. “How may I help you?” Joshua giggled. Sabrina punched him in the arm. “Uh, yes. We have a reservation. Lavoie.” Alexandra bent down and flipped through a book. “Yes, I have you. The honeymoon suite, yes?” Sabrina blushed. “That’s right.” “All right. We’ll get you settled in there right away. Here are your key-cards, and if you could just sign here please, both of you.” The two of them signed eagerly. “Thank you. And Mrs. Lavoie, how tall would you like to be?” That provoked a double-take from both of them. “I’m sorry?” asked Sabrina. “Well, part of the experience of staying at Hotel Hippolyte is that you yourself get to be…” “Yes, I knew that, but… I have a choice?” “Sure.” “Uh…” she looked at Joshua who just smiled. “How tall are you?” Alexandra smiled. “I’m nine foot four. But I’m afraid we aren’t allowed to let you grow past nine feet. We’ve had some security issues in the past, so company policy says that all staff need to be just a little taller than the guests. I do apologise.” “No, that’s okay, I uh…” her voice trailed off. She look back at Joshua, who just widened his eyes and nodded. “Could I be nine feet?” Alexandra grinned. “No problem. Just one moment; I’ll be right back.” She turned and stepped through a door, returning a moment later with a small bottle of dark liquid. She handed it to Sabrina, who took it in her much smaller hands. “Just drink that. It should take a couple of hours before you’re fully nine feet, and you’ll get another dose every morning and evening. If you want to return to your normal size, just stop drinking it and it’ll wear off after half a day or so.” Sabrina just laughed, holding the bottle delicately. “And if there’s nothing else, may I take your bags?” Joshua spoke up. “Oh, that’s- I- I-” Alexandra reached down and picked up both heavy bags in one hand. “It’s really no trouble, sir. You look tired. Follow me, please.” Alexandra walked slowly so they could keep up. They walked past rows of doors, noting that each one had two key-card slots next to it- one about four feet off the ground, and one six. The doors themselves were easily high enough to allow Alexandra to pass through, and the further they walked, the smaller they felt. They eventually came to a set of double doors at the end of the hallway, where Alexandra stepped forward and slid her key-card through the higher slot. It beeped, and the door popped open slightly. Alexandra pulled and held it open for the two guests, who walked in and gasped. The room was enormous. Aside from the extended ceiling, the length and breadth of the room were far more than anything they had expected. The hot tub was large enough to be a small swimming pool. Like in the lobby, there were two sets of chairs and couches, identical except for the scale. And the bed alone was almost as big as their bedroom in their apartment back home; it was twice as long as Joshua was tall. He and Sabrina felt very small indeed. Sabrina looked at the bottle she still held in her hand. Not for long, she thought to herself, and smiled. -- Dolores walked into the lobby from the pool area. Despite the heat, she was wearing a full suit that conveyed an air of professionalism and dignity. She glanced around the lobby, dismayed to find no one there. Her heels clicking on the marble floor, she walked to the counter and rang the bell four times. After a moment, she rang it again. From the back room came an Amazon. As soon as she saw the tiny woman tapping her foot against the tile with her arms crossed over her chest, the smile on her face flickered, but she caught herself and politely asked, “Yes, Miss Crowley?” Without smiling, Dolores answered, “Margaret, one of our less pleasant guests has vomited next to the pool. I need you to go and clean it up.” “I’ll go fetch Carol.” “I said I want you to do it, Margaret.” At this, the smile disappeared off of Margaret’s face. “Miss Crowly, Carol is our custodian. I have—” Quietly and coolly, she interrupted her. “I am well aware of our staff roster, Margaret.” Dolores barely reached Margaret’s waist, yet she spoke with perfect confidence and authority. She did not raise the volume of her voice or avert her eyes. Margaret stared for a moment in silence. Then, “But then, why—” “Because unless you know exactly where Carol is at this very instant, and can guarantee me that she is not occupied in some other task, it will be faster for you to clean up our guest’s vomit, even if only by a few minutes. Every minute that our guests are forced to step over that mess is a minute that they are enjoying themselves less, and a higher chance that they will not be returning here for repeat business. Do you understand the importance of that?” “Uh, yes Miss Crowley. I’ll get right on it.” And, shaking her head slightly, she began to walk toward the pool area. “Oh, Margaret?” Margaret turned around to face her boss. “I explained why I want you to clean it up because I know that you’re new here, and you haven’t quite gotten used to the way we do business. In the future, you will not question me ever again. If I tell you to get on your knees and lick up our guests’ vomit, you will. Am I understood?” Margaret stood, dumbfounded. Dolores followed her until she was standing right next to her. She craned her neck upwards and repeated the question, poking Margaret in the thigh for emphasis. “Am – I – understood?” “Y-yes, Miss Crowley.” “Excellent. Perhaps you’ll keep your job yet.” And, without another glance, she turned and walked down the hall. Margaret, dazed, walked out toward the pool area. This was Margaret’s second week at the hotel, and while it was certainly one of the coolest jobs she’d ever had – I mean, at how many jobs do you get to be an Amazon? – she wasn’t sure how long she could handle working under Dolores Crowley. Her first day, Margaret, trying to be friendly, had asked her why she didn’t grow into an Amazon herself, and, with a condescending smirk, Dolores had answered, “Because I’m here to run a hotel. I’m not here to be ogled. That’s your job.” Margaret found the mop and walked outside, and bumped into a guest by accident as she walked through the doorway. His chest collided with her knee and he staggered backwards, almost falling over, but regaining his footing. “I’m sorry, sir! Are you ok?” He smiled and laughed. “I’m fine. Are you?” He then realised the absurdity of his question and they both laughed it off. He excused himself and went inside. Margaret brightened up a little. It was really cool being big.
Stories by me: Amazon Hotel (GTS, PG) Sportsmanship (SW, PG) City Nymph (SW, GTS, SM, 18+) The Contest (SM, SW, 18+) The Object of my Desire (GTS, 18+) The Party (various transformations, 18+) Gemma (SW, 18+) Last edited by Eelskin; 02-09-2011 at 09:25 AM. |
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#2 |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Chapter 2
“So, you just drink it?” “I guess so.” Sabrina held the small bottle in her hand. She was excited, but apprehensive at the same time. “Well, what are you waiting for?” “Don’t rush me! This is special!” “The sooner you drink it, the sooner you can sit in the big chair you’ve been staring at!” Sabrina had, indeed, been staring at the larger of the two chairs in the corner, trying to imagine sitting in it comfortably. She looked back at it, back at Joshua, and smiled. “Fine.” She unstopped the bottle and smelled it, then poured the contents into her mouth, but it tasted so bad that she had difficulty swallowing it. “Ugh!” she cried. “That is awful!” “Well, it’ll be worth it, I’m sure.” “Easy for you to say! You don’t have to swallow that shite! The taste is still in my mouth! I’m going to go wash it out.” Joshua lay back on the bed while she walked into the bathroom. The first thing that she noticed was that there were two toilets and two sinks. In just a couple of hours, I’ll be using the big ones over there, she thought to herself, and she grinned, despite the awful flavour in her mouth. She looked at the enormous yellow towels hanging on the rack, then stepped to the smaller sink. She let the water run for a moment, then filled the glass and drank. Glancing into the mirror, she suddenly remembered that she was wearing earrings, so she removed them quickly and placed them next to the sink. Joshua stepped into the doorway. “Hey, you want to check out the pool?” -- Sabrina and Joshua, dressed in their bathing suits, walked out to the pool area and stared. The sight was unlike anything they had ever seen. Once again, the brochure was not adequate preparation for the reality of the situation. There were maybe thirty people sunning themselves and another dozen swimming in the pool. It wasn’t immediately obvious which of the giant women were staff and which of them were guests, because they were all wearing similar clothes. Some of the women were obviously working- those behind the bar or the one cleaning up a mess on the other side of the pool with a mop, for example. The found some empty seats- two normal sized seats- and sat themselves down to sit by the pool and marvel at the sight in front of them. Joshua thought that they were receiving odd looks from some of the other patrons, but he barely noticed. He was too busy gawking at them right back to care. It was Sabrina who, after a moment, realised that the clothes were colour-coded. Women dressed in white were staff, and everyone else was dressed in brightly coloured togas. Some yellow, some pink or green or pale blue. The men were wearing them too, though, of course, much smaller ones. She pointed this out, and wondered aloud, “Where do we get ours?” “I don’t know,” replied Joshua, “but let’s find out later. Right now I want to be not moving.” Sabrina couldn’t agree more. She lay back in the sun and closed her eyes. Joshua kept his open, watching the other guests do laps and play volleyball, and carry their husbands and boyfriends on their shoulders. He caught himself staring openly at some of the other guests without meaning to. After admiring the eight-foot length of a woman sunbathing to his right in a bright pink toga, he glanced at her face to find that she was looking right back at him. She smirked, and he hastily tried to stammer an apology, but her boyfriend sat down beside her and she turned her attention away. Joshua looked around to make sure that no one was watching, then adjusted his bathing suit to hide his erection. After some time, Joshua was approached by another patron, an older, overweight man with a bushy white moustache and more hair on his chest than on his head, chewing on a cigar. “Hi there, friend!” the stranger waved. “Hi!” Joshua replied. The stranger pulled the cigar from his mouth. “Say, why is it that y’all ain’t wearin’ your sheets?” Joshua balked. “Our what?” The man motioned to his own toga, bright turquoise and dragging on the ground. “Oh!” Joshua understood. “I, uh, don’t know where we’re supposed to pick them up. We just really wanted to get out here, to the pool.” He laughed. “Well, I do rightly understand that, my boy,” the man nodded. “Be that as it may, your ladyfriend might want to be wearin’ hers in a few minutes,” and pointed with his cigar to Sabrina. Joshua looked over and saw, to his shock, that her bikini top was digging into her skin and was being stretched taut. Moving his eyes down her body, he could see that her feet now stretched slightly over the end of the deck chair, while her head was beginning to extend past the headrest. “Oh, shit!” He turned back to the man, who was chuckling to himself. “Thanks, uh…” “Nathaniel. Call me Nathan.” “Nathan. Thanks Nathan! I owe you one.” “Not that it wouldn’t have been a fine spectacle, you understand, but I imagined that she might not appreciate it quite as much as I would.” “Uh, yeah. Thanks!” And he turned back to Sabrina, nudging her shoulder. “Sweetie! Sweetie, wake up.” Sabrina groaned in protest. “No, I’m comfy.” Then she grimaced and began to scratch at her straps lightly. She paused and her eyes snapped open. “Oh, fuck!” Nathan chuckled to himself again as Joshua and Sabrina scrambled to get up and race back to their suite. -- Dolores was coming out of the back room when she witnessed Sabrina and Joshua running through the lobby, Sabrina holding her towel around herself, shrieking in panic and excitement. If they noticed her, they didn’t show it. Dolores paused, then hurried back to the guest log to look at the newly arrived guests. How did you spell it? McCallister? McAlester? What was her name? She sped through all new arrivals in the previous two days, but couldn’t find the name she was looking for. She looked up to see Alexandra walking in from the pool area. “Alexandra!” “Yes, Miss Crowley?” “What are the names of the couple that just ran through here?” Alexandra concentrated for a moment. “What did they look like?” “They were wearing bathing suits they brought from home.” “Lavoie. I don’t remember their first names. They’re in the honeymoon suite.” “When did they get here?” “Just an hour or two ago.” Dolores flipped to the last page of the log, and found Joshua and Sabrina Lavoie, right there on the page. Sabrina Lavoie. So. She got married. -- Sabrina and Joshua ran into their room and closed the door. Sabrina excitedly threw off her towel and began to fumble with her bathing suit. “I can’t believe I didn’t think that these wouldn’t grow with me!” she cursed as she pulled her bottom off. “I can’t reach the clasp! Can you get it?” Joshua reached over and, after a moment, it popped open. Sabrina took a deep breath. “That feels so much better,” she moaned, and stood up straight, grinning. “Now then. The top of my head came up to your eyes an hour ago. Where am I now?” Joshua stood up straight as well, and Sabrina stepped forward. As she did, Joshua only then realised just how much she had grown. When she was lying down, and when they were running, he hadn’t been able to tell, but now that they were standing still, next to each other, she was clearly already taller than he was by at least an inch or two. She gave him a wide, toothy grin. “Wow,” she said. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. -- An hour later, when they emerged, they were no longer wearing their own clothes. Each one was wearing the pale yellow togas that had been hanging in the bathroom. Joshua was wearing the sandals he had found in the closet, but the other pair was far too big, so Sabrina was carrying them. Her shoulder was level with Joshua’s eyes, and she was giddy with excitement. “Oh my God, everything looks so small! This is amazing!” Joshua adjusted his own toga. He looked up at his wife, slowly adjusting to the fact that she was going to be taller than him for the next few days. His toga was kind of loose, but he got the feeling that that was the point. “I can’t believe we didn’t see these hanging in the bathroom.” Looking over at Sabrina’s, he could see that it dragged on the floor a bit, but he also knew that it probably wouldn’t be doing it for very long. Sabrina was still growing. She grinned down at him as they walked back into the pool area. “I did see them! I just thought they were towels!” It was a bit later in the afternoon, and there were fewer people out by the pool, but the sun was still high in the sky. They found deck chairs, of different scales this time, and sat down to relax. The sun was less aggressive, and Sabrina, despite her excitement, fell asleep once again. Joshua stayed awake to admire the view. Sabrina was growing too slowly for Joshua to be able to watch it happening, but if he looked at the position of her head or hands every ten minutes or so, it was clear. Her toga no longer seemed quite as long as it had before, and her ankles began to poke out from under the hem. Joshua leaned his head back and smiled, gazing at the women all around him, swimming, drinking, laughing. He tried to guess which ones were the tallest, but he remembered what one of the staff had told him earlier. As he thought that, he was startled by someone directly to his right saying “Hi there!” He jumped, turned around and looked up. Before him was a gorgeous orange-haired woman in white, grinning down at him. She was taller than anyone else he had seen, even Alexandra. Reclining in his chair, he didn’t even come up to her knees. Were he standing up, he didn’t think he’d even be as tall as her hips. Seeing the expression on his face, she gasped and laughed slightly. “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just wanted to know if I could get anything for either of you.” “Uh…” Joshua’s mind went blank. This towering figure in front of him made thought almost impossible. His penis twitched, but luckily, didn’t stand up fully while she was here in front of him. The Amazon’s eyes moved to Sabrina, then she put her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry, is she sleeping?” she whispered, pointing to Sabrina. “Uh… yeah, I think so.” “Then I won’t bother her. But do you need anything?” “No, I’m… uh, actually, could I get a beer?” She grinned. “No problem. I’ll be right back.” And she walked away. Joshua, a stupid grin of his face, sat up to make his erection less visible. What am I going to do with this? he thought. He took another look around. He had barely noticed the men here, although there were even more men than women, not counting the staff. The women were just so much more noticeable. But he specifically looked around at some of the men and was amused to see that many of them walked around unashamedly with tents in their togas. It didn’t seem to bother them- or anyone else, for that matter. Well, now I don’t feel so bad. That makes things easier. He lay back down and put his hands behind his head, his erection freely pointing toward the sky. -- Dolores looked at Sabrina’s sleeping form from the window in the lobby. It’s her. I’m sure of it. How long has it been? Eight years? Nine? Ten? Dolores thought back to her undergraduate university years, and her then-boyfriend, Adam Skolnik. How she had been so in love with him, and how he had broken her heart. The tears, the accusations, the betrayal, the lies. The love which had so quickly mutated into a blind rage. It was years before she could bring herself to speak to him again, and even then, it hadn’t been a pleasant event for either of them. They had tried to reconcile their differences, but the moment had passed, and the opportunity for a happy life together was long, long gone. The never spoke to each other again after that day. As much as the anger had built up in her mind toward him, however, it was nothing compared to the hatred she had felt toward the one with whom he had cheated. Sabrina McCallister. That heartless, unremorseful, unrepentant witch. She had seduced Adam for- why? Why did she do it? Was it out of spite? Jealousy? Was it on a whim? Was she mentally unbalanced? Or just sociopathic? She couldn’t possibly have cared about Adam the way Dolores had. It was impossible. She had had no right! But in the end, it made no difference. Because here she was, now. Staying at Dolores’ hotel- on her honeymoon. Dolores’ gaze shifted from Sabrina to her husband. Joshua. She wondered if this man had been stolen from someone else’s loving arms, as well. Most of the guests enjoyed watching the Amazons, but it was less common to see a guest who was actually rendered speechless by them. This one, though, seemed not to be able to control himself. He could barely form a cogent sentence. She smiled. This should be easy, then.
Stories by me: Amazon Hotel (GTS, PG) Sportsmanship (SW, PG) City Nymph (SW, GTS, SM, 18+) The Contest (SM, SW, 18+) The Object of my Desire (GTS, 18+) The Party (various transformations, 18+) Gemma (SW, 18+) Last edited by Eelskin; 02-03-2011 at 10:49 AM. Reason: correcting a typo |
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#3 | |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 192
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Also: Dolores sounds like a huge bitch. Perhaps this is why Adam ran away from her 10 years ago and into Sabrina's arms. After all, I highly doubt that Sabrina is going to threaten people with cleaning up puke with their tongues. Powertripping from authority AND vengeful from something that happened over a decade ago? Sounds like a winner to me! (I get that this is what you were going for in the character, just seemed worth mentioning) It's a good story, if a tad silly. (If you had a potion that could temporarily enlarge people with seemingly no limit, there's a lot better things to do with it than open a resort hotel.) I'm interested to see exactly what Dolores does to get "even" with Sabrina.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." -- The Doctor |
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#4 |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Wussy - First of all, thank you for catching the typo. Second, thank you for your other comments! Joshua is loving it. It is not uncomfortable for him in the least.
![]() Chapter 3 When Sabrina woke up, and looked around, her first thought was: Who is this kid next to me? It took her several seconds to remember where she was and that the person next to her was, in fact, her husband. She giggled in excitement and sat up, and Joshua turned and grinned at her. ?Well, good morning,? he joked. ?What time is it?? ?Not sure. Probably about five in the afternoon. The sun?s going down. How do you feel?? ?I feel fantastic.? Joshua got off his seat. ?Stand up! I want to see how much you?ve grown.? Sabrina, still yawning but slightly giddy, sat up but didn?t stand just yet. She stared at Joshua standing up in front of her, and squealed when she realised that their eyes were almost level, even though she was still seated. She took his hands and pulled him in for a quick kiss, then stood up. The change was dramatic. She had been growing slowly, but as they hadn?t compared themselves for an hour, they were both shocked at the difference in their heights. Joshua?s face was directly level with her breasts. She laughed loudly and hugged him tightly, pressing his face in between her breasts, through the toga. He hugged her back, and shivered at the unexpected extra distance he had to stretch his arms to get them around her. For some time, they didn?t speak; they just enjoyed the sensations of touching each others? familiar yet different bodies. Then he looked up, resting his chin against her right breast. ?How long ago was it that you drank the agent?? She thought. ?If it?s five now, probably about three hours? Three and a half?? ?So you?re still growing.? She showed all of her teeth. ?I?m definitely still growing.? -- Alexandra walked out of the vacant room after having made the bed and cleaned up after the departed occupants. She pushed her cart to the next door, but was stopped when she heard her name being spoken. ?Alexandra,? said Dolores, walking down the corridor. ?That guest that I asked you about. Lavoie?? Alexandra brought up a picture of her in her mind. She nodded, looking down at her waist-high boss. ?She?s outside by the pool,? continued Dolores. ?I?d like you to offer to show her around. She might not be aware of all of the facilities the resort offers.? That?s a strange request, thought Alexandra, but didn?t say anything. ?Of course, Miss Crowley.? She paused. ?There are still a few rooms to be made up- should I finish them first?? Dolores shook her head. ?I?ll get Margaret to do it. You go and see if she wants to reserve a massage for tomorrow.? Alexandra began removing her gloves, placing them on the cart. ?Alright. I?ll show them the massages, the restaurants?? ?I didn?t say to show them around,? Dolores interrupted. ?I said to show her around.? Alexandra hesitated for just a moment and looked around to see if anyone was within earshot. No one was. She nodded again. ?No problem.? -- Margaret, manning the front desk, was counting down the minutes to the end of her shift when the phone rang. ?Hotel Hippolyte.? ?Hi, this is Malcom Robinson from head office. To whom am I speaking?? ?Oh, hello! This is Margaret Norton.? ?Hi Margaret. Could you pass on a message to Dolores Crowley for me?? ?Would you like to speak to her directly?? ?Is she right there?? ?No, but I can find her.? ?I?m afraid I don?t have time. I?d appreciate it if you could just please tell her that I?ll be coming by tomorrow afternoon for our monthly rendezvous.? ?Okay. What time?? ?Not sure. Probably sometime between two and three.? ?Okay, no problem. I?ll let her know right away.? ?Thank you, Miss Norton. Have a good evening.? ?You too.? She hung up the phone and looked at the clock on the wall. Seven more minutes, she thought, and began humming to herself. She took a pad of paper to write the down the message, but stopped when she saw Dolores walk in from the hallway. ?Good afternoon, Miss Crowley.? ?Margaret, I need you to take over Alexandra?s duties for the next hour or so. There are several rooms that need to be made up, and then?? ?What? Why can?t Alexandra do them?? Dolores, not accustomed to being interrupted, glared at Margaret over the lenses of her glasses. Margaret immediately recognised her mistake. ?I mean? uh, I?m sorry, Miss Crowley, but I?m afraid my shift ends in?? she looked at the clock again. ?Six minutes.? ?Your shift, Margaret, ends in one hour and six minutes.? Margaret balked. ?Miss Crowley, I?ve been here since six o?clock this morning, and my sister is expecting me to meet her in forty-five minutes. I?? ?Thank you, Margaret. This is not a discussion.? Dolores exhaled impatiently. ?Now, go clean up those rooms or go home. But if you go home, I don?t expect you back here tomorrow. Unless you check in as a guest.? Margaret balled a fist almost as big as Dolores? head. ?Yes, Miss Crowley,? she forced out through her clenched teeth. Well, fuck you too, she thought. She set off down the hall. -- Alexandra walked out to the pool area to search for Sabrina. This was indeed a strange request, but Alexandra knew better than to question her boss. That was why she was the assistant manager, which certainly had its perks. The two of them had an understanding that was to both of their benefits. ?Lost? valuables were split between the two of them, as were confiscated drugs, which surfaced more often than one might expect. Alexandra could also get days off whenever she pleased, at no notice. And if any of the other employees ever mouthed off to her, which happened exactly as often as one might expect, a word to Dolores and the girl could be scrubbing toilets- or out of a job. In return, she did whatever Dolores Crowley asked of her with an air of meek deference, which was exactly what Dolores wanted. She understood Dolores better than most of the other employees. She knew that most of the time, when Dolores made unreasonable demands, it wasn?t out of necessity. It was an exercise of power. She just enjoyed having people jump at her command. And as long as Alexandra did what she was told, she kept her own advantages and avoided being given any unpleasant duties or last-minute shifts. As for this particular situation, Alexandra wasn?t sure what to make of it, but it didn?t actually matter. She just knew that she needed to get that woman away from her husband for an hour. And if she was clever, she might be able to get some information which could be useful in the future, if Dolores ever got bored of their mutual understanding. Alexandra did what she was told, but she wasn?t stupid. As she scanned the pool area, she found them, sitting in their reclining chairs, talking to each other. She walked over and waited patiently until they noticed her. Sabrina stood up, obviously proud of her new stature, which brought the top of her head up to Alexandra?s chin. Realising this, she blinked and was visibly disappointed, but Alexandra didn?t miss a beat. ?Hi, Mrs. Lavoie. You certainly seem to be adjusting to your new size! How does it feel?? Sabrina smiled shyly. ?It feels? pretty good.? ?Well, if you have a moment, I?d like to take this time to show you around to a few of the amenities the resort has to offer.? Sabrina looked down at her husband, whose mouth was moving slightly without producing any sound. ?What do you think, Josh? Are you hungry now or can you wait?? Joshua looked up at his Amazon wife and tried to speak, but only emitted a squeak. Alexandra cocked her head. Sabrina laughed. ?Come on, honey. Let?s go take a look around.? Alexandra cleared her throat. ?Actually, Mrs. Lavoie, I meant the amenities that are built specifically for our female guests. To accommodate your new stature. Some of them are? gender-specific.? She looked back to Joshua. ?What I mean is that I?d like to show just your wife around. Do either of you mind?? Sabrina frowned. ?Oh. Well, that? makes sense, I guess. Josh, honey, do you mind?? Joshua, his mouth open slightly, shook his head. ?Great!? Alexandra clapped her hands once. ?If you?ll come with me, Mrs. Lavoie, I?ll show you the scale-adjusted showers?? ?Hang on one sec.? Sabrina bent down at the waist until her face was level with her husband?s. ?I won?t be long.? She kissed him gently on the mouth. ?And you stay out of trouble.? Josh nodded. Sabrina laughed and straightened back up, slipping on her sandals. She was delighted to find that her feet had grown enough to almost fit into them comfortably. ?So where are these showers?? -- Joshua watched the two Amazons walk away. He shook his head and settled back into his reclining chair to watch the sun set. This was a great choice for our honeymoon, he thought. At least, he tried to watch the sunset, but the sight of the seven-, eight- and nine- foot tall women was just too distracting. It was only a couple of minutes before he gave up on appreciating nature and turned instead to appreciating the human scenery all around him. After all, he thought, I can see a sunset any day. ?Ahem.? Joshua turned to see a woman standing next to him, smiling. She wasn?t dressed in a toga, like everyone else, but in a smart business suit, making her look terribly out of place here by the pool. There was something else about her, though, that was strange, which Josh couldn?t put his finger on right away, until he realised that she was shorter than he was. He chuckled to himself. ?Uh, hi. I?m sorry. I didn?t see you.? He sat up and put his feet on the ground. The woman smiled at him and extended her hand. ?My name is Dolores. I?m the manager here.? He grinned and shook her hand back. ?Good to meet you, Dolores. I?m Josh. You have a? a remarkable resort here. I just got in a few hours ago and I?m having an amazing time.? She let go of his hand. ?Well, that?s what we want to hear. I?m just wondering if there?s anything at all that I can do to improve your stay.? ?Uhm? not that I can think of, at the moment. I mean, I haven?t been here very long yet.? ?Well, if there is anything at all, I?d like you to please let me know.? ?Well? there is one thing, but one of the staff told me it?s against policy.? ?Oh?? She seemed genuinely intrigued. ?What was that?? ?There?s no way, is there, for my wife to get taller than nine feet?? Dolores? eyes widened slightly. ?Why do you ask?? ?Well- don?t get me wrong. I am absolutely loving the fact that she?s so big. It?s unbelievable. But? I look around, and I see all of the staff members that are even bigger. And it makes me wonder? why is it that she has to be? limited like that?? She smiled sympathetically at him. ?I?m afraid we have had a few? unpleasant issues in the past concerning guests that were bigger than our staff members. Long ago, before I started working here. But it?s because of this that the policy is in place. I?m sorry, sir, but I really can?t allow your wife to grow any taller than nine feet.? He smiled disappointedly. ?No, I understand.? A gleam appeared in her eye. ?You have a special interest in this, I take it?? He met her gaze. ?You might say that.? The corners of her mouth turned up. ?Tell you what. I?ll see if there?s anything I can do to help you out. I?m not making any promises, so don?t mention this to your wife just yet. But I?ll be in touch, okay?? His eyes nearly popped out of his head. ?Uh, okay! Thank you!? ?Don?t mention it. Take care. Josh.? She winked at him and turned away. Josh lay back down on the chair and stared at the staff members serving drinks to the other guests. He imagined Sabrina with legs longer than his entire body, wrapping them around him. Oh, if only?
Stories by me: Amazon Hotel (GTS, PG) Sportsmanship (SW, PG) City Nymph (SW, GTS, SM, 18+) The Contest (SM, SW, 18+) The Object of my Desire (GTS, 18+) The Party (various transformations, 18+) Gemma (SW, 18+) |
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#5 |
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Chapter 4
?You may want to check out the massage parlour. When was the last time you had a massage?? Sabrina thought back. ?It?s probably been years.? ?Well, we have a dozen highly qualified male masseuses. Why don?t we see when they?re available?? ?Sure!? Sabrina nearly jumped. ?To be honest, I saw it in the brochure and just didn?t think too much about it. But now, it?s sounding like a really good idea.? ?I?m glad to hear it,? replied Alexandra, as she pushed open the doors to the parlour. As Sabrina walked in, she noted the height of the ceiling, but, slightly giddy, realised that it was less and less shocking every time the walked into a room. I?m really growing, she repeated in her head. I still can?t quite wrap my head around it. Then she rested her eyes on the receptionist. Sabrina was, of course, still smaller than Alexandra, and the desk up against the wall was just slightly higher than she would expect a desk to be outside of the resort, coming up to her stomach. But the receptionist was a young man who was dwarfed by the desk he was sitting at. Sabrina giggled as she realised that his feet couldn?t be touching the ground. It looked like he was sitting in a high chair. The man looked up and Sabrina thought she could detect a tiny moment of hesitation when his eyes passed over Alexandra before he smiled. But he put down his pencil and smiled up at the two women as they approached the desk. I?m probably imagining it, she thought. ?Good afternoon, ladies. How can I help you today?? Alexandra turned to Sabrina, looking down at her. ?Mrs. Lavoie, this is Robert, one of our most talented masseuses.? ?Why, thank you, Alexandra.? Robert?s voice seemed oddly cold as he spoke to her. ?Hi,? said Sabrina, giving a small wave. Robert smiled and extended his hand to shake hers. Sabrina took it and enjoyed greatly the feeling of grasping this man?s much small hand in hers. It was only a few hours ago that she had taken the bottle of liquid from Alexandra at the front desk, and the reversal now was extremely satisfying. Alexandra turned back to Robert. ?Mrs. Lavoie here is interested in scheduling a massage.? Robert opened a small book which he took out of a drawer. ?No problem.? He turned to Sabrina. ?Have you ever been here before? Do you want a particular masseuse?? ?No, I don?t know? do you recommend someone?? ?Well, if you don?t have any preference, I could pencil you in with? Sam? for 8:15 tonight?? Alexandra spoke up again. ?Actually, Mrs. Lavoie, I?d like to recommend the house special.? Sabrina looked at her with surprise and excitement. ?What?s that?? Alexandra laughed. ?It?s nothing tasteless, or crude, I promise you.? Robert lifted his pencil from the paper. ?Well, in that case, I need to ask for your credit card number to make a reservation, Mrs. Lavoie.? Slightly disappointed, Sabrina said, ?Oh, I?ll just get a regular?? She was cut off by Alexandra. ?Robert, Mrs. Lavoie is staying in our honeymoon suite for the week. I believe this is included in her costs.? Robert cocked his head at Alexandra. ?Alexandra, the house special isn?t?? His voice trailed off as Alexandra gave him a look to freeze water. He paused for a moment and swallowed. ?Uh, yeah. Yeah, it?s uhm, included. My mistake.? He looked through his book while Alexandra beamed at Sabrina. Sabrina had been trying to peer into an open doorway to see one of the private massage rooms. ?In that case, tonight?s no good. Would you mind waiting until? tomorrow afternoon, Mrs. Lavoie? At 2:30?? She looked down. ?Sure!? ?Perfect.? He began to write. The door opened behind them and another guest walked in, a black-haired woman who smiled at Robert. Sabrina realised with elation that she was taller than this new woman. It was by only an inch or two, but thrilling nonetheless. She looked back at Alexandra and noticed that her eyes were now level with Alexandra?s chin, whereas half an hour ago she had been looking into her neck. Robert looked up and smiled at this new guest. ?Hi Mrs. Perez. I?ll be with you in just a moment.? ?Actually, Robert,? said Alexandra, ?I think we?re done.? She looked at Sabrina, who shrugged and nodded. ?Well then, we?ll be waiting for you tomorrow, Mrs. Lavoie.? ?Thanks!? Sabrina followed Alexandra out of the parlour. -- ?God damned woman. Fucking bitch. Where the hell does she get off? I swear I should?ve quit.? Margaret got off her knees and pulled off her rubber gloves after having finished scrubbing the smaller of the two toilets, the tank of which didn?t even come up to her knee. At eleven foot eleven, Margaret was the tallest employee at Hotel Hippolyte, and loved it. She could look down at everyone, and often did. Not in a malicious way, just because she enjoyed the feeling. It made her feel more self-assured, more confident. She felt happier and more in control of herself at this size, and that made everyday interactions with people easier. So why, then, can?t I handle a conversation with Dolores Crowley? she chastised herself. When they both stood at their full heights, Margaret?s boss only came up to the middle of Margaret?s thigh. She wasn?t a particularly short woman, but Margaret was just so large that she dwarfed everyone around her to an extreme degree. Yet, for the huge difference in height, Dolores knew exactly how to silence Margaret with a word and make her feel smaller even than she was at her natural height. Her confidence was unshakeable, and she was cruel to boot. Not here to be ogled, my ass, Margaret fumed. She probably just gets off on ordering around people taller than she is. As she pushed the cleaning cart back into the hallway, she imagined being tall enough to pick her boss up off the floor. She smiled. She imagined holding her in one hand and squeezing. In her mind, Dolores? face turned red as she slapped at Margaret?s fingers, gasping for air. She enjoyed the fantasy so much that she ran the cart into someone walking down the hall as she pushed it out the door. She felt the bump and heard a man?s voice say ?Hey!? from behind the cart, but the cart was taller than whoever she had just hit and she couldn?t see him. ?Oh, I?m sorry!? cried Margaret, snapped out of her daydream, as she rushed around to see who she had just bumped into. ?You need a license to drive that thing?? Standing in the hallway, chewing a cigar, stood Nathan, who looked up at her questioningly. ?The car I drive is smaller than that monstrosity. And I drive myself a very large car.? Margaret sighed with relief. ?I?m sorry, Nathan. I?m just distracted.? ?Oh? And pray, what by? You thinking about your pretty little boyfriend again? I keep telling you, he ain?t good enough for you. He?s a what? A barber?? She smiled, despite herself. ?A botanist.? ?Same thing. Look, someone as smart and beautiful as yourself should be with someone who?s a bit more experienced! Someone who knows what life is about! And if you were interested in trying out something a little more?? Margaret laughed. ?I?m taken, Nathan. But thanks for the offer.? Nathan gestured down the hallway. ?You change your mind, you know where I?m found.? He looked at her face a moment longer and his expression changed. ?No, you ain?t thinking about your barber. Leastways, I hope you ain?t. What?s wrong?? She sighed deeply. ?It?s the boss. I?m supposed to be gone right now- I had to cancel plans with my sister because my?? she held herself from cursing in front of the guests. ?My boss gave me overtime at the last minute. She?s not supposed to be able to do that.? ?So why do you take it?? ?Have you met her?? ?I seen her around.? ?I just? I just can?t argue with her. I can?t stand up to her. It?s so frustrating!? Her face went a shade redder and she had to fight to keep her voice from quivering. ?I just thought that when I? I mean, because I?m so?? she gestured at her own body. Nathan smiled and shook his head. ?It ain?t nothing to do with that. You think you can drink some potion or other and wake up clear and confident? Nosirree. Ain?t no such shortcut. You gotta do that yourself. But the nice thing is, is once you have it, you have it.? ?Yeah? I know.? ?Well then, next time your boss tries to pull that, you just think to yourself whether you deserve to be treated like that.? Margaret just smiled, and Nathan continued. ?You want a hint?? ?A hint? To what?? ?To whether you deserve that treatment.? Margaret smiled at him. ?Sure.? ?You don?t. Oops. That wasn?t so much a hint, was it?? Margaret looked down at the man. ?Thanks, Nathan. I really appreciate that.? He spread his arms. ?I am always here.? ?I?m glad. But I gotta go. I actually finished the extra work and I?ve gotta go see if I can salvage these plans with my sister.? ?Godspeed, young?un.? She smiled at him and pushed the cart down the hallway, more careful now to make sure that there was no one in her path. Nathan watched her go, then stepped into his room. -- ?Enter.? Alexandra pushed the door to the manager?s office open, and Dolores was sitting at her desk, typing on her computer. Alexandra looked down and thought to herself, not for the first time, how small her boss looked. Dolores looked up. ?So?? ?I showed her around. Like you asked.? ?Did she schedule a massage?? ?Tomorrow, 2:30.? ?Excellent. Thank you, Alexandra. Take the rest of the day off.? ?Thank you, Miss Crowley.? Dolores nodded and returned her eyes to the screen. Alexandra closed the door and began to walk to the staff room. On her way in, she passed Margaret, who glared at her as she walked in the opposite direction. As tall as Alexandra was, her eyes still only reached Margaret?s chest, and she looked up into Margaret?s face as they walked by. Margaret?s fiery look wilted Alexandra?s mood instantly, and the assistant manager stopped in her tracks. Margaret didn?t. Alexandra turned around to see Margaret?s back disappear around the corner. After a moment, she continued on to the staff room to get changed. That new girl might need a change in her attitude. I?ll see to her tomorrow. -- That evening, Sabrina and Joshua had dinner in their suite, opting for room service instead of eating at one of the restaurants in the resort. Alexandra had extolled the restaurants at the resort, telling Sabrina about the chefs that they had hired from five-star restaurants in New York and Los Angeles, but in the end, Sabrina and Joshua just wanted ? finally ? some private time. Sabrina giggled as she pulled open the door. It was still larger than doors she was used to, but she grinned down at her husband, remembering how only a few hours earlier she had walked into the exact same room, through the exact same door, but from a totally different perspective. When she opened the door, she gasped. Joshua closed the door behind them while she walked in, turning a slow circle, marvelling at the perceived difference in the room in the past several hours. She sat on the bed playfully, remarking how she (and Joshua) had had to climb up on it before, using the steps to either side. She walked over to the two chairs and picked up the small one. It was still an effort to her, but it seemed like a chair built for a child, rather than for a full-grown person. She sat down in the larger one and crossed her legs, grinning. Joshua was staring at her from the door, with a similar grin on his face, marvelling at how he somehow felt even smaller than he had earlier. ?How is it?? he asked. She thought for a moment, then, instead of speaking, got up and walked over to him. She bent at the waist, allowing her breasts to hang in front of his face for a moment, then kissed him gently on the lips. She giggled again, noting how small his mouth was and how much skin around his mouth she kissed without even intending to. They broke the kiss, and Sabrina took a step forward and crouched down, grabbed Joshua under his bum and stood up. ?Woah, woah, woah!? he laughed, protesting half-heartedly at his Amazon wife picking him up off the floor. He wrapped his legs around her waist and they kissed, with him hanging in the air, passionately. When the kiss ended, she pulled away from him and looked him in his much smaller eyes. ?It?s fucking amazing.? So they ordered food to their room. Pasta. Hamburgers. A 24-inch pizza. Lots of red wine. Sabrina ate like a horse. They sat in the hot tub which was in their room while they ate, Joshua sitting on a ledge with his legs hanging down, and Sabrina sitting next to him at a ledge positioned lower. Like the entire resort, it had been built for this specific purpose, so that people of any size could sit comfortably, with the result that there were ledges of all shapes and sizes at every height. Joshua had been amazed when he stepped in, laughing at how his feet couldn?t even touch the bottom when he swam. So he sat on a ledge by the rim, next to his colossal wife, whose eyes were at the same level despite the fact that her legs were stretched out in front of her, and they ate, and drank, and giggled, and got drunk. Once they were uncomfortably hot and wet, they left the hot tub and took a cold shower together. If anything, being in a confined space only intensified the experience for both of them. There were three shower heads, each positioned at a different height so as to be convenient for guests of any stature, and they had fun using each of them. Joshua marvelled at how his face was directly in front of her belly, and by looking up, he could see the underside of her breasts when she was standing up straight. The shower was indeed huge, but the fact that it was occupied by a nine-foot woman made it a tight space. They both loved it, drunkenly splashing each other, spitting water onto each other, kissing and rubbing and washing each other. They left the shower and returned to the main room. Sabrina looked around the room again, still amazed at the experience. It feels so unreal. I almost don?t want to go back to the real world. It?s just so? she looked down at her husband, towelling himself off. ?cute. Joshua dropped the towel on the floor and grinned up at her, his erection pointing straight ahead. ?What do you say we explore the bed next?? he asked. She smiled. ?Okay, but we?ve got to do this properly.? ?What do you mean?? She grabbed his hand and walked over to the door to the hallway and opened it. He began immediately to protest. ?Sabrina, what are you- I?m still naked! You?re still naked! Why-? But then they were both outside, in the hallway. There was no one around to see them, Joshua noted with relief. Sabrina hadn?t even looked. Instead, she leaned down and swept his feet forward so that she was holding him horizontally and he was lying across her arms, pressed against her chest. Carrying him, she carefully passed through the doorway, back into their room, let the door close behind them, walked across the room and dropped him unceremoniously on the bed. He bounced and grinned up at her. She stared down at him, still enjoying the comparison. ?Okay,? she said. ?Now I?m ready.?
Stories by me: Amazon Hotel (GTS, PG) Sportsmanship (SW, PG) City Nymph (SW, GTS, SM, 18+) The Contest (SM, SW, 18+) The Object of my Desire (GTS, 18+) The Party (various transformations, 18+) Gemma (SW, 18+) |
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#6 |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 192
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
I guess it's to be expected that when you have a hotel that caters to people's physical power fantasies that other people will use it to cater to their psychological power fantasies.
Margaret being in what should be a totally dominant role is instead being forced to be completely subservient to someone less than half her size. I can only imagine how humiliating that would be. But then you get Alexandra, who's going through something similar herself, only she abuses her position and authority almost as much as Dolores does. "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven" and all that, I suppose. Still, Dolores is just lucky to be where she is. If she wasn't in charge of such a place, if it were just an ordinary hotel, I can't imagine she'd have nearly as many people willing to put up with her. Is she directly in charge of the drug/serum/formula/whatever? Could Margaret simply stage a coup and take it for herself and everyone else who tags along? And I still don't know why Dolores is pissed off at Joshua. Well, I mean, I "get it" get it, but the woman's definitely got brain problems if she's projecting her feeling of anger at losing her boyfriend from A DECADE AGO onto this new guy that she's never met.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." -- The Doctor |
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#7 |
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 13
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
What bothers me is not the stuff about people being in subverversive positions or projecting anger onto people who don't deserve it. The thing I have to question about this story is why is it so centered on male fantasies? Sabrina is, essentially, a guy's fantasy of what a girlfriend should be. Even before she becomes giant. Most women don't have domination fantasies to do with height. It's not impossible certainly. However, surley some of the female guests in the hotle would want their boyfriends/husbands to be the giant ones. There's no hint in the story that any of the men are giant, unless I missed something. Sabrina is clearly intelligent, so why does she turn herself into his Joshua's sexal fantasy without asking for him to do the same thing in return? What's she getting out of this other than sex (which she would have with him no matter what size she is)?
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#8 |
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Wussy - Dolores and Alexandra are the only people with access to the serum; they distribute it to everyone else. And Dolores isn't angry at Joshua. She's angry at Sabrina. And yes, she really knows how to hold on to a grudge.
Adam - I wrote this story with a specific audience in mind - actually, as a request - and I felt that this type of environment would be the most appealing. I don't mean to give the impression that I believe this is a power dynamic that everyone is interested in; just that this hotel would be a place to go for people who do want this particular power dynamic. There could just as easily be another resort down the street that offers the same serum to men, but I wanted to focus on this one. So Sabrina isn't growing as a favour to Joshua; she's enjoying it just as much as he is. She just isn't struck dumb by it. Thank you both for your comments! I really appreciate your thoughts, and it forces me to reconsider my own writing, which is great. I hope you're enjoying it!
Stories by me: Amazon Hotel (GTS, PG) Sportsmanship (SW, PG) City Nymph (SW, GTS, SM, 18+) The Contest (SM, SW, 18+) The Object of my Desire (GTS, 18+) The Party (various transformations, 18+) Gemma (SW, 18+) |
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#9 |
Process Disciple
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 1,022
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Fun story, looking forward to more. Love the every ten minutes her growth is noticeable/toga getting smaller bit.
New comic pages in our Patreon! My GTS, BE, SW and FMG comics on Patreon: ZZZ's Comics Male growth comics on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/biggerbigger Our new shop in development: https://zzzcomics.itch.io/ If you like my work check out my deviant art stuff at http://zzzcomics.deviantart.com/ |
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#10 |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
ZZZ - Thank you! Most of my stories are of transformations much faster than this, so it was neat to write some barely perceptible growth for a change.
Chapter 5 Sabrina yawned, stretched, smiled and opened her eyes. The sun had risen, and Joshua was lying next to her, eyes already open, gazing at her face. She raised her hand and ran her fingers through his hair, enjoying how her hand, from her heel to the tips of her fingers, spanned his entire head. They said nothing, just looked at each other for several minutes, though it seemed like only a few seconds. Eventually she leaned forward and kissed him. ?How long have you been awake?? she asked. ?Um. I didn?t really sleep,? he admitted sheepishly. His voice was hoarse. She frowned. ?How come? Are you okay?? ?Oh, yeah. Nothing?s wrong.? ?Well, what did you do all night?? ?I went for a walk. Ate some of the pizza we didn?t finish. Mostly I just watched you sleeping.? She grinned and kissed him again. -- Dolores Crowley arrived at work early the next morning, before most of the guests were awake. Diane, the receptionist, nodded as she walked past, into the back room. Once there, she looked through the hotel log, found a vacant room and marked it as being closed temporarily. She then measured out a precise quantity of the growth agent. She filled the cup to the brim, giving herself the maximum quantity any employee was supposed to consume at one time, and drank it, wincing at the chemical flavour. She then poured herself another half-cup and, holding her nose, swallowed it as well. She walked out, past Diane again, down the empty hallway to the door of the room she had marked, slid her card in the reader, opened the door and walked in, closing it behind her. Once inside, she went to the bathroom and pulled the oversized toga down off the wall. She brought it to the bed and laid it out, thinking about being able to wear it. I haven?t grown for? she counted mentally. Over two years. Not since I became manager. And do I ever not miss it. Dolores thought about the clumsiness, the inability to get anything done off of the resort, the lascivious stares from the male- and sometimes female- guests at the hotel that all came with being an Amazon. She had been overjoyed when, as manager, she was not only not required to be an Amazon, but actually prohibited from it. It was one of the reasons she had received the job over some of her co-workers with more seniority: they hadn't wanted to give up their height. Dolores had been itching to. But it?ll be worth it. For a chance to even the score with Sabrina McCallister, I would endure this for the rest of my life. She grinned. And all it?ll take is one day of being big. I can handle that. And then I can handle Josh. -- Margaret arrived at work slightly early, at a quarter to noon, not wanting to give Dolores any reason to give her a hard time or any extra work. She changed into her toga, checked the itinerary for the day and groaned. Room cleaning. I?d rather do almost anything else. I?d rather be tending bar, even. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was almost checkout time, which meant that most of the rooms would be empty already. She sighed and checked through the list of rooms that were being vacated that day. She also saw that room 39 was closed, but that no reason was given. She frowned. ?Hey, Diane?? ?Mmm?? ?What?s up with room 39?? ?What do you mean?? Diane looked up from her magazine. ?It?s closed. Look.? She held the book up for Diane to see, who read it, shrugged, and turned her face back down to read. ?I dunno.? ?Well, do I need to clean it?? Diane shrugged again. ?Dunno,? shed said again. ?Ask Miss Crowley.? Margaret rolled her eyes, though Diane wasn?t looking at her to see. ?Yeah, I?ll do that. Thanks.? Diane turned the page. ?No problem.? Margaret walked away to get the cart from where she had placed it the previous evening. I?ll just clean it, she thought. I?d rather clean one extra room than talk to Dolores one extra time. She moved from room to room methodically, taking no more time than was necessary. When she got to room 39, she passed her card through the slot and pushed the door open. She pushed the cart through the doorway and almost jumped when she looked up to see another Amazon standing directly in front of her. She blinked and looked at her for a moment before she recoginsed Dolores, dressed in a violet guest toga, glaring at her with her arms crossed over her chest. Margaret?s heart began to pound at the sight of her formerly tiny boss, now grown until she was almost as tall as Margaret herself, standing in the center of the room sternly. She tried to speak, but her breath caught in her throat. She stood awkwardly for a moment, neither woman moving, before Dolores spoke. ?What are you doing here, Margaret?? ?I?m? uh?? she gestured at the cart she was pushing, because the words wouldn?t come to her. Dolores stood, waiting expectantly. Margaret eventually remembered the word and ended her sentence: ?cleaning.? ?I see. Well, this room does not need your services today. I have this room reserved for my personal use until further notice. You aren?t to enter here again until I mark it in the book as being open. Do you understand?? Margaret nodded slowly, her mouth open slightly. Dolores waited a moment, then widened her eyes slightly. ?Margaret? You can go now. ? ?Uh, right. Sorry, Miss Crowley.? Margaret backed slowly into the hallway, pulling the cart behind her, then closed the door. She stared at it for a moment. What the hell was that all about? She wondered. No. You know what? I don?t even want to know. I?m just going to forgot that I ever saw that. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, and pushed the cart further down the hall toward the next newly vacant room. -- Nathan sat by the side of the pool, observing the other guests. It having been several hours since he finished breakfast, he realised that he was getting hungry, so he finished his afternoon martini and collected his towel and book and stood up, ready to head back to his room. Once there, he dropped his belongings on his bed unceremoniously and began to leave for the common area again so he could get a late lunch. As he walked through the main lobby, he noticed a man with a salt-and-pepper beard clad in a business suit speaking with Diane, sitting behind the counter. Though she sat and he stood, their faces were level with each other. ?How can you not be able to find her?? the man insisted. ?She isn?t answering my pages, I?m sorry. I don?t know where she is.? ?Well, I-? the man stopped as he saw Nathan walking toward him. He paused for a moment and stared in recognition. He then laughed and extended his hand to shake. ?Mr. Ferraro? What are you doing here?? Nathan shifted his cigar from one side of his mouth to the other, shook the man?s hand forcefully, then jerked his head in the opposite direction. ?Come. Let?s walk. You seen the pool?? ?Uh, no?? ?Follow me. It?s real nice.? The man turned back toward Diane and asked her, ?Look, Miss Marquez, please keep paging Miss Crowley, all right?? She nodded. ?Sure thing, Mr. Robinson.? ?Thanks.? He turned back to Nathan, who was waiting. He laughed again as they began walking. ?Well, Mr. Ferraro, this is a pleasant surprise. Are you on vacation?? ?I most certainly am, Malcom. This is my favourite place to be at, so I make it a point to get myself here whenever I have myself a bit of time. And you? You look out of place.? He pointed at Malcom?s clothes. ?You ain?t hot?? ?It is a pretty warm day,? he commented, shielding his eyes from the sun as they exited the building and entered the pool area. ?But I?m working, I?m afraid. I?m just here for a quick inspection and I?m supposed to meet with the manager, but the receptionist can?t seem to find her. Do you know her?? ?That Crawly lady?? ?Crowley.? ?I seen her.? ?Have you seen her today?? ??Fraid not. I been sittin? out by the pool since sunup, but she ain?t come out.? ?I even called yesterday to tell her I?d be coming by. She?s normally very reliable. If you see her, would you mind asking her to find me?? ?That manager don?t want to have nothing to do with the guests, you know. I tried to talk to her sometimes, but she always gets one o? them taller ladies to talk to me. Not that I mind terribly, but the fact is that I can?t help you out with gettin? her attention.? Malcom stopped. ?You?re joking. She won?t talk to you? Doesn?t she know that you own this hotel?? Nathan turned around to face him. ?Nope.? ?But? really? I?m sure you could?? ?Ah, the problem with that, Malcom, is that I don?t want to tip my hand.? ?Excuse me?? Nathan sighed. ?Look. I tell one person that the head honcho is stayin? here, and suddenly I?m getting? all kinds o? special treatment. ?Can I get you anything, Mister Ferraro?? ?Are you satisfied with absolutely everything, Mister Ferraro?? I tell you, I?d get no peace or quiet. No, as far as these ladies are concerned, I am one of many guests here, and nothin? else.? Malcom began walking again. ?I see your point. But as pleasant as this is, I?m afraid I really need to find Miss Crowley.? ?Ah, I?m sure she?ll turn up. Come. Eat lunch with me.? He pointed toward one of the restaurants, which was beginning to clear out, now that the lunch rush was over. ?The bartender here mixes one hell of a mojito. You like mojitos?? -- Sabrina walked into the parlour, excited to receive her massage. She was just slightly taller now than she had been when she first came in, the previous day, but she still excitedly compared everything in it to her memories of it, enjoying the slight discrepancies. She was brought out of her daydream by the receptionist, another young man, not the same one who had been there the previous time. ?Hi! Can I help you?? ?Yeah, I have an appointment.? ?With whom?? ?Uh? I?m not sure, actually. I think it?s? Sam? My name is Lavoie.? He frowned. ?Well, if you?re appointment is for right now, it wouldn?t be with me. I?m Sam, and I?m working front desk for the moment. Let me check?? He flipped through several pages before he found her. ?Oh! You?re getting the special!? ?Uh, yeah, I guess I am.? ?Okay. Well in that case?? ?I got her.? Robert walked in from one of the massage rooms. ?Hi, Mrs. Lavoie.? ?Hi, Robert,? she smiled. ?If you?ll follow me, please.? She smiled at Sam and followed Robert into one of the back rooms. There were two other men in this room, sitting on chairs and chatting. There was also one table, long enough for her to rest her entire body into it, with a hole for her to position her face if she were laying face-down. She noted how low down it was to the ground, until she remembered that this was one of the few objects in the resort that was built to accommodate the height of men. She also had to remind herself that the table wasn?t low down to the ground- it just wasn?t as tall as everything else. She giggled at the realisation and looked down at Robert, whose head was about as tall as her belly. She then looked with confusion at the two other men. ?Hi?? They stood up and one stepped forward. ?Hi, Mrs. Lavoie. I?m Terrence, and this is Ramon.? They each reached their hands up to shake hers. She shook them, then realised slowly why they were in the room. ?Oh! Am? are all three of you going to, uh?? Ramon nodded. ?Well, you asked for the house special, didn?t you?? ?I guess I did, I just? didn?t know exactly what that was.? ?Well, this is what it is. Three masseuses.? She grinned from ear to ear in excitement. ?That sounds really? lovely.? Robert motioned toward the table. ?Well, make yourself comfortable.? She began to sit down, then stood back up. ?Should I? do I keep the toga on?? ?Up to you. Some of our guests do, some don?t.? She winced. ?I don?t have anything on under it.? ?Well, no. None of our guests do. But if you aren?t comfortable, then you certainly don?t have to take it off.? ?No, it?s fine.? She began to pull her toga over her head and the three of them looked away respectfully. Naked, she lay on her stomach and propped herself up on her crossed arms. The table was soft and cool and felt wonderful against her bare skin. She was conscious of her bare bum exposed to the air, but shrugged it off. ?Okay, I?m ready.? The three of them turned around and moved toward her. Ramon smiled at her. ?Alright, Mrs. Lavoie. Why don?t you just put your face in here, like? yes, like that. And drop your arms down to your sides, so they?re totally relaxed and so that you?re lying as flat as possible. Perfect. Are you ready?? ?Mm hmm.? She closed her eyes, and she savoured the sudden sensation of six small skilled hands rubbing and pressing her skin. Ramon was to her left, rubbing her shoulders, one at a time, and the two others were further behind her, one pressing his fingers into the small of her back and the other running the heels of his hands up and down her calves. This is the most amazing thing I?ve ever felt in my life, Sabrina thought to herself. Her thoughts then drifted back to the previous night with her new husband. Well, almost. She grinned to herself as they slowly moved on to cover more of her body, from her shoulders to her neck, from her calves to her feet and her toes, and from the small of her back to her bum. ?So, Mrs. Lavoie, how are you enjoying the resort?? asked one of the men from behind her. Sabrina was pretty sure it was Terrence. ?It?s? pretty amazing.? ?Is it your first time here?? ?Yeah. I?m on my honeymoon.? A chorus of mock disappointment came from the three of them. ?Isn?t it always the way?? someone joked. ?Well, congratulations to you and to your lucky husband.? They continued making small talk with her as their tiny hands worked their way all around her body. Then they switched and rotated. Someone massaged her scalp, rubbing his fingers through her hair and the back of her neck, while the others concentrated on her upper back, moving to her arms. She soon lost track of who was massaging what part of her, and the six hands rubbed and stroked her enlarged body as she slowly drifted off into a euphoric daze. -- Joshua sat at the bar and ordered another beer. The bartender smiled down at him, and Joshua wondered if she, even with her increased height, was standing on an elevated platform. She placed his drink in front of him, her hand covering almost the entire bottle. He watched as her large fingers deftly inserted a slice of lime into the neck of the bottle, obviously the result of practice, as it looked as though she were playing with miniatures. He turned and watched some of the other guests playing volleyball. There was a team of women playing against their boyfriends and husbands, and Joshua wondered what the point even was. Then the men?s team scored a point after he had watched them for a few minutes, and he realised that they were given seven points instead of one every time they scored. They were still losing quite badly. Joshua laughed and took another sip. The fact that he hadn?t slept at all the night previous meant that the beer was hitting him slightly harder than usual, but it was a pleasant, relaxing sort of drunkenness. ?Mr. Lavoie?? Joshua turned around to see one of the Amazon staff walking up to him. Alexandra. That?s her name. He realised his mouth was dry, and he took another sip of beer. ?Hi,? he managed to say. She flashed a brilliant smile at him, then looked up at the bartender with an altogether different expression, one that Joshua couldn?t read. Out of the corner of his vision, Joshua thought he could see the bartender roll her eyes and turn away, but he wasn?t sure. His eyes were transfixed on the Amazon who had just walked up. Alexandra looked down at him. ?I believe you spoke to our manager, Miss Crowley, yesterday?? ?Uh? yeah.? ?Well, concerning your conversation with her, she?s asked me to give you this,? and she held up a card for him to take. He took it. ?She has also asked that you come to room 39 as soon as possible.? Joshua?s eyes popped out of his head. ?I thought Sabrina was getting a massage right now?? Alexandra shook her head. ?I don?t actually know what the two of your discussed. I?m just relaying a message.? ?Oh? well then I?d?? he took another pull of his beer and placed it back on the bar. He turned back to thank the bartender, but she had left. ?Uh? I?d better head off.? ?Excellent. Well, have a nice day, Mr. Lavoie.? She turned around and walked in the opposite direction. Joshua hopped off the barstool and hurried toward the main building. Hot damn, he thought. This is going to be the best day ever.
Stories by me: Amazon Hotel (GTS, PG) Sportsmanship (SW, PG) City Nymph (SW, GTS, SM, 18+) The Contest (SM, SW, 18+) The Object of my Desire (GTS, 18+) The Party (various transformations, 18+) Gemma (SW, 18+) |
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#11 |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 115
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
Chapter 6
Joshua walked down the hall, looking for room 39. He stumbled slightly on the carpet as he walked and had a slight difficulty walking in a straight line. Drunk and exhausted, he pressed on at the prospect of seeing his wife having grown even larger. But I was sure that she said she was getting a massage. Maybe she isn’t there at all. Maybe someone will give me more of the growth agent, he thought. It’s possible that even Sabrina doesn’t know about this! He thought about surprising her once she got out of her massage. He could barely contain his excitement. Giddy, he stepped in front of the door and knocked three times. After a moment, the door opened and he looked to up see a woman he had never seen before. Dressed in a bright orange toga, she looked down from above him. “Yes?” she asked. He stared for a moment, trying to understand why this woman might be answering the door. Behind her, a man’s voice called out “Who is it?” Joshua looked at the door once again and saw that the number on the door was marked 36. “Uh… I’m sorry. I have the wrong door.” “Oh. No problem.” She turned back into her room and closed the door. Joshua turned around, embarrassed, and began to make his way toward the correctly numbered door. Wait a minute… he thought as he slowly shuffled three doors down. Is she going to surprise me? He excitedly considered that she had only told him she was getting a massage to trick him. Maybe that’s what they were talking about yesterday. That’s why I couldn’t come with them! Yeah! I wonder how big she’s going to be… he imagined opening the door to look directly into his wife’s knee. He imagined having to crane his neck back, letting his eyes travel all over his wife’s giant body before finally resting on her face. He giggled at the idea. He found the door, checked the number on it twice, and then, confident, knocked. Yeah, he thought, that’s much more likely. The door opened and he, once again, looked up, but it took him a moment to fully comprehend what he was seeing. Directly in front of his eyes was someone’s knee. He looked up, slowly, and saw that her crotch would actually be out of his reach. She was, by far, larger than any of the other women at the resort. With an idiotic grin on his lips, He let his vision pass over her whole body before he eventually managed to look up at her face. Towering above him was Dolores, gazing down at him with a smirk that he had no idea how to interpret. His smile disappeared. “Uh…” he stammered. “Well, hello there, Josh,” she greeted him in a voice dripping with amusement and excitement. “Uh…” he repeated. His brain had ceased to function on any rational level. Dolores stepped away from the door and waved her hand invitingly. “Won’t you come in?” He hesitated for just a moment. In a daze, he walked in and Dolores closed the door behind him. -- The afternoon sun was peaking, and the pool was crowded. Margaret was carrying a tray of drinks above her shoulder and taking care to step around the men who were walking around her legs and sunbathing. She chatted and laughed with the guests, serving them and taking more orders. One guest, who reached only Margaret’s stomach, was carrying her boyfriend on her shoulders so he could almost look Margaret in the eye as he asked her for another screwdriver. Cheerfully, she obliged him and turned to walk back to the bar to mix his drink, and a few more that people had ordered. As she repeated the orders mentally, she could see Alexandra walking towards her, holding a clipboard in her hands. Margaret pretended not to see her, but Alexandra approached her directly. “Margaret—” Not wanting to speak with her, Margaret continued walking. “Sorry, I need to remember like seven drink orders. Give me a minute.” She looked down at Alexandra, whose eyes were at Margaret’s chest level, and smiled disingenuously as she walked by. Alexandra, visibly put off, turned and called after her. “Margaret, come back here now.” Margaret turned and exhaled her annoyance. “What?” Alexandra stepped closer so that she didn’t have to shout. She looked up at the taller woman, and as she had to tilt her head back more and more with each stop closer, she appeared less and less comfortable and self-assured. She stepped several paces away. Margaret smirked. “Margaret, I don’t like the way you speak to me. I don’t like the way you look at me, either. You don’t seem to understand what the chain of command is around here. Just because you’re taller than I am – for the moment – it doesn’t somehow mean that you don’t have to treat me with the proper respect. I am the assistant manager here and, as such, I expect you to look at me and stop whatever it is you’re doing when I talk to you.” Margaret began to speak, but Alexandra, not wanting to lose her momentum, cut her off. “Now then. I’m taking you off serving for now, and I’m putting you on pool maintenance.” She turned her eyes down to the clipboard in her hands. “The water needs more chlorine, and—” “Wait, wait.” Margaret now cut Alexandra off, taking a step closer. Alexandra looked up had to tilt her head more sharply to look at Margaret again. Margaret glared at the assistant manager with intensity. “What do you mean, ‘for the moment’?” Alexandra paused and smiled. I must have hit a nerve there, she thought. Speaking sweetly, now that she had found her leverage, she answered. “Oh, you aren’t aware of this? Hasn’t it occurred to you that Miss Crowley and I are the only two people with access to the growth agent?” “Yeah, but—” “Well, nowhere in your contract does it say you get to be as big as you want. We usually let you choose your own height, because you seem to like it, but we can’t let something as silly as that get to your head. As it seems to be doing now.” Margaret gaped, and Alexandra pressed on. “I’m thinking that you may be better suited to a very different height. Say, maybe, nine foot two? I think being taller than your co-workers might be the cause of this. You’ll still be able to serve the guests just as well, and it’ll hopefully clear up this little attitude problem you’ve developed.” Margaret imagined having to look up at this woman every day. To stare into Alexandra’s nose while she smirked down at her, to have this constant physical reminder of her own lack of status at the hotel. No. I don’t think I can do that. Not getting the expected response from her, Alexandra continued. “Maybe not.” She put her finger to her lips in thought. “Maybe even smaller than that. How about… eight foot ten? No. Eight foot six. At that size, you’ll actually be smaller than some of our guests… but that might be necessary in this case. I’m sure it won’t be a problem for one of our employees- our shortest employee- to look up to our guests.” Margaret frantically tried to think of a way to end this conversation with her dignity intact, without angering her boss even further. She looked down into Alexandra’s eyes, her face turning red with shame, and conceded. “Fine. I’m sorry. I promise I won’t… speak to you that way anymore. You are my boss and I need to treat you with respect.” Triumphantly, Alexandra placed her hands on her hips. “Well, that is a relief. I’m very glad to hear that you’ve come to your senses, Margaret.” Margaret, fuming, said nothing. “So. Pool maintenance?” Looking at the ground, Margaret nodded. Quietly, she said, “More chlorine.” Grinning, Alexandra relaxed. “That’s right. If you’re not sure about all of the duties pool maintenance entails, there’s a list in the maintenance room.” She began to turn away. “And if you behave well, we’ll see about maybe growing you back up to ten feet next week.” Margaret snapped her head back up. “Wait! What?” Alexandra turned back to face her. “Back up to ten feet. From eight foot six. I thought you’d be happy to hear that.” “But… I apologised! I’m doing the stupid fucking chlorine! Why can’t I still be twelve feet?” A couple of guests turned their attention to the argument that was brewing. Alexandra looked up condescendingly at her. “Because you still have this attitude problem. Clearly. That wasn’t a warning, Margaret. As of tomorrow morning, you will be given a reduced amount of the agent. And you can have more again once you learn your place.” She took a step closer, no longer bothered by the fact that she had to tilt her head up to look at her. “You obviously need to learn how to fit in at Hotel Hippolyte.” Margaret’s mind raced once again with ways to avoid this punishment, but she looked into Alexandra’s eyes and knew that the decision had already been made. She stood for a moment, then let the empty serving tray drop to the ground. Alexandra, unfazed, glanced down at it. “Is there something wrong, Maragaret?” Margaret suddenly, furiously, placed her hands on Alexandra’s chest and shoved her as hard as she could. Caught totally off-guard, the smaller woman flew backwards into the pool, narrowly missing a young man doing laps. Her oversized papers went flying out of the clipboard, and landed, floating, on the water. The splash caused by the nine-foot-four Amazon disrupted several swimmers, but most of the guests laughed and applauded at this unexpected entertainment. Alexandra stood up and wiped the water from her eyes, coughing, and pointed at Margaret. “You! You are fired! Immediately! Pack up and get out!” Without waiting for a response or picking up her dropped papers, she turned and waded to the edge of the pool. She climbed out, the white fabric of her toga sticking to her skin and becoming transparent, and stormed off to the main building to get a change of clothes, trying to block out the roars of laughter and excitement that followed her. Margaret, turning bright red herself, ran out of the pool area. -- Joshua stood in the entrance to the room. Looking up at Dolores, whose head nearly touched even the heightened ceiling of the rooms at the resort, he felt slightly dizzy and shook his head to clear it. It didn’t help. “Thank you for coming, Josh. I was really hoping you would.” Noticing that Joshua was uncomfortable having to crane his neck so much, Dolores crouched down and rested her hands on her knees. Her head was still higher than his by several feet. “I was thinking about our conversation yesterday. How you said that you felt that you were limited by our policies.” Joshua nodded, dumb. “Well, I’m afraid that policy is policy. Especially one that concerns the safety of our guests and staff.” She reached forward and gently took one of his hands into hers. His smaller hand disappeared into her fingers. She looked at him, concerned. “You can understand my position, can’t you?” Joshua nodded again. “However, there is no reason whatsoever why you should be, as you put it, limited. You want an experience with someone taller than your wife can be, and it would be silly to let some stupid rules get in the way of that.” Joshua began to nod, then stopped and stared at her. Even through his drunken fog, he was beginning to understand what Dolores was saying. His eyes widened. “We at the hotel pride ourselves on customer service, and on making sure that our guests are as… satisfied as possible.” She pulled his hands gently, drawing him closer to her, and smiled radiantly. “Would you like me… to satisfy you, Josh?” Joshua began to pull his hands away. She tightened her grip slightly, still smiling, and he stopped. Despite himself, he could feel his penis beginning to stiffen at the sight of this gigantic woman seducing him. “Now, don’t you worry. We have total privacy here, and your wife is going to be busy for at least an hour. There’s nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.” His penis pushed his toga outward obviously. She pulled him closer, more forcefully than she had intended to, leaned forward and kissed him slowly and sensuously on his forehead. He didn’t try to pull away, and she smiled. This is going to be even easier than I had imagined, she thought. “Besides,” she whispered into his ear, “this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. She couldn’t possibly object to you living out your fantasy. Not if she cares about you. Not if she wants you to be happy.” Joshua shook his head. “No.” Dolores paused. She looked hurt. He looked up at her once again, his heart pressing against his ribs. “I don’t… This isn’t what I thought was going to happen. I thought Sabrina would be here.” He could hear himself slurring his words, and tried desperately to concentrate on speaking properly. Dolores shook her head slowly. “No. Policy, remember? You do, however, have me. Right here, right now. And this is an experience that you will never, ever have another opportunity to have.” He pulled his hands out of hers. “I can’t.” “You can’t, Josh?” She placed her hands back on her knees and slowly, dramatically, stood up. She took much longer than necessary, allowing Joshua to drink in the image she was presenting to him. Once upright, standing fully three times as tall as Joshua, she paused. She tried to look him in the eye, but he was staring at her body. She smirked and pulled her toga over her head, throwing it over Joshua to land on the ground behind him. The sight of her naked body towering over him was powerful enough that he had to remind himself to breathe. Dolores leaned down, bending at the waist this time, so that she was even more imposing than before. Her face was only inches away from his and he could feel her hot breath washing over his body. Her bare breasts hung down before him, and she gently took his penis in her hand, through the toga. Her fingers were twice as long as his penis was. “Or you won’t?”
Stories by me: Amazon Hotel (GTS, PG) Sportsmanship (SW, PG) City Nymph (SW, GTS, SM, 18+) The Contest (SM, SW, 18+) The Object of my Desire (GTS, 18+) The Party (various transformations, 18+) Gemma (SW, 18+) |
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#12 |
Frequent Poster
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 192
Re: Amazon Hotel (story) (Mini-GTS, PG)
I wonder how being fired works at a place like this. Do they just kick you out and you get to wander the streets of <<city name>> as this enormous person while the stuff works its way out of your system?
With guests, I imagine that they slowly wean you off it so that by the time you check out, you're normal. But even then, it's not like the resort is a prison. They couldn't force you to stay there. What if you checked out a day early? Or just left in the middle of your stay? I assume the surrounding town is used to seeing such sights, but it could still cause a lot of problems.
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant." -- The Doctor |
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