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#1 |
Join Date: Jun 2007
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A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
A Little Housework Pt1
by Nina and OhZone (RP adaptation - beginning suggestion and proof reading by Qzarr9999) "Surprise!" Nina said, as Sara opened the door in response to her knocking. "Nina?" she asked the sexy blonde standing in her doorway. "Hey, I didn't expect you. So what brings you here?" The other woman stepped in, beaming. She seemed so happy she was practically skipping. "Oh, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by..." she replied, smiling slyly at Sara. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." "Well, I was kinda cleaning house...I shouldn't even let in to you see this mess... but I guess I could use a little break," Sara said after a moment. "What?" she said, frowning at Nina's sudden chuckle. "Oh, nothing," she answered, still grinning. "I'm glad you can take a break! I've got something to show you." "Oh you do? Like what?" asked Sara, intrigued. "Just, ah, a little something special," Nina replied cryptically. "I was taking a walk on my lunch break at work and I passed by this curious little shop I'd never noticed before. It looked like it was mostly antiques, but something about it caught my eye. I went inside to check it out and it turned out to be a magic shop!" Sara was unimpressed. "Magic shop? You came over here to show me your new card trick?" The blonde shook her head, still smiling. "No, not that kind of magic. REAL magic. The old man running the place sold me a magic potion that's supposed to make my fantasy come true!" "Nina..." Sara sighed heavily. "I can't believe you fell for that. How much did this guy con you out of?" "Oh, don't be a spoilsport. I promise, this is for real!" So saying, she pulled a small vial out of her pocket containing a glowing green liquid. "And I wanted to share it with you." Sara reached for the vial and frowned. "That looks dangerous! Like something that Homer Simpson would accidentally steal from the power plant! What is it supposed to be?" Nina grinned broadly. "It's an erotic shrinking potion! Like my old fantasies, remember? Better be careful, though!" She snatched the bottle back and read the warning on the side, tracing the small print with her right index finger. "Extra potent... can cause disappearance! Also contains aphrodisiac!" Sara began to worry. "I don't know, Nina - It really looks a little scary. Uh, maybe a rain check? I mean, I like your shrinking fantasy too, but I still have housework to catch up on!" Nina sauntered up closer to Sara, waving the vial back and forth in her face. Sara followed the swaying bottle with her eyes, as Nina suddenly plunged the vial right into Sara's cleavage, and giggled. Sara looked down at her boobs, feeling a chill from the cold vial, as Nina squeezed her boobs together. "Oh, it's ...chilly. Uh, what a temptation this potion would be, but - I do have more work -" Sara said, tying to end the silliness. "As tempting as where it's sitting," said Nina, biting her lip and pointing at Sara's chest. Nina leaned in to peck Sara's neck and then nibble her earlobe. "MMmm" Sara responded, moaning and tilting her head, giving Nina more access. Pressing her body closer to Nina, Sara found her breasts were squeezing against Nina's. Nina felt her boobs squishing against Sara's, and also felt the vial pressing against her, as well. She pulled away for a second and looked into the dark-haired beauty's eyes. Both stood about 5'9", so Nina could look straight into Sara's eyes as she smiled wryly and said, "You know, if the vial breaks now, we both will get...veeeery small..." she said, drawing out the words for emphasis. "Better be careful not to uncork it by accident!" Sara felt unsure. "Uh, yes, we better be careful." Then she felt Nina pressing herself even harder against her. "Oh, Gawd, Nina, I love your imagination, but, now that you've gotten me a little...wet, maybe I should get back to - " "Really, Sara, you're that excited over this?" Nina smiled. "May I check that?' She deftly slid her right hand into Sara's panties and caressed Sara's moistening folds with her index finger. She looked back into Sara's eyes and grinned. "Do you want me to stop?" She wiggled her fingertip for emphasis. Sara moaned, "MMM Damn, Nina! I don't want you to but I really have so much to do - " Suddenly, Nina leaned in and bit the cork lightly with her teeth. "Hey! Be careful! " Sara warned, finding herself getting more and more excited by the danger, as Nina gazed up into her eyes. Nina's grin grew as she pulled the cork off with her teeth and let it drop the floor. Sara's eyes grew wide, as she trembled with fear and anticipation. "Yes," Nina said, "now you really better be careful or...you may go subatomic!" Then she poked Sara in the ribs. "I'm such a naughty girl." Sara bit her lip, trying not to giggle or shake. "Hey, uh, maybe you should fetch that cork and - " Nina cut off her train of thought by rubbing a finger against Sara's hardening left nipple through her top and then leaning in to lick Sara's chest. "Imagine, Sara, you getting smaller and smaller! My tongue would become so huge!" Sara closed her eyes, trying not to move, but feeling a growing warmth and moisture between her legs, her excitement rising. Nina continued, "All you have to do is let a couple of drops slip onto your skin." She grinned wickedly. "Hey, aren't you tired of standing? Don't you want to lie down?" "But - but - it would spill all over my boobs!" Sara responded. "Uhuh, " Nina agreed, as she roughly pushed Sara to the nearest wall hard, causing Sara's pictures to shake and almost fall to the floor. Then she grabbed Sara's hands and held them above her head. "Wha- what are you doing to me?" Sara asked meekly. Nina just replied, "Sara, baby, you're absolutely in my control. You've got to do what I say or that potion will spill!" Nina tilted her head, closed her eyes, and pressed her lips to the dark haied girl's and gave her a long wet kiss, as she rubbed her body against her captive. Then she lifted her leg and rubbed it against Sara's thigh, moving upwards. When she opened her eyes, she observed a couple of drops on the flask's neck, running down the side, and a small dark spot on Sara's top. Sara just moaned, "Oh, Nina! You're so sexy - you're giving me tingles!" Nina giggled, rubbing her body harder against Sara's as she started to kiss her collarbone. Sara responded by moaning lightly and grinding her crotch against Nina's leg. Nina then felt something wet against her chest and smiled. "Mmm, you're also making me tingle!" Suddenly she let Sara go, plucked the vial from her chest and brought it to her lips. Sara just stared in amazement as Nina sipped some potion and then leaned to kiss her again, sharing the potion with her shrinking friend. Sara's eyes widened again as she realized what Nina was doing, but she let the the potion trickle down her throat, feeling increasing tingles and warmth run through her body. Swallowing a larger amount, Nina shrank quickly for a moment as she rubbed her hands up and down her own curvy body, watching Sara appear to grow larger. Nina's shirt loosened. She looked down and observed, "My bra - my breasts don't fill the cups any more!" Sara enjoyed her short-lived height advantage, reaching into Nina's loose top to lightly massage her right breast as Nina gasped and moaned approval. Nina's head sank lower and lower into her shirt, the collar revealing more of her bare skin and more of her cleavage. Sara exclaimed, "Mmm, oh yeah, lots of room there!" Grabbing Sara's hand and pressing it harder against her shrinking breast, Nina gasped and threw her head back. "Ung! And it feels so good!" She stared way up at her taller-but-shrinking friend. "You're so huge. Ung! Why does it make me so... wet? Yikes... even my voice. It's so high! " Nina giggled. Sara laughed at her shrinking friend, but suddenly found her clothes getting loose faster too. Her jean shorts fell to the floor and her sleeves were slinking down her arms, about to cover her palms. She looked down at her friend and reached to massage both of Nina's shrinking breasts gently, rolling her thumbs over the hard shrinking nipples. Nina noticed the vial was still in her hand, and felt like it was slowly growing. She offered it up to Sara, as the taller girl was rambling on. "Oh, wow, what a nice show we're giving, baby, and, yes, your voice is so kewt..." Sara stopped and gazed at the offered vial, grabbed it, and looked down at her friend. Then she smiled, brought the potion to her lips, and drank a large gulp of it. Nina's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw how much Sara had swallowed. Then she looked around and saw she herself was still shrinking and getting very small. Nina noticed her socks were loosening, wrinkling around her ankles, her panties were dropping to the floor, and her bra was so large it was dangling to her knees. "I'm so tiny!" Then she looked back to Sara and saw she was shrinking fast. Whether it was the potion or her excitement at living out her fantasies with the woman she crushed on, Nina couldn't help but slip a finger into her own moist womanhood as she saw Sara collapse into herself. "Oh, Sara, you drank so much! I can't imagine how small you're going to get..." Sara smacked her lips at the the lovely taste. "Mmm, tastes so good. Like mint raspberry. Oh ,wow! The vial is growing so fast!" She felt it expanding in her hands. She looked around and tried to place the vial on the three-foot side table, but it was now almost as tall as her head--and still growing. Nina giggled, "Down you go!" As a wave of erotic shrinking tingles overwhelmed her, she struggled to place the potion on the table, but now it appeared to be over her head and getting higher; finally, she put it on the ground (with some difficulty as the vial kept stretching bigger in her hand). A few drops splattered under the table. Nina began to moan loudly, fingering herself harder as she stepped closer to the black-haired Sara, who was descending to Nina's height quickly and soon found herself shrinking even smaller. Sara stared at Nina "growing." Their eyes met for a second, then Nina seemed to be getting taller. For a second, Sara thought Nina was starting to regain her height, but then remembered how much potion she had swallowed. She squealed as she noticed her purple panties had puddled at her feet and her body was about to slide through the neck of her top. Her bra had also given up and was sliding down her miniscule body. "Oh Gawd! What have I done," she squeaked. Nina smiled and whispered, "You've gone smaller than a foot and a half," as she leaned to kiss Sara, her tongue slipping into Sara's mouth and teasing Sara's tongue. Sara slid her bare knee up Nina's leg and scratched her nails down Nina's back as she grew smaller. She squeezed Nina's shrinking ass, which now felt like it was growing in her hands since Nina was shrinking at a slower rate. Sara almost gagged as Nina's tongue expanded in her mouth. Nina withdrew from her kiss. Sara was getting so small now. They both were. She glanced around and noticed their pile of clothes were starting to look like a hill on the way to being a mountain. "We're getting so tiny, and you're lower than my breasts!" Nina gasped. Nina bit Sara's lower lip carefully and sucked at it, feeling it getting smaller. Sara found herself completely turned on by feeling smaller and helpless and controlled. Not to mention the aphrodisiac in the potion. She couldn't help but reach and cup Nina's growing breasts; Nina responded by grabbing Sara's hair and pulling it to reach her neck and nibble. Sara circled her tongue around Nina's left areola and then bit her "growing" nipple lightly, before taking a long drawn out suck, pulling the nipple out and releasing with a slight pop. Nina slid a fingertip up Sara's right inner thigh teasingly. Then she slid two fingers between Sara's pussy lips, seperating her folds. As she moved them deeper inside, Sara threw her head back and moaned. She bit her lip, feeling Nina's fingers growing larger inside her. Feeling Sara getting smaller, Nina pulled Sara to the floor, wondering why it felt so soft and spongy. In a moment, Nina realized with an excited shudder that they weren't on the bare floor--they were now resting in a cup of Nina's bra. More to come. I mean more to cum as there will be less. I mean - well, you know. haha
- Last edited by OhZone; 01-09-2014 at 06:28 PM. |
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#2 |
ham sandwich
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 430
Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
Great work Ohz!!!! I can't wait for the next part.
Shrinking, the cause of and solution to all life's problems. Wanna RP? Shot me a PM ![]() |
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#3 |
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
Oh, thanks! That means a lot coming from you! The RP got a little broken up around there with Reality But I know where I want to the story to go.
It will go micro! Dustbunnies will be involved! haha
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#4 |
Purveyor of Porn
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
I'm proud of you, Oz. Not everyone can get up the nerve to put their writing out there. And, especially for a first story, this is very hot. You've got such a wicked imagination, little one.
Tace atque abi. Plenus stercoris est. Editor/Writer, Shrink Fan and Transform Fan Check out Interweb Comics on Twitter or Instagram for all kinds of fun, sexy stuff covering multiple fetishes! Cezar's Comix - New 11/15! http://www.e-junkie.com/cezarscomix My eBooks at amzn.to/1CDS22w or bit.ly/1BZqaCp Quidquid Latine dictum altum videtur. My DeviantArt. Full list of my stories here. How I feel when certain users post anything. |
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#5 |
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
mMmmmmm Thank you.
I have a lot more up my huge, over sized sleeve too!
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#6 |
Tieing a Knot Or two
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
I love how this is cumming together ozzie!
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#7 |
Process Fan
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 32
Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
What can I say: Hot as fuck!
![]() Nicely written, great and fast start, this is a great shrinking story, pure fun. Maybe you could have taken a tiny bit more time after the first drops were poured, a slightly slower begin of the shrinking. But hey, well done. Looking forward to more of your writing ![]() |
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#8 | |
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
OHYEAH! Also, my next RP adaptation will be have a little more build up.
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#9 |
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
Anyone want a tease from the beginning of part two?
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#10 |
ham sandwich
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 430
Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
Yes please. With a cherry and a shrinking potion on top
Shrinking, the cause of and solution to all life's problems. Wanna RP? Shot me a PM ![]() |
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#11 |
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
A little Housework - Part Two - WIP! (work in progress)
--------------------------------------------- Oh-k, so here's my thoughts --- We start here ------> ================================================== = "Wow, Nina, this is the biggest bed I ever saw!" Sara declared drowsily, still cuddling in Nina's arms after their orgasmic afternoon break. She played with Nina's blonde hair, twirling a lock lazily. "Um, it's not a bed dear," Nina smiled and leaned her head into Sara's pettings. Sara noticed it stretched out for what seemed like twenty feet in all directions. "Wha- a couch then?" "No, hun. It's a cup of my bra." "Oh my God! We- we're THAT small?" Sara chocked. "Whe- when does it wear off?" "Who said anything about it wearing off, baby?" Nina smiled. "But doesn't the potion say anything about that?" "I don't know. Why don't you check it?" Nina said, as Sara quickly wriggled out of her arms and started crawling to the edges of the bra, on all fours, flashing Nina a nice view of her ass and pussy from behind. Nina moaned from the view. "I love being a lesbian in lust," she growled to herself. Sara jumped off the edge of the huge bra. Sara whirled around, gazing up, mouth open. Her living room seemed the size of a small city. "Nina, " she "screamed" in a tiny squeek of a voice. "We must be an inch tall!" Nina hopped out of the bra and followed Sara "Yup! That sounds about right." Sara saw the potion bottle and marched over to it. It was under her three foot tall side table, which now seemed the size of an office building. The bottle now was taller than they were. The "large" writing on side, said, "wears off eventually." "eventually." "EVENTUALLY?" "Oh God, Nina! How long is "eventually"" "I dunno." "And look at all this dust!" Sara declared, kicking a dustbunny that was about the size of a real rabbit to her or maybe larger. "How will I ever finish my housework, while I'm this small?" Then Sara noticed something weird about the dust bunny. It seemed to be getting bigger. It rose from the level of her ankle to her knee and kept getting bigger. Sara also noticed her left foot seemed to be wet. She looked down and saw she had stepped in a puddle. A puddle that was a drop of the potion, spilled earlier! Again, Sara felt an orgasmic tingle running through her body! "OH GAWD! Help Nina! It's happening again!" +++++++++++++++ You like?
- Last edited by OhZone; 01-14-2014 at 08:47 PM. |
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#12 |
The King of Swing
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Re: A Little Housework Pt1 MY FIRST STORY! OHYEAH!
Oh yeah!
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